set( "module_comments", array( "notify_site_contact" => false, "notify_post_author" => false, "default_comment_status" => Comment::STATUS_DENIED, "allowed_comment_html" => array( "a", "blockquote", "code", "em", "li", "ol", "pre", "strong", "ul" ), "comments_per_page" => 25, "enable_reload_comments" => false, "auto_reload_comments" => 30 ) ); Group::add_permission("add_comment", "Add Comments"); Group::add_permission("add_comment_private", "Add Comments to Private Posts"); Group::add_permission("edit_comment", "Edit Comments"); Group::add_permission("edit_own_comment", "Edit Own Comments"); Group::add_permission("delete_comment", "Delete Comments"); Group::add_permission("delete_own_comment", "Delete Own Comments"); Group::add_permission("code_in_comments", "Use HTML in Comments"); Route::current()->add("comment/(id)/", "comment"); } public static function __uninstall( $confirm ): void { if ($confirm) Comment::uninstall(); Config::current()->remove("module_comments"); Group::remove_permission("add_comment"); Group::remove_permission("add_comment_private"); Group::remove_permission("edit_comment"); Group::remove_permission("edit_own_comment"); Group::remove_permission("delete_comment"); Group::remove_permission("delete_own_comment"); Group::remove_permission("code_in_comments"); Route::current()->remove("comment/(id)/"); } public function user_logged_in( $user ): void { unset($_SESSION['commenter']); $_SESSION['comments'] = array(); } public function user( $user ): void { $user->has_many[] = "comments"; } public function post( $post ): void { $post->has_many[] = "comments"; } public function list_permissions( $names = array() ): array { $names["add_comment"] = __("Add Comments", "comments"); $names["add_comment_private"] = __("Add Comments to Private Posts", "comments"); $names["edit_comment"] = __("Edit Comments", "comments"); $names["edit_own_comment"] = __("Edit Own Comments", "comments"); $names["delete_comment"] = __("Delete Comments", "comments"); $names["delete_own_comment"] = __("Delete Own Comments", "comments"); $names["code_in_comments"] = __("Use HTML in Comments", "comments"); return $names; } public function main_comment( $main ): bool { if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) Flash::warning( __("Please enter an ID to find a comment.", "comments"), "/" ); $comment = new Comment($_GET['id']); if ($comment->no_results) return false; if ($comment->post->no_results) return false; redirect($comment->post->url()."#comment_".$comment->id); } public function main_most_comments( $main ): void { $posts = Post::find(array("placeholders" => true)); usort($posts[0], function ($a, $b) { $count_a = $this->get_post_comment_count($a["id"]); $count_b = $this->get_post_comment_count($b["id"]); if ($count_a == $count_b) return 0; return ($count_a > $count_b) ? -1 : 1 ; }); $main->display( array("pages".DIR."most_comments", "pages".DIR."index"), array("posts" => new Paginator($posts, $main->post_limit)), __("Most commented on posts", "comments") ); } public function parse_urls( $urls ): array { $urls['|/comment/([0-9]+)/|'] = '/?action=comment&id=$1'; return $urls; } private function add_comment( ): array { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['post_id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['post_id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to add a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $post = new Post( $_POST['post_id'], array("drafts" => true) ); if ($post->no_results) show_404(__("Not Found"), __("Post not found.")); if (!Comment::creatable($post)) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You cannot comment on this post.", "comments") ); if (empty($_POST['body'])) return array( false, __("Message can't be blank.", "comments") ); if (empty($_POST['author'])) return array( false, __("Author can't be blank.", "comments") ); if (empty($_POST['author_email'])) return array( false, __("Email address can't be blank.", "comments") ); if (!is_email($_POST['author_email'])) return array( false, __("Invalid email address.", "comments") ); if (!empty($_POST['author_url']) and !is_url($_POST['author_url'])) return array( false, __("Invalid website URL.", "comments") ); if (!empty($_POST['author_url'])) $_POST['author_url'] = add_scheme($_POST['author_url']); if (!logged_in() and !check_captcha()) return array( false, __("Incorrect captcha response.", "comments") ); fallback($_POST['author_url'], ""); $parent = (int) fallback($_POST['parent_id'], 0); $notify = (!empty($_POST['notify']) and logged_in()); $comment = Comment::create( body:$_POST['body'], author:$_POST['author'], author_url:$_POST['author_url'], author_email:$_POST['author_email'], post:$post, parent:$parent, notify:$notify ); if (!logged_in()) { if (!empty($_POST['remember_me'])) { $_SESSION['commenter'] = array( "author" => $_POST['author'], "author_email" => $_POST['author_email'], "author_url" => $_POST['author_url'] ); } else { unset($_SESSION['commenter']); } } return array( true, ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_APPROVED) ? __("Comment added.", "comments") : __("Your comment is awaiting moderation.", "comments") ); } private function update_comment( ): array { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to update a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $comment = new Comment($_POST['id']); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); if (!$comment->editable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this comment.", "comments") ); fallback($_POST['created_at']); fallback($_POST['status'], $comment->status); fallback($_POST['author_email'], $comment->author_email); fallback($_POST['author_url'], $comment->author_url); if (empty($_POST['body'])) return array( false, __("Message can't be blank.", "comments") ); if (empty($_POST['author'])) return array( false, __("Author can't be blank.", "comments") ); if (empty($_POST['author_email']) and $_POST['status'] != Comment::STATUS_PINGBACK) return array( false, __("Email address can't be blank.", "comments") ); if (!empty($_POST['author_email']) and !is_email($_POST['author_email'])) return array( false, __("Invalid email address.", "comments") ); if (!empty($_POST['author_url']) and !is_url($_POST['author_url'])) return array( false, __("Invalid website URL.", "comments") ); if (!empty($_POST['author_url'])) $_POST['author_url'] = add_scheme($_POST['author_url']); $notify = (!empty($_POST['notify']) and logged_in()); $can_edit_comment = Visitor::current()->group->can("edit_comment"); $status = ($can_edit_comment) ? $_POST['status'] : $comment->status ; $created_at = ($can_edit_comment) ? datetime($_POST['created_at']) : $comment->created_at ; $comment = $comment->update( body:$_POST['body'], author:$_POST['author'], author_url:$_POST['author_url'], author_email:$_POST['author_email'], status:$status, notify:$notify, created_at:$created_at ); return array( true, __("Comment updated.", "comments") ); } public function admin_update_comment( ): never { list($success, $message) = $this->update_comment(); if (!$success) error( __("Error"), $message, code:422 ); Flash::notice( $message, "manage_comments" ); } public function ajax_add_comment( ): void { list($success, $message) = $this->add_comment(); json_response($message, $success); } public function ajax_update_comment( ): void { list($success, $message) = $this->update_comment(); json_response($message, $success); } public function admin_edit_comment( $admin ): void { if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to edit a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $comment = new Comment( $_GET['id'], array("filter" => false) ); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); if (!$comment->editable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this comment.", "comments") ); $admin->display( "pages".DIR."edit_comment", array("comment" => $comment) ); } public function admin_delete_comment( $admin ): void { if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to delete a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $comment = new Comment($_GET['id']); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); if (!$comment->deletable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this comment.", "comments") ); $admin->display( "pages".DIR."delete_comment", array("comment" => $comment) ); } public function admin_destroy_comment( ): never { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to delete a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); if (!isset($_POST['destroy']) or $_POST['destroy'] != "indubitably") redirect("manage_comments"); $comment = new Comment($_POST['id']); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); if (!$comment->deletable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this comment.", "comments") ); Comment::delete($comment->id); $redirect = ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_SPAM) ? "manage_spam" : "manage_comments" ; Flash::notice(__("Comment deleted.", "comments"), $redirect); } public function admin_manage_comments( $admin ): void { if (!Comment::any_editable() and !Comment::any_deletable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to manage any comments.", "comments") ); # Redirect searches to a clean URL or dirty GET depending on configuration. if (isset($_POST['query'])) redirect( "manage_comments/query/". str_ireplace( array("%2F", "%5C"), "%5F", urlencode($_POST['query']) ). "/" ); fallback($_GET['query'], ""); list($where, $params, $order) = keywords( $_GET['query'], "body LIKE :query", "comments" ); $where[] = "status != '".Comment::STATUS_SPAM."'"; fallback($order, "post_id DESC, created_at ASC"); $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!$visitor->group->can("edit_comment", "delete_comment", true)) $where["user_id"] = $visitor->id; $admin->display( "pages".DIR."manage_comments", array( "comments" => new Paginator( Comment::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params, "order" => $order ) ), $admin->post_limit ) ) ); } public function admin_manage_spam( $admin ): void { if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("edit_comment", "delete_comment", true)) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to manage any comments.", "comments") ); # Redirect searches to a clean URL or dirty GET depending on configuration. if (isset($_POST['query'])) redirect( "manage_spam/query/". str_ireplace( array("%2F", "%5C"), "%5F", urlencode($_POST['query']) ). "/" ); fallback($_GET['query'], ""); list($where, $params, $order) = keywords( $_GET['query'], "body LIKE :query", "comments" ); $where[] = "status = '".Comment::STATUS_SPAM."'"; fallback($order, "post_id DESC, created_at ASC"); $admin->display( "pages".DIR."manage_spam", array( "comments" => new Paginator( Comment::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params, "order" => $order ) ), $admin->post_limit ) ) ); } public function admin_bulk_comments( ): never { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (!isset($_POST['comment'])) Flash::warning( __("No comments selected."), "manage_comments" ); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $false_positives = array(); $false_negatives = array(); $comments = array_keys($_POST['comment']); switch (fallback($_POST['task'])) { case "delete": $count_delete = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment = new Comment( $comment, array("filter" => false) ); if (!$comment->deletable()) continue; Comment::delete($comment->id); $count_delete++; } if (!empty($count_delete)) Flash::notice( __("Selected comments deleted.", "comments") ); break; case "deny": $count_deny = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment = new Comment( $comment, array("filter" => false) ); if (!$comment->editable()) continue; if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_PINGBACK) continue; if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_SPAM) $false_positives[] = $comment; $comment->update( body:$comment->body, author:$comment->author, author_url:$comment->author_url, author_email:$comment->author_email, status:Comment::STATUS_DENIED ); $count_deny++; } if (!empty($count_deny)) Flash::notice( __("Selected comments denied.", "comments") ); break; case "approve": $count_approve = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment = new Comment( $comment, array("filter" => false) ); if (!$comment->editable()) continue; if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_PINGBACK) continue; if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_SPAM) $false_positives[] = $comment; $comment->update( body:$comment->body, author:$comment->author, author_url:$comment->author_url, author_email:$comment->author_email, status:Comment::STATUS_APPROVED ); $count_approve++; } if (!empty($count_approve)) Flash::notice( __("Selected comments approved.", "comments") ); break; case "spam": $count_spam = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment = new Comment( $comment, array("filter" => false) ); if (!$comment->editable()) continue; if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_PINGBACK) continue; $comment->update( body:$comment->body, author:$comment->author, author_url:$comment->author_url, author_email:$comment->author_email, status:Comment::STATUS_SPAM ); $count_spam++; $false_negatives[] = $comment; } if (!empty($count_spam)) Flash::notice( __("Selected comments marked as spam.", "comments") ); break; } if (!empty($false_positives)) $trigger->call("comments_false_positives", $false_positives); if (!empty($false_negatives)) $trigger->call("comments_false_negatives", $false_negatives); redirect("manage_comments"); } public function admin_comment_settings( $admin ): void { if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to change settings.") ); $config = Config::current(); $comments_html = implode( ", ", $config->module_comments["allowed_comment_html"] ); $comments_status = array( Comment::STATUS_APPROVED => __("Approved", "comments"), Comment::STATUS_DENIED => __("Denied", "comments"), Comment::STATUS_SPAM => __("Spam", "comments") ); if (empty($_POST)) { $admin->display( "pages".DIR."comment_settings", array( "comments_html" => $comments_html, "comments_status" => $comments_status ) ); return; } if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); fallback($_POST['default_comment_status'], Comment::STATUS_DENIED); fallback($_POST['allowed_comment_html'], ""); fallback($_POST['comments_per_page'], 25); fallback($_POST['auto_reload_comments'], 30); # Split at the comma. $allowed_comment_html = explode(",", $_POST['allowed_comment_html']); # Remove whitespace. $allowed_comment_html = array_map("trim", $allowed_comment_html); # Remove duplicates. $allowed_comment_html = array_unique($allowed_comment_html); # Remove empties. $allowed_comment_html = array_diff($allowed_comment_html, array("")); $config = Config::current(); $config->set( "module_comments", array( "notify_site_contact" => isset($_POST['notify_site_contact']), "notify_post_author" => isset($_POST['notify_post_author']), "default_comment_status" => $_POST['default_comment_status'], "allowed_comment_html" => $allowed_comment_html, "comments_per_page" => abs((int) $_POST['comments_per_page']), "enable_reload_comments" => isset($_POST['enable_reload_comments']), "auto_reload_comments" => (int) $_POST['auto_reload_comments'] ) ); Flash::notice( __("Settings updated."), "comment_settings" ); } public function admin_determine_action( $action ): ?string { if ( $action == "manage" and (Comment::any_editable() or Comment::any_deletable()) ) return "manage_comments"; return null; } public function settings_nav( $navs ): array { if (Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) $navs["comment_settings"] = array( "title" => __("Comments", "comments") ); return $navs; } public function manage_nav( $navs ): array { if (!Comment::any_editable() and !Comment::any_deletable()) return $navs; $sql = SQL::current(); $comment_count = $sql->count( "comments", array("status not" => Comment::STATUS_SPAM) ); $spam_count = $sql->count( "comments", array("status" => Comment::STATUS_SPAM) ); $navs["manage_comments"] = array( "title" => _f("Comments (%d)", $comment_count, "comments"), "selected" => array("edit_comment", "delete_comment") ); if (Visitor::current()->group->can("edit_comment", "delete_comment")) $navs["manage_spam"] = array( "title" => _f("Spam (%d)", $spam_count, "comments") ); return $navs; } public function manage_posts_column_header( ): string { return ''. __("Comments", "comments"). ''; } public function manage_posts_column( $post ): string { return 'id)). '">'. $post->comment_count. ''; } public function manage_users_column_header( ): string { return ''. __("Comments", "comments"). ''; } public function manage_users_column( $user ): string { return 'id)). '">'. $user->comment_count. ''; } public function ajax_reload_comments( ): void { if (empty($_POST['post_id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['post_id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to reload comments.", "comments"), code:400 ); $post = new Post( $_POST['post_id'], array("drafts" => true) ); if ($post->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); $last = (empty($_POST['last_comment'])) ? $post->created_at : $_POST['last_comment'] ; $text = _f("Comments added since %s", when("%c", $last, true), "comments"); $ids = array(); if ($post->latest_comment > $last) { $times = SQL::current()->select( tables:"comments", fields:array("id", "created_at"), conds:array( "post_id" => $post->id, "created_at >" => $last, Comment::redactions() ), order:array("created_at ASC") ); while ($row = $times->fetchObject()) { $ids[] = $row->id; $last = $row->created_at; } } json_response( $text, array("comment_ids" => $ids, "last_comment" => $last) ); } public function ajax_show_comment( ): void { if (empty($_POST['comment_id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['comment_id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to show a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $comment = new Comment($_POST['comment_id']); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); $main = MainController::current(); $main->display( "content".DIR."comment", array("comment" => $comment) ); } public function ajax_edit_comment( ): void { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['comment_id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['comment_id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to edit a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $comment = new Comment( $_POST['comment_id'], array("filter" => false) ); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); if (!$comment->editable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this comment.", "comments") ); $main = MainController::current(); $main->display( "forms".DIR."comment".DIR."edit", array("comment" => $comment) ); } public function ajax_destroy_comment( ): void { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to delete a comment.", "comments"), code:400 ); $comment = new Comment($_POST['id']); if ($comment->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Comment not found.", "comments") ); if (!$comment->deletable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this comment.", "comments") ); Comment::delete($comment->id); json_response( __("Comment deleted.", "comments"), true ); } public function links( $links ): array { $config = Config::current(); $route = Route::current(); $main = MainController::current(); if ($route->action == "view" and !empty($main->context["post"])) { $post = $main->context["post"]; if (!$post->no_results) { $feed_url = ($config->clean_urls) ? rtrim($post->url(), "/")."/feed/" : $post->url()."&feed" ; $text = oneof($post->title(), ucfirst($post->feather)); $title = _f("Comments on “%s”", $text, "comments"); $links[] = array( "href" => $feed_url, "type" => BlogFeed::type(), "title" => $title ); } } return $links; } public function main_view( ): bool { if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if ($_POST['action'] == "add_comment") { list($success, $message) = $this->add_comment(); $type = ($success) ? "notice" : "warning" ; Flash::$type($message); if ($success) { unset($_POST['body']); unset($_POST['author']); unset($_POST['author_email']); unset($_POST['author_url']); } } if ($_POST['action'] == "update_comment") { list($success, $message) = $this->update_comment(); $type = ($success) ? "notice" : "warning" ; Flash::$type($message); if ($success) { unset($_POST['body']); unset($_POST['author']); unset($_POST['author_email']); unset($_POST['author_url']); } } } else { if (!logged_in() and isset($_SESSION['commenter'])) { $commenter = $_SESSION['commenter']; $_POST['author'] = $commenter['author']; $_POST['author_email'] = $commenter['author_email']; $_POST['author_url'] = $commenter['author_url']; $_POST['remember_me'] = "on"; } } return false; } public function main_unsubscribe( $main ): never { fallback($_GET['email']); fallback($_GET['token']); if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); $post = new Post($_GET['id']); if ($post->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); if (!is_email($_GET['email'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid email address."), "/" ); $hash = token($_GET['email']); if (!hash_equals($hash, $_GET['token'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token."), "/" ); SQL::current()->update( table:"comments", conds:array( "post_id" => $post->id, "author_email" => $_GET['email'] ), data:array("notify" => false) ); Flash::notice( __("You have unsubscribed from the conversation.", "comments"), $post->url() ); } public function view_feed( $context ): void { $trigger = Trigger::current(); if (!isset($context["post"])) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); $post = $context["post"]; $comments = $post->comments; $latest_timestamp = 0; $text = oneof($post->title(), ucfirst($post->feather)); $title = _f("Comments on “%s”", $text, "comments"); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $created_at = strtotime($comment->created_at); if ($latest_timestamp < $created_at) $latest_timestamp = $created_at; } $feed = new BlogFeed(); $feed->open( title:$title, subtitle:Config::current()->description, updated:$latest_timestamp ); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $updated = ($comment->updated) ? $comment->updated_at : $comment->created_at ; $feed->entry( title:_f("Comment #%d", $comment->id, "comments"), id:url("comment/".$comment->id), content:$comment->body, link:$comment->post->url()."#comment_".$comment->id, published:$comment->created_at, updated:$updated, name:$comment->author, uri:$comment->author_url ); $trigger->call("comments_feed_item", $comment, $feed); } $feed->display(); } public function webmention( $post, $from, $to ): void { $count = SQL::current()->count( tables:"comments", conds:array( "post_id" => $post->id, "status" => Comment::STATUS_PINGBACK, "author_url" => $from ) ); if (!empty($count)) error( __("Error"), __("A ping from your URL is already registered.", "comments"), code:422 ); if (strlen($from) > 2048) error( __("Error"), __("Your URL is too long to be stored in our database.", "comments"), code:413 ); Comment::create( body:__("Mentioned this post.", "comments"), author:preg_replace("~(https?://|^)([^/:]+).*~", "$2", $from), author_url:$from, author_email:"", post:$post, parent:0, notify:false, status:Comment::STATUS_PINGBACK ); } public function javascript( ): void { $config = Config::current(); include MODULES_DIR.DIR."comments".DIR."javascript.php"; } public function post_options( $fields, $post = null ): array { $statuses = array( array( "name" => __("Open", "comments"), "value" => Comment::OPTION_OPEN, "selected" => isset($post) ? $post->comment_status == "open" : true ), array( "name" => __("Closed", "comments"), "value" => Comment::OPTION_CLOSED, "selected" => isset($post) ? $post->comment_status == "closed" : false ), array( "name" => __("Private", "comments"), "value" => Comment::OPTION_PRIVATE, "selected" => isset($post) ? $post->comment_status == "private" : false ), array( "name" => __("Registered Only", "comments"), "value" => Comment::OPTION_REG_ONLY, "selected" => isset($post) ? $post->comment_status == "registered_only" : false ) ); $fields[] = array( "attr" => "option[comment_status]", "label" => __("Comment Status", "comments"), "type" => "select", "options" => $statuses ); return $fields; } public function delete_post( $post ): void { SQL::current()->delete( table:"comments", conds:array("post_id" => $post->id) ); } public function delete_user( $user ): void { SQL::current()->update( table:"comments", conds:array("user_id" => $user->id), data:array("user_id" => 0) ); } private function get_post_comment_count( $post_id ): int { if (!isset($this->caches["post_comment_counts"])) { $counts = SQL::current()->select( tables:"comments", fields:array("COUNT(post_id) AS total", "post_id AS post_id"), conds:array(Comment::redactions()), group:"post_id" ); $this->caches["post_comment_counts"] = array(); foreach ($counts->fetchAll() as $count) { $id = $count["post_id"]; $total = (int) $count["total"]; $this->caches["post_comment_counts"][$id] = $total; } } return fallback($this->caches["post_comment_counts"][$post_id], 0); } public function post_comment_count_attr( $attr, $post ): int { if ($post->no_results) return 0; return $this->get_post_comment_count($post->id); } private function get_latest_comments( $post_id ): ?string { if (!isset($this->caches["latest_comments"])) { $times = SQL::current()->select( tables:"comments", fields:array("MAX(created_at) AS latest", "post_id"), conds:array(Comment::redactions()), group:"post_id" ); $this->caches["latest_comments"] = array(); foreach ($times->fetchAll() as $row) { $id = $row["post_id"]; $latest = $row["latest"]; $this->caches["latest_comments"][$id] = $latest; } } return fallback($this->caches["latest_comments"][$post_id], null); } public function post_latest_comment_attr( $attr, $post ): ?string { if ($post->no_results) return null; return $this->get_latest_comments($post->id); } private function get_user_comment_count( $user_id ): int { if (!isset($this->caches["user_comment_counts"])) { $this->caches["user_comment_counts"] = array(); $counts = SQL::current()->select( tables:"comments", fields:array("COUNT(user_id) AS total", "user_id as user_id"), conds:array(Comment::redactions()), group:"user_id" ); foreach ($counts->fetchAll() as $count) { $id = $count["user_id"]; $total = (int) $count["total"]; $this->caches["user_comment_counts"][$id] = $total; } } return fallback($this->caches["user_comment_counts"][$user_id], 0); } public function user_comment_count_attr( $attr, $user ): int { if ($user->no_results) return 0; return $this->get_user_comment_count($user->id); } public function visitor_comment_count_attr( $attr, $visitor ): int { return ($visitor->id == 0) ? count(fallback($_SESSION['comments'], array())) : $this->user_comment_count_attr($attr, $visitor) ; } public function post_commentable_attr( $attr, $post ): bool { if ($post->no_results) return false; return Comment::creatable($post); } public function import_chyrp_post( $entry, $post ): void { $chyrp = $entry->children(""); if (!isset($chyrp->comment)) return; foreach ($chyrp->comment as $comment) { $chyrp = $comment->children(""); $comment = $comment->children(""); $login = $comment->author->children( "" )->login; $user = new User( array("login" => unfix((string) $login)) ); $updated = ( (string) $comment->updated != (string) $comment->published ); Comment::add( body:unfix((string) $comment->content), author:unfix((string) $comment->author->name), author_url:unfix((string) $comment->author->uri), author_email:unfix((string) $comment->author->email), ip:0, agent:"", status:unfix((string) $chyrp->status), post_id:$post->id, user_id:(!$user->no_results) ? $user->id : 0, parent:0, notify:false, created_at:datetime((string) $comment->published), updated_at:($updated) ? datetime((string) $comment->updated) : null ); } } public function posts_export( $atom, $post ): string { $comments = Comment::find( array("where" => array("post_id" => $post->id)), array("filter" => false) ); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $updated = ($comment->updated) ? $comment->updated_at : $comment->created_at ; $atom.= ''."\n". ''. when(DATE_ATOM, $updated). ''."\n". ''. when(DATE_ATOM, $comment->created_at). ''."\n". ''. fix($comment->etag(), false, true). ''."\n". ''."\n". ''. fix($comment->author, false, true). ''."\n". ''. fix($comment->author_url, false, true). ''."\n". ''. fix($comment->author_email, false, true). ''."\n". ''. ($comment->user->no_results ? "" : fix($comment->user->login, false, true) ). ''."\n". ''."\n". ''. fix($comment->body, false, true). ''."\n". ''. fix($comment->status, false, true). ''."\n". ''."\n"; } return $atom; } public static function email_site_new_comment( $comment ): bool { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $mailto = $config->email; if ($trigger->exists("correspond_site_new_comment")) return $trigger->call("correspond_site_new_comment", $comment); $headers = array( "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "From" => $config->email, "X-Mailer" => CHYRP_IDENTITY ); $subject = _f("New Comment at %s", $config->name, "comments"); $message = _f("%s commented on a blog post:", $comment->author, "comments"). "\r\n". unfix($comment->url()). "\r\n". "\r\n". truncate(strip_tags($comment->body), 998); return email($mailto, $subject, $message, $headers); } public static function email_user_new_comment( $comment, $user ): bool { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $mailto = $user->email; if ($trigger->exists("correspond_user_new_comment")) return $trigger->call("correspond_user_new_comment", $comment, $user); $headers = array( "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "From" => $config->email, "X-Mailer" => CHYRP_IDENTITY ); $subject = _f("New Comment at %s", $config->name, "comments"); $message = _f("%s commented on a blog post:", $comment->author, "comments"). "\r\n". unfix($comment->url()). "\r\n". "\r\n". truncate(strip_tags($comment->body), 998); return email($mailto, $subject, $message, $headers); } public static function email_peer_new_comment( $comment, $peer ): bool { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $mailto = $peer->author_email; $url = $config->url."/?action=unsubscribe". "&email=".urlencode($mailto). "&id=".$comment->post_id. "&token=".token($mailto); if ($trigger->exists("correspond_peer_new_comment")) return $trigger->call("correspond_peer_new_comment", $comment, $peer, $url); $headers = array( "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "From" => $config->email, "X-Mailer" => CHYRP_IDENTITY ); $subject = _f("New Comment at %s", $config->name, "comments"); $message = _f("%s commented on a blog post:", $comment->author, "comments"). "\r\n". unfix($comment->url()). "\r\n". "\r\n". truncate(strip_tags($comment->body), 998). "\r\n". "\r\n". __("Unsubscribe from this conversation:", "comments"). "\r\n". unfix($url); return email($mailto, $subject, $message, $headers); } }