*/ class Comment extends Model { const STATUS_APPROVED = "approved"; const STATUS_DENIED = "denied"; const STATUS_SPAM = "spam"; const STATUS_PINGBACK = "pingback"; const OPTION_OPEN = "open"; const OPTION_CLOSED = "closed"; const OPTION_PRIVATE = "private"; const OPTION_REG_ONLY = "registered_only"; public $belongs_to = array("post", "user", "parent" => array("model" => "comment")); public $has_many = array("children" => array("model" => "comment", "by" => "parent")); /** * Function: __construct * * See Also: * */ public function __construct( $comment_id, $options = array() ) { $skip_where = ( ADMIN or (isset($options["skip_where"]) and $options["skip_where"]) ); if (!$skip_where) $options["where"][] = self::redactions(); parent::grab($this, $comment_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) return; $this->filtered = !isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]; Trigger::current()->filter($this, "comment"); if ($this->filtered) $this->filter(); } /** * Function: find * * See Also: * */ public static function find( $options = array(), $options_for_object = array() ): array { $skip_where = ( ADMIN or (isset($options["skip_where"]) and $options["skip_where"]) ); if (!$skip_where) $options["where"][] = self::redactions(); fallback($options["order"], "created_at ASC"); return parent::search( self::class, $options, $options_for_object ); } /** * Function: create * Attempts to create a new comment that will be attributed to the current visitor. * * Parameters: * $body - The comment. * $author - The name of the commenter. * $author_url - The commenter's website. * $author_email - The commenter's email. * $post - The they're commenting on. * $parent - The id of the they're replying to. * $notify - Send correspondence if additional comments are added? * $status - A string describing the comment status (optional). */ public static function create( $body, $author, $author_url, $author_email, $post, $parent, $notify, $status = null ): self { $config = Config::current(); $visitor = Visitor::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $values = array( "body" => $body, "author" => $author, "author_url" => $author_url, "author_email" => $author_email ); fallback($_SESSION['comments'], array()); fallback($status, ($post->user_id == $visitor->id) ? self::STATUS_APPROVED : $config->module_comments["default_comment_status"] ); $spam = ($status == self::STATUS_SPAM); $trigger->filter($spam, "comment_is_spam", $values); $agent = ""; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SEC_CH_UA'])) $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_SEC_CH_UA']; if ($spam) $status = self::STATUS_SPAM; if (!logged_in() or !$config->email_correspondence) $notify = false; $comment = self::add( body:$body, author:$author, author_url:$author_url, author_email:$author_email, ip:crc24($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), agent:$agent, status:$status, post_id:$post->id, user_id:$visitor->id, parent:$parent, notify:$notify ); $_SESSION['comments'][] = $comment->id; return $comment; } /** * Function: add * Adds a comment to the database. * * Parameters: * $body - The comment. * $author - The name of the commenter. * $author_url - The commenter's website. * $author_email - The commenter's email. * $ip - Hash value of the commenter's IP address. * $agent - The commenter's user agent. * $status - The new comment's status. * $post_id - The ID of the they're commenting on. * $user_id - The ID of the this comment was made by. * $parent - The they're replying to. * $notify - Notification on follow-up comments. * $created_at - The new comment's @created_at@ timestamp. * $updated_at - The new comment's @updated_at@ timestamp. * * Returns: * The newly created . * * See Also: * */ public static function add( $body, $author, $author_url, $author_email, $ip, $agent, $status, $post_id, $user_id, $parent = null, $notify = null, $created_at = null, $updated_at = null ): self { $sql = SQL::current(); $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $sql->insert( table:"comments", data:array( "body" => $body, "author" => sanitize_db_string($author, 250), "author_url" => sanitize_db_string($author_url, 2048), "author_email" => sanitize_db_string($author_email, 128), "author_ip" => $ip, "author_agent" => $agent, "status" => $status, "post_id" => $post_id, "user_id" => $user_id, "parent_id" => fallback($parent, 0), "notify" => fallback($notify, false), "created_at" => fallback($created_at, datetime()), "updated_at" => fallback($updated_at, SQL_DATETIME_ZERO) ) ); $comment = new self( $sql->latest("comments"), array("skip_where" => true) ); # Notify site contact, post author, and commenters of a new comment. if ( $config->email_correspondence and $comment->status != self::STATUS_PINGBACK ) { $done = array($comment->author_email); if ($config->module_comments["notify_site_contact"]) { if (!in_array($config->email, $done)) { Modules::$instances["comments"]::email_site_new_comment( $comment ); $done[] = $config->email; } } if ($config->module_comments["notify_post_author"]) { $post = new Post( $comment->post_id, array("skip_where" => true) ); if ( !$post->no_results and !$post->user->no_results and !in_array($post->user->email, $done) ) { Modules::$instances["comments"]::email_user_new_comment( $comment, $comment->post->user ); $done[] = $comment->post->user->email; } } if ($comment->status == self::STATUS_APPROVED) { $peers = self::find( array( "skip_where" => true, "where" => array( "post_id" => $comment->post_id, "user_id !=" => $comment->user_id, "status" => self::STATUS_APPROVED, "notify" => true ) ) ); foreach ($peers as $peer) { if (!in_array($peer->author_email, $done)) { Modules::$instances["comments"]::email_peer_new_comment( $comment, $peer ); $done[] = $peer->author_email; } } } } $trigger->call("add_comment", $comment); return $comment; } /** * Function: update * Updates a comment with the given attributes. * * Parameters: * $body - The comment. * $author - The name of the commenter. * $author_url - The commenter's website. * $author_email - The commenter's email. * $status - The comment's status. * $notify - Notification on follow-up comments. * $created_at - New @created_at@ timestamp for the comment. * $updated_at - New @updated_at@ timestamp for the comment. * * Returns: * The updated . */ public function update( $body, $author, $author_url, $author_email, $status = null, $notify = null, $created_at = null, $updated_at = null ): self|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; if ($this->status == self::STATUS_PINGBACK) $status = $this->status; $sql = SQL::current(); $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $new_values = array( "body" => $body, "author" => sanitize_db_string($author, 250), "author_url" => sanitize_db_string($author_url, 2048), "author_email" => sanitize_db_string($author_email, 128), "status" => fallback($status, $this->status), "notify" => fallback($notify, $this->notify), "created_at" => fallback($created_at, $this->created_at), "updated_at" => fallback($updated_at, datetime()) ); $sql->update( table:"comments", conds:array("id" => $this->id), data:$new_values ); $comment = new self( null, array( "read_from" => array_merge( $new_values, array( "id" => $this->id, "author_ip" => $this->author_ip, "author_agent" => $this->author_agent, "post_id" => $this->post_id, "user_id" => $this->user_id, "parent_id" => $this->parent_id ) ) ) ); # Notify commenters of a newly approved comment. if ( $config->email_correspondence and $this->status != self::STATUS_APPROVED and $comment->status == self::STATUS_APPROVED ) { $done = array($comment->author_email); $peers = self::find( array( "skip_where" => true, "where" => array( "post_id" => $comment->post_id, "user_id !=" => $comment->user_id, "status" => self::STATUS_APPROVED, "notify" => true ) ) ); foreach ($peers as $peer) { if (!in_array($peer->author_email, $done)) { Modules::$instances["comments"]::email_peer_new_comment( $comment, $peer ); $done[] = $peer->author_email; } } } $trigger->call("update_comment", $comment, $this); return $comment; } /** * Function: delete * Deletes a comment from the database. * * See Also: * */ public static function delete( $comment_id ): void { parent::destroy( self::class, $comment_id, array("skip_where" => true) ); } /** * Function: editable * Checks if the can edit the comment. */ public function editable( $user = null ): bool { if ($this->no_results) return false; fallback($user, Visitor::current()); return ( $user->group->can("edit_comment") or ( logged_in() and $user->group->can("edit_own_comment") and $user->id == $this->user_id ) ); } /** * Function: deletable * Checks if the can delete the comment. */ public function deletable( $user = null ): bool { if ($this->no_results) return false; fallback($user, Visitor::current()); return ( $user->group->can("delete_comment") or ( logged_in() and $user->group->can("delete_own_comment") and $user->id == $this->user_id ) ); } /** * Function: any_editable * Checks if the can edit any comments. */ public static function any_editable( ): bool { $visitor = Visitor::current(); # Can they edit comments? if ($visitor->group->can("edit_comment")) return true; # Can they edit their own comments, and do they have any? if ( $visitor->group->can("edit_own_comment") and SQL::current()->count( tables:"comments", conds:array("user_id" => $visitor->id) ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Function: any_deletable * Checks if the can delete any comments. */ public static function any_deletable( ): bool { $visitor = Visitor::current(); # Can they delete comments? if ($visitor->group->can("delete_comment")) return true; # Can they delete their own comments, and do they have any? if ( $visitor->group->can("delete_own_comment") and SQL::current()->count( tables:"comments", conds:array("user_id" => $visitor->id) ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Function: creatable * Checks if the can comment on a post. */ public static function creatable( $post ): bool { $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!$visitor->group->can("add_comment")) return false; # Assume allowed comments by default. return ( empty($post->comment_status) or !( $post->comment_status == self::OPTION_CLOSED or ( $post->comment_status == self::OPTION_REG_ONLY and !logged_in() ) or ( $post->comment_status == self::OPTION_PRIVATE and !$visitor->group->can("add_comment_private") ) ) ); } /** * Function: redactions * Returns a SQL query "chunk" that hides some comments from the . */ public static function redactions( ): string { $user_id = (int) Visitor::current()->id; $id_list = "(0)"; if (!logged_in() and !empty($_SESSION['comments'])) $id_list = QueryBuilder::build_list( SQL::current(), $_SESSION['comments'] ); return "(". "status != '".self::STATUS_SPAM."'". " AND ". "status != '".self::STATUS_DENIED."'". ")". " OR ". "(". "(user_id != 0 AND user_id = ".$user_id.")". " OR ". "(id IN ".$id_list.")". ")"; } /** * Function: url * Returns a comment's URL. */ public function url( ): string|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; return url( "comment/".$this->id, MainController::current() ); } /** * Function: author_link * Returns the commenter's name enclosed in a hyperlink to their website. */ public function author_link( ): string|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; if (empty($this->author)) return __("Anon", "comments"); return is_url($this->author_url) ? ''. $this->author. '' : $this->author ; } /** * Function: filter * Filters the comment through filter_comment and markup filters. */ private function filter( ): void { $trigger = Trigger::current(); $trigger->filter($this, "filter_comment"); $this->body_unfiltered = $this->body; $trigger->filter($this->body, array("markup_comment_text", "markup_text"), $this); $config = Config::current(); $group = (!empty($this->user_id) and !$this->user->no_results) ? $this->user->group : new Group($config->guest_group) ; $allowed_basic_html = array("br", "p"); $allowed_extra_html = array_merge( $allowed_basic_html, $config->module_comments["allowed_comment_html"] ); $this->body = strip_tags( $this->body, $group->can("code_in_comments") ? $allowed_extra_html : $allowed_basic_html ); $this->body = sanitize_html($this->body); } /** * Function: install * Creates the database table. */ public static function install( ): void { SQL::current()->create( table:"comments", cols:array( "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT", "body LONGTEXT", "author VARCHAR(250) DEFAULT ''", "author_url VARCHAR(2048) DEFAULT ''", "author_email VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT ''", "author_ip INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "author_agent VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ''", "status VARCHAR(32) default '".self::STATUS_DENIED."'", "post_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "user_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "parent_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "notify BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE", "created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL", "updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL" ) ); } /** * Function: uninstall * Drops the database table. */ public static function uninstall( ): void { $sql = SQL::current(); $sql->drop("comments"); $sql->delete( table:"post_attributes", conds:array("name" => "comment_status") ); } }