set( "module_likes", array( "show_on_index" => true, "like_with_text" => false, "like_image" => "pink.svg" ) ); } public static function __uninstall( $confirm ): void { if ($confirm) Like::uninstall(); Group::remove_permission("like_post"); Group::remove_permission("unlike_post"); Config::current()->remove("module_likes"); } public function user_logged_in( $user ): void { $_SESSION['likes'] = array(); } public function user( $user ): void { $user->has_many[] = "likes"; } public function post( $post ): void { $post->has_many[] = "likes"; } public function list_permissions( $names = array() ): array { $names["like_post"] = __("Like Posts", "likes"); $names["unlike_post"] = __("Unlike Posts", "likes"); return $names; } public function admin_like_settings( $admin ): void { $config = Config::current(); if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to change settings.") ); if (empty($_POST)) { $admin->display( "pages".DIR."like_settings", array("like_images" => $this->list_images()) ); return; } if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); fallback($_POST['like_image'], "pink.svg"); $config->set( "module_likes", array( "show_on_index" => isset($_POST['show_on_index']), "like_with_text" => isset($_POST['like_with_text']), "like_image" => $_POST['like_image'] ) ); Flash::notice( __("Settings updated."), "like_settings" ); } public function settings_nav( $navs ): array { if (Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) $navs["like_settings"] = array( "title" => __("Likes", "likes") ); return $navs; } public function main_most_likes( $main ): void { $posts = Post::find(array("placeholders" => true)); usort($posts[0], function ($a, $b) { $count_a = $this->get_post_like_count($a["id"]); $count_b = $this->get_post_like_count($b["id"]); if ($count_a == $count_b) return 0; return ($count_a > $count_b) ? -1 : 1 ; }); $main->display( array("pages".DIR."most_likes", "pages".DIR."index"), array("posts" => new Paginator($posts, $main->post_limit)), __("Most liked posts", "likes") ); } public function main_like( ): never { if (empty($_GET['post_id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['post_id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to like a post.", "likes"), code:400 ); if (BOT_UA or !Visitor::current()->group->can("like_post")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to like posts.", "likes") ); $post = new Post($_GET['post_id']); if ($post->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); Like::create($post->id); Flash::notice( __("Post liked.", "likes"), $post->url()."#likes_".$post->id ); } public function main_unlike( ): never { if (empty($_GET['post_id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['post_id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to unlike a post.", "likes"), code:400 ); if (BOT_UA or !Visitor::current()->group->can("unlike_post")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to unlike posts.", "likes") ); $post = new Post($_GET['post_id']); if ($post->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); Like::remove($post->id); Flash::notice( __("Post unliked.", "likes"), $post->url()."#likes_".$post->id ); } public function ajax_like( ): void { if (empty($_POST['post_id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['post_id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to like a post.", "likes"), code:400 ); # JavaScript can't know if this is allowed, so don't throw an error here. if (BOT_UA or !Visitor::current()->group->can("like_post")) { json_response( __("You do not have sufficient privileges to like posts.", "likes"), false ); return; } $post = new Post($_POST['post_id']); if ($post->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Post not found.") ); $count = $post->like_count; Like::create($post->id); if ($count <= 0) { $text = __("You like this.", "likes"); } else { $p = _p("You and %d person like this.", "You and %d people like this.", $count, "likes"); $text = sprintf($p, $count); } json_response($text, true); } public function ajax_unlike( ): void { if (empty($_POST['post_id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['post_id'])) error( __("Error"), __("An ID is required to unlike a post.", "likes"), code:400 ); # JavaScript can't know if this is allowed, so don't throw an error here. if (BOT_UA or !Visitor::current()->group->can("unlike_post")) { json_response( __("You do not have sufficient privileges to unlike posts.", "likes"), false ); return; } $post = new Post($_POST['post_id']); if ($post->no_results) show_404(__("Not Found"), __("Post not found.")); $count = $post->like_count - 1; Like::remove($post->id); if ($count <= 0) { $text = __("No likes yet.", "likes"); } else { $p = _p("%d person likes this.", "%d people like this.", $count, "likes"); $text = sprintf($p, $count); } json_response($text, true); } public function delete_post( $post ): void { SQL::current()->delete( table:"likes", conds:array("post_id" => $post->id) ); } public function delete_user( $user ): void { SQL::current()->update( table:"likes", conds:array("user_id" => $user->id), data:array("user_id" => 0) ); } private function get_post_like_count( $post_id ): int { if (!isset($this->caches["post_like_counts"])) { $counts = SQL::current()->select( tables:"likes", fields:array("COUNT(post_id) AS total", "post_id AS post_id"), group:"post_id" )->fetchAll(); $this->caches["post_like_counts"] = array(); foreach ($counts as $count) { $id = $count["post_id"]; $total = (int) $count["total"]; $this->caches["post_like_counts"][$id] = $total; } } return fallback($this->caches["post_like_counts"][$post_id], 0); } public function post_like_count_attr( $attr, $post ): int { if ($post->no_results) return 0; return $this->get_post_like_count($post->id); } public function get_user_like_count( $user_id ): int { if (!isset($this->caches["user_like_counts"])) { $counts = SQL::current()->select( tables:"likes", fields:array("COUNT(user_id) AS total", "user_id AS user_id"), group:"user_id" )->fetchAll(); $this->caches["user_like_counts"] = array(); foreach ($counts as $count) { $id = $count["user_id"]; $total = (int) $count["total"]; $this->caches["user_like_counts"][$id] = $total; } } return fallback($this->caches["user_like_counts"][$user_id], 0); } public function user_like_count_attr( $attr, $user ): int { if ($user->no_results) return 0; return $this->get_user_like_count($user->id); } public function visitor_like_count_attr( $attr, $visitor ): int { return ($visitor->id == 0) ? count(fallback($_SESSION['likes'], array())) : $this->user_like_count_attr($attr, $visitor) ; } public function post_like_link_attr( $attr, $post ): ?string { $config = Config::current(); $route = Route::current(); $main = MainController::current(); $visitor = Visitor::current(); $settings = $config->module_likes; if ($post->no_results or !isset($route)) return null; if ($settings["show_on_index"] == false and $route->action == "index") return null; $html = '
'; if (!Like::exists($post->id)) { if ($visitor->group->can("like_post")) { $html.= 'id, $main). '" data-post_id="'.$post->id.'">'. $this->get_image($settings["like_image"]); if ($settings["like_with_text"]) { $html.= ' '; $html.= ' '. __("Unlike!", "likes"). ''; } $html.= ''; } $html.= ' '; $count = $post->like_count; if ($count > 0) { $p = _p("%d person likes this.", "%d people like this.", $count, "likes"); $html.= sprintf($p, $count); } else { $html.= __("No likes yet.", "likes"); } $html.= ''; } else { if ($visitor->group->can("unlike_post")) { $html.= 'id, $main). '" data-post_id="'.$post->id.'">'. $this->get_image($settings["like_image"]); if ($settings["like_with_text"]) { $html.= ' '; $html.= ' '. __("Unlike!", "likes"). ''; } $html.= ''; } $html.= ' '; $count = $post->like_count - 1; if ($count > 0) { $p = _p("You and %d person like this.", "You and %d people like this.", $count, "likes"); $html.= sprintf($p, $count); } else { $html.= __("You like this.", "likes"); } $html.= ''; } $html.= '
'; return $html; } private function get_image( $filename ): string { if (str_ends_with($filename, ".svg")) { $filename = str_replace(array(DIR, "/"), "", $filename); $id = serialize($filename); $path = MODULES_DIR.DIR."likes".DIR."images"; static $cache = array(); if (isset($cache[$id])) return $cache[$id]; $svg = @file_get_contents($path.DIR.$filename); if ($svg === false) return "❤"; return $cache[$id] = $svg; } else { $url = Config::current()->chyrp_url. "/modules/likes/images/".urlencode($filename); return '❤'; } } private function list_images( ): array { $images = array(); $dir = new DirectoryIterator(MODULES_DIR.DIR."likes".DIR."images"); foreach ($dir as $item) { if ($item->isFile()) { $filename = $item->getFilename(); if (preg_match("/.+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)$/i", $filename)) $images[] = $filename; } } return $images; } public function manage_posts_column_header( ): string { return ''.__("Likes", "tags").''; } public function manage_posts_column( $post ): string { return ''.$post->like_count.''; } public function import_chyrp_post( $entry, $post ): void { $chyrp = $entry->children(""); if (!isset($chyrp->like)) return; foreach ($chyrp->like as $like) { $timestamp = $like->children( "" )->published; $login = $like->children( "" )->login; $user = new User( array("login" => unfix((string) $login)) ); Like::add( post_id:$post->id, user_id:(!$user->no_results) ? $user->id : 0, timestamp:datetime((string) $timestamp), session_hash:uniqid("imported_", true) ); } } public function posts_export( $atom, $post ): string { $likes = Like::find( array("where" => array("post_id" => $post->id)) ); foreach ($likes as $like) { $atom.= ''."\n". ''. fix($like->user->login, false, true). ''."\n". ''. when(DATE_ATOM, $like->timestamp). ''."\n". ''. fix($like->etag(), false, true). ''."\n". ''."\n"; } return $atom; } public function stylesheets( $styles ): array { $styles[] = Config::current()->chyrp_url. "/modules/likes/likes.css"; return $styles; } public function javascript( ): void { include MODULES_DIR.DIR."likes".DIR."javascript.php"; } }