*/ class Like extends Model { public $belongs_to = array("post", "user"); /** * Function: __construct * * See Also: * */ public function __construct( $like_id, $options = array() ) { parent::grab($this, $like_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) return; } /** * Function: find * * See Also: * */ public static function find( $options = array(), $options_for_object = array() ): array { return parent::search( self::class, $options, $options_for_object ); } /** * Function: add * Adds a like to the database. * * Parameters: * $post_id - The ID of the blog post that was liked. * $user_id - The ID of the user who liked the post. * $timestamp - The datetime when the like was added. * $session_hash - The session hash of the visitor. * * Returns: * The newly created . */ public static function add( $post_id, $user_id, $timestamp, $session_hash ): self { $sql = SQL::current(); $sql->insert( table:"likes", data:array( "post_id" => $post_id, "user_id" => $user_id, "timestamp" => $timestamp, "session_hash" => $session_hash ) ); $new = new self($sql->latest("likes")); Trigger::current()->call("add_like", $new); return $new; } /** * Function: delete * Deletes a like from the database. * * See Also: * */ public static function delete( $like_id ): void { parent::destroy(self::class, $like_id); } /** * Function: deletable * Checks if the can delete the like. */ public function deletable( $user = null ): bool { if ($this->no_results) return false; $post = new Post($this->post_id); return $post->deletable($user); } /** * Function: editable * Checks if the can edit the like. */ public function editable( $user = null ): bool { if ($this->no_results) return false; $post = new Post($this->post_id); return $post->editable($user); } /** * Function: create * Creates a like and sets it in the visitor's session values. * * Parameters: * $post_id - The ID of the blog post that was liked. */ public static function create( $post_id ): void { if (self::exists($post_id)) return; $new = self::add( post_id:$post_id, user_id:Visitor::current()->id, timestamp:datetime(), session_hash:self::session_hash() ); $_SESSION['likes'][$post_id] = $new->id; Trigger::current()->call("like_post", $post_id); } /** * Function: remove * Removes a like and unsets it in the visitor's session values. * * Parameters: * $post_id - The ID of the blog post that was unliked. * * Notes: * Guests' likes are removable until the session is destroyed. */ public static function remove( $post_id ): void { if (!self::exists($post_id)) return; self::delete($_SESSION['likes'][$post_id]); unset($_SESSION['likes'][$post_id]); Trigger::current()->call("unlike_post", $post_id); } /** * Function: exists * Determines if the visitor has liked a post. */ public static function exists( $post_id ): bool { static $results; fallback($_SESSION['likes'], array()); if (logged_in() and !isset($results)) { $results = SQL::current()->select( tables:"likes", fields:array("id", "post_id"), conds:array("user_id" => Visitor::current()->id), order:"post_id ASC" )->fetchAll(); foreach ($results as $result) { $this_id = $result["id"]; $this_post_id = $result["post_id"]; $_SESSION['likes'][$this_post_id] = $this_id; } } return isset($_SESSION['likes'][$post_id]); } /** * Function: session_hash * Returns a hash generated from the visitor's ID and IP address. */ private static function session_hash( ): string { return md5(session_id()); } /** * Function: install * Creates the database table. */ public static function install( ): void { SQL::current()->create( table:"likes", cols:array( "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT", "post_id INTEGER NOT NULL", "user_id INTEGER NOT NULL", "timestamp DATETIME DEFAULT NULL", "session_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL" ) ); } /** * Function: uninstall * Drops the database table. */ public static function uninstall( ): void { SQL::current()->drop("likes"); } }