set( "module_maptcha", array("maptcha_hashkey" => random(32)) ); } static function __uninstall( ): void { Config::current()->remove("module_maptcha"); } static function generateCaptcha( ): string { $hashkey = Config::current()->module_maptcha["maptcha_hashkey"]; $t = time(); $x = rand(1,9); $y = rand(1,$x); $z = rand(1,9); $n = array($x, $y); switch ($z) { case 1: $label = _f("How much is %d + %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x + $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 2: $label = _f("How much is %d − %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x - $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 3: $label = _f("How much is %d × %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x * $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 4: $label = _f("How much is %d + %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x + $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 5: $label = _f("How much is %d − %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x - $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 6: $label = _f("How much is %d × %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x * $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 7: $label = _f("How much is %d + %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x + $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 8: $label = _f("How much is %d − %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x - $y).$t.$hashkey); break; case 9: $label = _f("How much is %d × %d ?", $n, "maptcha"); $value = sha1(strval($x * $y).$t.$hashkey); break; } return ''."\n". ''."\n". ''."\n". ''."\n"; } static function checkCaptcha( ): bool { $config = Config::current(); # Constant: MAPTCHA_MIN_ELAPSED # The minimum elapsed timed in seconds # allowed between challenge and response. if (!defined('MAPTCHA_MIN_ELAPSED')) define('MAPTCHA_MIN_ELAPSED', 10); if ( !isset($_POST['maptcha_response']) or !isset($_POST['maptcha_challenge']) ) return false; if ( empty($_POST['maptcha_requested']) or !is_numeric($_POST['maptcha_requested']) ) return false; $hashkey = $config->module_maptcha["maptcha_hashkey"]; $requested = $_POST['maptcha_requested']; $challenge = $_POST['maptcha_challenge']; $response = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $_POST['maptcha_response'] ); $response = sha1($response.$requested.$hashkey); if ((time() - (int) $requested) < MAPTCHA_MIN_ELAPSED) return false; return ($response == $challenge); } }