group->can("import_content")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to import content.") ); $admin->display("pages".DIR."manage_migration"); } public function manage_nav( $navs ): array { if (Visitor::current()->group->can("import_content")) $navs["manage_migration"] = array( "title" => __("Migration", "migrator") ); return $navs; } /** * Function: admin_import_wordpress * WordPress importing. */ public function admin_import_wordpress( ): never { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("import_content")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to import content.", "migrator") ); if (empty($_POST)) redirect("manage_migration"); if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (!feather_enabled("text")) error( __("Missing Feather", "migrator"), __("Text feather must be enabled to import from WordPress.", "migrator"), code:501 ); if (empty($_FILES['xml_file']) or !upload_tester($_FILES['xml_file'])) error( __("Error"), __("You must select a WordPress export file.", "migrator"), code:422 ); set_max_time(); set_max_memory(); $stupid_xml = file_get_contents($_FILES['xml_file']['tmp_name']); $sane_xml = preg_replace( array("//", "/<\/wp:comment_content>/"), array(""), $stupid_xml ); $sane_xml = str_replace( array("]]>"), array(""), $sane_xml ); $sane_xml = str_replace( array( "xmlns:excerpt=\"\"", "xmlns:excerpt=\"\"" ), "xmlns:excerpt=\"\"", $sane_xml ); $sane_xml = str_replace( array( "xmlns:wp=\"\"", "xmlns:wp=\"\"" ), "xmlns:wp=\"\"", $sane_xml ); if (!substr_count($sane_xml, "xmlns:excerpt")) $sane_xml = preg_replace( "/xmlns:content=\"([^\"]+)\"(\s+)/m", "xmlns:content=\"\\1\"\\2xmlns:excerpt=\"\"\\2", $sane_xml ); $fix_amps_count = 1; while ($fix_amps_count) $sane_xml = preg_replace( "/(.+)&(?!amp;)(.+)<\/wp:meta_value>/m", "\\1&\\2", $sane_xml, -1, $fix_amps_count ); # Remove null (x00) characters $sane_xml = str_replace("", "", $sane_xml); $xml = @simplexml_load_string( data:$sane_xml, options:LIBXML_NOCDATA ); if ( $xml === false or !( substr_count($xml->channel->generator, "") or substr_count($xml->channel->generator, "") ) ) { Flash::warning( __("The file does not seem to be a valid WordPress export file.", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); } foreach ($xml->channel->item as $post) { $wordpress = $post->children( "" ); $content = $post->children( "" ); $encoded = $content->encoded; if ( $wordpress->post_type == "attachment" or $wordpress->status == "attachment" or $post->title == "zz_placeholder" ) continue; if (!empty($_POST['media_url'])) { $regexp_url = preg_quote($_POST['media_url'], "/"); if ( preg_match_all( "/{$regexp_url}([^\.\!,\?;\"\'<>\(\)\[\]\{\}\s\t ]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/", $encoded, $media ) ) { $media_uris = array_unique($media[0]); foreach ($media_uris as $matched_url) { $filename = upload_from_url($matched_url); $encoded = str_replace( $matched_url, uploaded($filename), $encoded ); } } } $clean = sanitize(oneof($wordpress->post_name, $post->title), true, true, 80); if (empty($wordpress->post_type) or $wordpress->post_type == "post") { $status_translate = array( "publish" => "public", "draft" => "draft", "private" => "private", "static" => "public", "object" => "public", "inherit" => "public", "future" => "draft", "pending" => "draft" ); $pinned = !isset($wordpress->is_sticky) ? false : (bool) (int) $wordpress->is_sticky ; $created_at = ($wordpress->post_date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") ? datetime() : (string) $wordpress->post_date ; $new_post = Post::add( array( "title" => trim($post->title), "body" => trim($encoded), "imported_from" => "wordpress" ), $clean, Post::check_url($clean), "text", null, $pinned, $status_translate[(string) $wordpress->status], $created_at, null, false ); $trigger->call("import_wordpress_post", $post, $new_post); } elseif ($wordpress->post_type == "page") { $created_at = ($wordpress->post_date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") ? datetime() : (string) $wordpress->post_date ; $new_page = Page::add( trim($post->title), trim($encoded), null, 0, true, 0, $clean, Page::check_url($clean), $created_at ); $trigger->call("import_wordpress_page", $post, $new_page); } } Flash::notice( __("WordPress content successfully imported!", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); } /** * Function: admin_import_tumblr * Tumblr importing. */ public function admin_import_tumblr( ): never { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("import_content")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to import content.", "migrator") ); if (empty($_POST)) redirect("manage_migration"); if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if ( !feather_enabled("text") or !feather_enabled("photo") or !feather_enabled("quote") or !feather_enabled("link") ) error( __("Missing Feather", "migrator"), __("Text, Photo, Quote, and Link feathers must be enabled to import from Tumblr.", "migrator"), code:501 ); if (empty($_POST['tumblr_url']) or !is_url($_POST['tumblr_url'])) error( __("Error"), __("Invalid URL.", "migrator"), code:422 ); $_POST['tumblr_url'] = add_scheme($_POST['tumblr_url'], "http://"); set_max_time(); set_max_memory(); $url = rtrim($_POST['tumblr_url'], "/")."/api/read?num=50"; $posts = array(); $already_in = array(); do { $api = get_remote($url."&start=".count($posts)); if ($api === false) Flash::warning( __("Could not retrieve content from the Tumblr URL.", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); $xml = @simplexml_load_string( data:$api, options:LIBXML_NOCDATA ); if ($xml === false or !isset($xml->tumblelog)) Flash::warning( __("Could not retrieve content from the Tumblr URL.", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); foreach ($xml->posts->post as $post) { if (!in_array($post->attributes()->id, $already_in)) { $posts[] = $post; $already_in[] = $post->attributes()->id; } } } while ($xml->posts->attributes()->total > count($posts)); function reverse($a, $b): int { if (empty($a) or empty($b)) return 0; $date_a = $a->attributes()->date; $date_b = $b->attributes()->date; return (strtotime($date_a) < strtotime($date_b)) ? -1 : 1 ; } usort($posts, "reverse"); foreach ($posts as $key => $post) { switch($post->attributes()->type) { case "regular": $feather = "text"; $title = fallback($post->{'regular-title'}); $values = array( "title" => $title, "body" => $post->{'regular-body'} ); $clean = sanitize($title, true, true, 80); break; case "conversation": $feather = "text"; $title = fallback($post->{'conversation-title'}); $lines = array(); foreach ($post->{'conversation-line'} as $line) $lines[] = $line->attributes()->label." ".$line; $values = array( "title" => $title, "body" => implode("
", $lines) ); $clean = sanitize($title, true, true, 80); break; case "photo": $feather = "photo"; $values = array( "filename" => upload_from_url($post->{'photo-url'}[0]), "caption" => fallback($post->{'photo-caption'}) ); $clean = sanitize($post->{'photo-caption'}, true, true, 80); break; case "quote": $feather = "quote"; $values = array( "quote" => $post->{'quote-text'}, "source" => preg_replace( "/^— /", "", fallback($post->{'quote-source'}) ) ); $clean = sanitize($post->{'quote-source'}, true, true, 80); break; case "link": $feather = "link"; $name = fallback($post->{'link-text'}); $values = array( "name" => $name, "source" => $post->{'link-url'}, "description" => fallback($post->{'link-description'}) ); $clean = sanitize($name, true, true, 80); break; default: # Cannot import Audio posts because # Tumblr has the files locked in to Amazon. # Cannot import Video posts because # Tumblr does not reliably expose a source URL. continue 2; } $values["imported_from"] = "tumblr"; $new_post = Post::add( $values, $clean, Post::check_url($clean), $feather, null, null, "public", datetime((int) $post->attributes()->{'unix-timestamp'}), null, false ); $trigger->call("import_tumble", $post, $new_post); } Flash::notice( __("Tumblr content successfully imported!", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); } /** * Function: admin_import_textpattern * TextPattern importing. */ public function admin_import_textpattern( ): never { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("import_content")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to import content.", "migrator") ); if (empty($_POST)) redirect("manage_migration"); if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (!feather_enabled("text")) error( __("Missing Feather", "migrator"), __("Text feather must be enabled to import from TextPattern.", "migrator"), code:501 ); if (!class_exists("mysqli")) error( __("Error"), __("MySQLi is required for database migration.", "migrator"), code:501 ); if (empty($_POST['host'])) error( __("Error"), __("Host cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); if (empty($_POST['username'])) error( __("Error"), __("Username cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); if (empty($_POST['password'])) error( __("Error"), __("Password cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); if (empty($_POST['database'])) error( __("Error"), __("Database cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); set_max_time(); set_max_memory(); @$mysqli = new mysqli( $_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['database'] ); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) Flash::warning( __("Could not connect to the TextPattern database.", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); $mysqli->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $prefix = $mysqli->real_escape_string( fallback($_POST['prefix'], "") ); $result = $mysqli->query( "SELECT * FROM {$prefix}textpattern ORDER BY ID ASC" ); if ($result === false) error( __("Database Error", "migrator"), fix($mysqli->error) ); $posts = array(); while ($post = $result->fetch_assoc()) $posts[$post["ID"]] = $post; $mysqli->close(); foreach ($posts as $post) { if (!empty($_POST['media_url'])) { $regexp_url = preg_quote($_POST['media_url'], "/"); if (preg_match_all( "/{$regexp_url}([^\.\!,\?;\"\'<>\(\)\[\]\{\}\s\t ]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/", $post["Body"], $media) ) foreach ($media[0] as $matched_url) { $filename = upload_from_url($matched_url); $post["Body"] = str_replace( $matched_url, uploaded($filename), $post["Body"] ); } } $status_translate = array( 1 => "draft", 2 => "private", 3 => "draft", 4 => "public", 5 => "public" ); $clean = sanitize( fallback($post["url_title"], $post["Title"]), true, true, 80 ); $new_post = Post::add( array( "title" => $post["Title"], "body" => $post["Body"], "imported_from" => "textpattern" ), $clean, Post::check_url($clean), "text", null, ($post["Status"] == "5"), $status_translate[$post["Status"]], $post["Posted"], null, false ); $trigger->call("import_textpattern_post", $post, $new_post); } Flash::notice( __("TextPattern content successfully imported!", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); } /** * Function: admin_import_movabletype * MovableType importing. */ public function admin_import_movabletype( ): never { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("import_content")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to import content.", "migrator") ); if (empty($_POST)) redirect("manage_migration"); if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (!feather_enabled("text")) error( __("Missing Feather", "migrator"), __("Text feather must be enabled to import from MovableType.", "migrator"), code:501 ); if (!class_exists("mysqli")) error( __("Error"), __("MySQLi is required for database migration.", "migrator"), code:501 ); if (empty($_POST['host'])) error( __("Error"), __("Host cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); if (empty($_POST['username'])) error( __("Error"), __("Username cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); if (empty($_POST['password'])) error( __("Error"), __("Password cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); if (empty($_POST['database'])) error( __("Error"), __("Database cannot be empty.", "migrator"), code:422 ); set_max_time(); set_max_memory(); @$mysqli = new mysqli( $_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['database'] ); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) Flash::warning( __("Could not connect to the MovableType database.", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); $mysqli->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $result = $mysqli->query( "SELECT * FROM mt_entry ORDER BY entry_id ASC" ); if ($result === false) error( __("Database Error", "migrator"), fix($mysqli->error) ); $posts = array(); while ($post = $result->fetch_assoc()) $posts[$post["entry_id"]] = $post; $mysqli->close(); foreach ($posts as $post) { fallback($post["entry_authored_on"]); fallback($post["entry_created_on"]); fallback($post["entry_modified_on"]); fallback($post["entry_class"]); $body = $post["entry_text"]; if (!empty($post["entry_text_more"])) $body.= "\n\n\n\n".$post["entry_text_more"]; if (!empty($_POST['media_url'])) { $regexp_url = preg_quote($_POST['media_url'], "/"); if (preg_match_all( "/{$regexp_url}([^\.\!,\?;\"\'<>\(\)\[\]\{\}\s\t ]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/", $body, $media) ) foreach ($media[0] as $matched_url) { $filename = upload_from_url($matched_url); $body = str_replace( $matched_url, uploaded($filename), $body ); } } $status_translate = array( 1 => "draft", 2 => "public", 3 => "draft", 4 => "draft" ); $clean = sanitize( fallback($post["entry_basename"], $post["entry_title"]), true, true, 80 ); if (empty($post["entry_class"]) or $post["entry_class"] == "entry") { $new_post = Post::add( array( "title" => $post["entry_title"], "body" => $body, "imported_from" => "movabletype" ), $clean, Post::check_url($clean), "text", null, false, $status_translate[$post["entry_status"]], oneof( $post["entry_authored_on"], $post["entry_created_on"], datetime() ), $post["entry_modified_on"], false ); $trigger->call("import_movabletype_post", $post, $new_post); } elseif ($post["entry_class"] == "page") { $new_page = Page::add( $post["entry_title"], $body, null, 0, true, 0, $clean, Page::check_url($clean), oneof( $post["entry_authored_on"], $post["entry_created_on"], datetime() ), $post["entry_modified_on"] ); $trigger->call("import_movabletype_page", $post, $new_page); } } Flash::notice( __("MovableType content successfully imported!", "migrator"), "manage_migration" ); } }