count( tables:"pingbacks", conds:array( "post_id" => $post->id, "source" => $from ) ); if (!empty($count)) error( __("Error"), __("A webmention from your URL is already registered.", "pingable"), code:422 ); if (strlen($from) > 2048) error( __("Error"), __("Your URL is too long to be stored in our database.", "pingable"), code:413 ); Pingback::add( post_id:$post->id, source:$from, title:preg_replace("~(https?://|^)([^/:]+).*~i", "$2", $from) ); } public function admin_edit_pingback( $admin ): void { if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to edit a webmention.", "pingable"), code:400 ); $pingback = new Pingback($_GET['id']); if ($pingback->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Webmention not found.", "pingable") ); if (!$pingback->editable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this webmention.", "pingable") ); $admin->display( "pages".DIR."edit_pingback", array("pingback" => $pingback) ); } public function admin_update_pingback( $admin ): never { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to update a webmention.", "pingable"), code:400 ); if (empty($_POST['title'])) error( __("No Title Specified", "pingable"), __("A title is required to update a webmention.", "pingable"), code:400 ); $pingback = new Pingback($_POST['id']); if ($pingback->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Webmention not found.", "pingable") ); if (!$pingback->editable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this webmention.", "pingable") ); $pingback = $pingback->update($_POST['title']); Flash::notice( __("Webmention updated.", "pingable"), "manage_pingbacks" ); } public function admin_delete_pingback( $admin ): void { if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to delete a webmention.", "pingable"), code:400 ); $pingback = new Pingback($_GET['id']); if ($pingback->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Webmention not found.", "pingable") ); if (!$pingback->deletable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this webmention.", "pingable") ); $admin->display( "pages".DIR."delete_pingback", array("pingback" => $pingback) ); } public function admin_destroy_pingback( ): never { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['id']) or !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) error( __("No ID Specified"), __("An ID is required to delete a webmention.", "pingable"), code:400 ); if (!isset($_POST['destroy']) or $_POST['destroy'] != "indubitably") redirect("manage_pingbacks"); $pingback = new Pingback($_POST['id']); if ($pingback->no_results) show_404( __("Not Found"), __("Webmention not found.", "pingable") ); if (!$pingback->deletable()) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this webmention.", "pingable") ); Pingback::delete($pingback->id); Flash::notice( __("Webmention deleted.", "pingable"), "manage_pingbacks" ); } public function admin_manage_pingbacks( $admin ): void { if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("edit_pingback", "delete_pingback")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to manage webmentions.", "pingable") ); # Redirect searches to a clean URL or dirty GET depending on configuration. if (isset($_POST['query'])) redirect( "manage_pingbacks/query/". str_ireplace( array("%2F", "%5C"), "%5F", urlencode($_POST['query']) ). "/" ); fallback($_GET['query'], ""); list($where, $params, $order) = keywords( $_GET['query'], "title LIKE :query", "pingbacks" ); $admin->display( "pages".DIR."manage_pingbacks", array( "pingbacks" => new Paginator( Pingback::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params, "order" => $order ) ), $admin->post_limit ) ) ); } public function manage_nav( $navs ): array { if (Visitor::current()->group->can("edit_pingback", "delete_pingback")) $navs["manage_pingbacks"] = array( "title" => __("Webmentions", "pingable"), "selected" => array( "edit_pingback", "delete_pingback" ) ); return $navs; } public function admin_determine_action( $action ): ?string { $visitor = Visitor::current(); if ( $action == "manage" and $visitor->group->can("edit_pingback", "delete_pingback") ) return "manage_pingbacks"; return null; } public function manage_posts_column_header( ): string { return '