============================================== includes/class/Config.php ============================================== Class: Config ------------- Holds all of the configuration settings for the entire site. Function: __construct --------------------- Loads the configuration file from disk. Function: __get --------------- Handles access to the configuration data. Returns: @mixed@ Function: __isset ----------------- Handles access to the configuration data. Function: read -------------- Reads the configuration file and decodes the settings. Function: write --------------- Encodes the settings and writes the configuration file. Function: set ------------- Adds or replaces a configuration setting with the given value. Parameters: $setting - The setting name. $value - The value to set. $fallback - Add the setting only if it doesn't exist. Function: remove ---------------- Removes a configuration setting. Parameters: $setting - The setting name. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current configuration. ============================================== includes/class/Controllers.php ============================================== Class: Controllers ------------------ Acts as the backbone for all controllers. ============================================== includes/class/Feathers.php ============================================== Class: Feathers --------------- Contains various functions, acts as the backbone for all feathers. Function: setFilter ------------------- Applies a filter to a specified field of the Feather. Parameters: $field - Attribute of the post to filter. $name - Name of the filter to use. See Also: Function: customFilter ---------------------- Allows a Feather to apply its own filter to a specified field. Parameters: $field - Attribute of the post to filter. $name - Name of the class function to use as the filter. See Also: Function: respondTo ------------------- Allows a Feather to respond to a Trigger as a Module would. Parameters: $name - Name of the trigger to respond to. $function - Name of the class function to respond with. $priority - Priority of the response. See Also: Function: setField ------------------ Sets the feather's fields for creating/editing posts with that feather. Parameters: $options - An array of key => val options for the field. Options: attr - The technical name for the field. Think $post->attr. type - The field type. (text, file, text_block, or select) label - The label for the field. optional - Is this field optional? extra - Stuff to output after the input field. Can be anything. note - A minor note to display next to the label text. ============================================== includes/class/Flash.php ============================================== Class: Flash ------------ Stores messages, notices, and warnings to display to the user after a redirect. Function: __construct --------------------- Prepares the structure of session values. Function: prepare ----------------- Prepare the structure of a session value. Function: message ----------------- Create a message (neutral). Parameters: $message - Text of the message. $redirect_to - URL to redirect to after the message is stored. $code - Numeric HTTP status code to set. Function: notice ---------------- Create a notice (positive). Parameters: $message - Text of the notice. $redirect_to - URL to redirect to after the notice is stored. $code - Numeric HTTP status code to set. Function: warning ----------------- Create a warning (negative). Parameters: $message - Text of the warning. $redirect_to - URL to redirect to after the warning is stored. $code - Numeric HTTP status code to set. Function: messages ------------------ Calls "messages". Function: notices ----------------- Calls "notices". Function: warnings ------------------ Calls "warnings". Function: all ------------- Serves an associative array of all flashes. Returns: An array of every flash available, in the form of [type => [flashes]]. Function: serve --------------- Serves flashes and removes them from the session. Parameters: $type - Type of flashes to serve. Returns: An array of flashes of the requested type. Function: exists ---------------- Checks for the existence of stored flashes. Parameters: $type - Type to check for (optional). Function: count --------------- Counts the total number of stored flashes. Parameters: $type - Type to check for (optional). Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/class/Model.php ============================================== Class: Model ------------ The basis for the Models system. Function: __get --------------- Handles model relationships, deferred and dynamic attributes. Returns: @mixed@ Function __set -------------- Handles dynamic attributes. Function: __isset ----------------- Handles model relationships, deferred and dynamic attributes. Function: grab -------------- Grabs a single model from the database. Parameters: $model - The instantiated model class to pass the object to (e.g. Post). $id - The ID of the model to grab. Can be null. $options - An array of options, mostly SQL things. Options: select - What to grab from the table. from - Which table(s) to grab from? left_join - A @LEFT JOIN@ associative array. where - A string or array of conditions. params - An array of parameters to pass to the SQL driver. group - A string or array of "GROUP BY" conditions. order - What to order the SQL result by. offset - Offset for SQL query. read_from - An array to read from instead of performing another query. ignore_dupes - An array of columns in which duplicate values will be retained. Function: search ---------------- Returns an array of model objects that are found by the $options array. Parameters: $options - An array of options, mostly SQL things. $options_for_object - An array of options for the instantiation of the model. Options: select - What to grab from the table. from - Which table(s) to grab from? left_join - A @LEFT JOIN@ associative array. where - A string or array of conditions. params - An array of parameters to pass to the SQL driver. group - A string or array of "GROUP BY" conditions. order - What to order the SQL result by. offset - Offset for SQL query. limit - Limit for SQL query. placeholders - Return an array of arrays instead of an array of objects? ignore_dupes - An array of columns in which duplicate values will be retained. See Also: Function: delete ---------------- Deletes a given object. Parameters: $model - The model name. $id - The ID of the object to delete. $options_for_object - An array of options for the instantiation of the model. Function: deletable ------------------- Checks if the can delete the object. Function: editable ------------------ Checks if the can edit the object. Function: edit_link ------------------- Outputs an edit link for the model, if the visitor's edit_[model]. Parameters: $text - The text to show for the link. $before - If the link can be shown, show this before it. $after - If the link can be shown, show this after it. $classes - Extra CSS classes for the link, space-delimited. Function: delete_link --------------------- Outputs a delete link for the post, if the delete_[model]. Parameters: $text - The text to show for the link. $before - If the link can be shown, show this before it. $after - If the link can be shown, show this after it. $classes - Extra CSS classes for the link, space-delimited. Function: etag -------------- Generates an Etag for the object. ============================================== includes/class/Modules.php ============================================== Class: Modules -------------- Contains various functions, acts as the backbone for all modules. Function: setPriority --------------------- Sets the priority of an action for the module this function is called from. Parameters: $name - Name of the trigger to respond to. $priority - Priority of the response. Function: addAlias ------------------ Allows a module to respond to a trigger with multiple functions and custom priorities. Parameters: $name - Name of the trigger to respond to. $function - Name of the class function to respond with. $priority - Priority of the response. ============================================== includes/class/Paginator.php ============================================== Class: Paginator ---------------- Paginates over an array. Function: __construct --------------------- Prepares an array for pagination. Parameters: $array - The array to paginate. $per_page - Number of items per page. $name - The $_GET parameter name to determin the current page. $model - Is it an array of model placeholders to be initialized? $page - Page number to start at. Notes: If $model is true, each $array item shown on the page will be initialized as a model of the type specified in $array[1]. $array[0] is expected to be an array of model placeholders. Function: reslice ----------------- Reslices pagination with a new number of items per page. Parameters: $per_page - Number of items per page. Function: next -------------- Returns the next pagination sequence. Function: prev -------------- Returns the previous pagination sequence. Function: next_page ------------------- Checks whether or not it makes sense to show the Next Page link. Function: prev_page ------------------- Checks whether or not it makes sense to show the Previous Page link. Function: next_link ------------------- Outputs a link to the next page. Parameters: $text - The text for the link. $class - The CSS class for the link. $page - Page number to link to. $anchor - An anchor target. Function: prev_link ------------------- Outputs a link to the previous page. Parameters: $text - The text for the link. $class - The CSS class for the link. $page - Page number to link to. $anchor - An anchor target. Function: final_link -------------------- Outputs a link to the final page. Parameters: $text - The text for the link. $class - The CSS class for the link. $anchor - An anchor target. Function: first_link -------------------- Outputs a link to the first page. Parameters: $text - The text for the link. $class - The CSS class for the link. $anchor - An anchor target. Function: next_page_url ----------------------- Returns the URL to the next page. Parameters: $page - Page number to link to. Function: prev_page_url ----------------------- Returns the URL to the previous page. Parameters: $page - Page number to link to. ============================================== includes/class/Query.php ============================================== Class: Query ------------ Handles a SQL query. Function: __construct --------------------- Creates a query based on the . Parameters: $sql - instance. $query - Query to execute. $params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. $throw_exceptions - Throw exceptions instead of calling error()? Function: fetchColumn --------------------- Fetches a column of the current row. Parameters: $column - The offset of the column to grab. Default 0. Function: fetch --------------- Returns the current row as an array. Function: fetchObject --------------------- Returns the current row as an object. Function: fetchAll ------------------ Returns an array of every result. Function: grab -------------- Grabs all of the given column out of the full result of a query. Parameters: $column - Name of the column to grab. Returns: An array of all of the values of that column in the result. Function: exception_handler --------------------------- Handles exceptions thrown by failed queries. ============================================== includes/class/QueryBuilder.php ============================================== Class: QueryBuilder ------------------- A generic SQL query builder. Function: build_select ---------------------- Creates a full SELECT query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $tables - Tables to select from. $fields - Columns to select. $order - What to order by. $limit - Limit of the result. $offset - Starting point for the result. $group - What to group by. $left_join - Any @LEFT JOIN@s to add. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Returns: A @SELECT@ query string. Function: build_insert ---------------------- Creates a full insert query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $table - Table to insert into. $data - Data to insert. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Returns: An @INSERT@ query string. Function: build_update ---------------------- Creates a full update query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $table - Table to update. $conds - Conditions to update rows by. $data - Data to update. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Returns: An @UPDATE@ query string. Function: build_delete ---------------------- Creates a full delete query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $table - Table to delete from. $conds - Conditions to delete by. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Returns: A @DELETE@ query string. Function: build_drop -------------------- Creates a full drop table query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $table - Table to drop. Returns: A @DROP TABLE@ query string. Function: build_create ---------------------- Creates a full create table query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $table - Table to create. $cols - An array of column declarations. Returns: A @CREATE TABLE@ query string. Function: build_update_values ----------------------------- Creates an update data part. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $data - Data to update. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Function: build_insert_header ----------------------------- Creates an insert header. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $data - Data to insert. Function: build_limits ---------------------- Creates the LIMIT part of a query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $offset - Offset of the result. $limit - Limit of the result. Function: build_from -------------------- Creates a FROM header for select queries. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $tables - Tables to select from. Function: build_count --------------------- Creates a SELECT COUNT(1) query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $tables - Tables to tablefy with. $conds - Conditions to select by. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Function: build_select_header ----------------------------- Creates a SELECT fields header. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $fields - Columns to select. $tables - Tables to tablefy with. Function: build_where --------------------- Creates a WHERE query. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $conds - Conditions to select by. $tables - Tables to tablefy with. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Function: build_group --------------------- Creates a GROUP BY argument. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $order - Columns to group by. $tables - Tables to tablefy with. Function: build_order --------------------- Creates an ORDER BY argument. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $order - Columns to order by. $tables - Tables to tablefy with. Function: build_list -------------------- Creates a list of values. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $vals - An array of values. &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. Function: safecol ----------------- Encloses a column name in quotes if it is a subset of SQL keywords. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $name - Name of the column. Function: build_conditions -------------------------- Builds an associative array of SQL values into parameterized query strings. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. $conds - Conditions. &$params - Parameters array to fill. $tables - If specified, conditions will be tablefied with these tables. $insert - Is this an insert/update query? Function: tablefy ----------------- Prepends table names and prefixes to a field if it doesn't already have them. Parameters: $sql - The SQL instance calling this method. &$field - The field to "tablefy". $tables - An array of tables. The first one will be used for prepending. ============================================== includes/class/Route.php ============================================== Class: Route ------------ Handles the routing process and other route-related tasks. Function: __construct --------------------- Parse the URL and give the controller an opportunity to determine the action. Parameters: $controller - The controller to use. Function: init -------------- Attempt to call a responder until one of them doesn't return false. Function: url ------------- Constructs an absolute URL from a relative one. Converts clean URLs to dirty. Parameters: $url - The relative URL. Assumed to be dirty if it begins with "/". $controller - The controller to use. Current controller used if omitted. Returns: An absolute clean or dirty URL, depending on value of @Config->clean_urls@ and @controller->clean_urls@. Function: add ------------- Adds a route to the blog. Parameters: $path - The path to add. Wrap variables with () e.g. "tag/(name)/". $action - The action. Add parameters with ; e.g "tag;foo=bar;baz=boo". Notes: Required for actions that have more than one parameter. For example, not needed for /tags/ but needed for /tag/(name)/. See Also: Function: remove ---------------- Removes a route added by . Parameters: $path - The path to remove. See Also: Function: custom ---------------- Parses custom routes stored in the configuration. Notes: The / path strictly requires no request args. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/class/Session.php ============================================== Class: Session -------------- Handles visitor sessions. Function: open -------------- Opens the session and decides if session storage will be denied. Parameters: $path - Filesystem path. $name - The session name. Function: close --------------- Executed when the session is closed. Function: read -------------- Reads a session from the database. Parameters: $id - Session ID. Function: write --------------- Writes a session to the database. Parameters: $id - Session ID. $data - Data to write. Function: destroy ----------------- Deletes a session from the database. Parameters: $id - Session ID. Function: gc ------------ Deletes sessions not updated for 30+ days, or with no stored data. Parameters: $lifetime - The configured maximum session lifetime in seconds. Function: hash_token -------------------- Generates an authentication token for this session. Function: check_token --------------------- Validates an authentication token for this session. Parameters: $hash - The token to validate. ============================================== includes/class/SQL.php ============================================== Class: SQL ---------- Contains the database settings and functions for interacting with the SQL database. Function: __construct --------------------- The class constructor is private so there is only one connection. Parameters: $settings - An array of settings (optional). Function: connect ----------------- Connects to the SQL database. Parameters: $checking - Return a boolean for failure, instead of triggering an error? Function: query --------------- Executes a query and increases $queries>. Parameters: $query - Query to execute. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: count --------------- Performs a counting query and returns the number of matching rows. Parameters: $tables - An array (or string) of tables to count results on. $conds - Rows to count. Supply @false@ to count all rows. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: select ---------------- Performs a SELECT with given criteria and returns the query result object. Parameters: $tables - An array (or string) of tables to grab results from. $fields - Fields to select. $conds - Rows to select. Supply @false@ to select all rows. $order - ORDER BY statement. Can be an array. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $limit - Limit for results. $offset - Offset for the select statement. $group - GROUP BY statement. Can be an array. $left_join - An array of additional LEFT JOINs. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: insert ---------------- Performs an INSERT with given data. Parameters: $table - Table to insert to. $data - An associative array of data to insert. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: replace ----------------- Performs either an INSERT or an UPDATE depending on whether a row exists with the specified keys. Parameters: $table - Table to update or insert into. $keys - Columns to match on. $data - Data for the insert and value matches for the keys. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: update ---------------- Performs an UDATE with given criteria and data. Parameters: $table - Table to update. $conds - Rows to update. Supply @false@ to update all rows. $data - An associative array of data to update. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: delete ---------------- Performs a DELETE with given criteria. Parameters: $table - Table to delete from. $conds - Rows to delete. Supply @false@ to delete all rows. $params - An associative array of query parameters. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: drop -------------- Performs a DROP TABLE with given criteria. Parameters: $table - Table to drop. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: create ---------------- Performs a CREATE TABLE with given criteria. Parameters: $table - Table to create. $cols - An array of column declarations. $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error? Function: latest ---------------- Returns the last inserted sequential value. Parameters: $table - Table to get the latest value from. $seq - Name of the sequence. Function: escape ---------------- Escapes a string for Query construction. Parameters: $string - String to escape. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current connection. ============================================== includes/class/Theme.php ============================================== Class: Theme ------------ Various helper functions for blog themes. Function: __construct --------------------- Populates useful attributes. Function: pages_list -------------------- Returns an array of pages with @depth@ and @children@ attributes. Parameters: $page_id - Page ID to start from, or zero to return all pages. $exclude - Page ID/s to exclude, integer or array of integers. Function: recurse_pages ----------------------- Populates the page cache and gives each page the attributes of @depth@ (integer, 1 or greater) and @children@ (boolean). Parameters: $page - Page to start recursion at. Function: archive_list ---------------------- Generates an array listing each month with entries in the archives. Parameters: $limit - Maximum number of months to list. Function: recent_posts ---------------------- Generates an array of recent posts. Parameters: $limit - Maximum number of recent posts to list. Function: related_posts ----------------------- Ask modules to contribute to a list of related posts. Parameters: $post - The post to use as the basis. $limit - Maximum number of related posts to list. Function: file_exists --------------------- Returns whether the specified Twig template file exists or not. Parameters: $name - The filename. Function: stylesheets --------------------- Outputs the stylesheet tags. Function: javascripts --------------------- Outputs the JavaScript tags. Function: feeds --------------- Outputs the feeds and other general purpose tags. Function: load_time ------------------- Returns the total elapsed time for this page load. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/class/Translation.php ============================================== Class: Translation ------------------ A shim for translation support in the absence of GNU gettext. Function: __construct --------------------- Discovers the current locale. Function: load -------------- Loads translations from the .mo file into the supplied domain. Parameters: $domain - The name of this translation domain. $path - The path to the locale directory. $reload - Reload the translation if already loaded? Function: text -------------- Returns the singular or plural translation of a string. Parameters: $domain - The translation domain to search. $single - Singular string. $plural - Pluralized string (optional). $number - The number to judge by (optional). Function: find -------------- Returns a translation array from the supplied domain. Function: nplural ----------------- Support for for languages with n != 2 plural forms. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/class/Trigger.php ============================================== Class: Trigger -------------- Controls and keeps track of all of the Triggers and events. Function: __construct --------------------- Add predefined filters to implement Unicode emoji and Markdown support. Function: cmp ------------- Sorts actions by priority when used with usort. Function: decide ---------------- Decides what to do with a call return value. Function: call -------------- Calls a trigger action. Parameters: $name - The name of the trigger, or an array of triggers to call. Returns: A concatenated string if all calls return a string, or; @false@ if none of the triggers exist, or; the most substantial returned value decided by oneof(). Notes: Any additional arguments are passed on to the trigger responders. Function: filter ---------------- Modify a variable by filtering it through a stack of trigger actions. Parameters: &$target - The variable to filter. $name - The name of the trigger. Returns: $target, filtered through any/all actions for the trigger $name. Notes: Any additional arguments are passed on to the trigger responders. Function: exists ---------------- Checks if there are any actions for a given $trigger. Parameters: $trigger - The trigger name. Returns: @true@ or @false@ Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/class/Update.php ============================================== Class: Update ------------- Informs the user if a newer version of Chyrp Lite is available. Function: check --------------- Checks the update channel. Function: validate ------------------ Validates the XML dataset. Function: message ----------------- Flash the user about the newer version. Function: warning ----------------- Flash the user about the failed check. ============================================== includes/common.php ============================================== File: common ------------ Configures the Chyrp Lite environment. ============================================== includes/controller/Admin.php ============================================== Class: AdminController ---------------------- The logic controlling the administration console. Function: __construct --------------------- Loads the Twig parser and sets up the l10n domain. Function: parse --------------- Route constructor calls this to interpret clean URLs and determine the action. Function: exempt ---------------- Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions. Function: admin_write_post -------------------------- Post writing. Function: admin_add_post ------------------------ Adds a post when the form is submitted. Function: admin_edit_post ------------------------- Post editing. Function: admin_update_post --------------------------- Updates a post when the form is submitted. Function: admin_delete_post --------------------------- Post deletion (confirm page). Function: admin_destroy_post ---------------------------- Destroys a post. Function: admin_manage_posts ---------------------------- Post management. Function: admin_write_page -------------------------- Page creation. Function: admin_add_page ------------------------ Adds a page when the form is submitted. Function: admin_edit_page ------------------------- Page editing. Function: admin_update_page --------------------------- Updates a page when the form is submitted. Function: admin_delete_page --------------------------- Page deletion (confirm page). Function: admin_destroy_page ---------------------------- Destroys a page. Function: admin_manage_pages ---------------------------- Page management. Function: admin_new_user ------------------------ User creation. Function: admin_add_user ------------------------ Add a user when the form is submitted. Function: admin_edit_user ------------------------- User editing. Function: admin_update_user --------------------------- Updates a user when the form is submitted. Function: admin_delete_user --------------------------- User deletion (confirm page). Function: admin_destroy_user ---------------------------- Destroys a user. Function: admin_manage_users ---------------------------- User management. Function: admin_new_group ------------------------- Group creation. Function: admin_add_group ------------------------- Adds a group when the form is submitted. Function: admin_edit_group -------------------------- Group editing. Function: admin_update_group ---------------------------- Updates a group when the form is submitted. Function: admin_delete_group ---------------------------- Group deletion (confirm page). Function: admin_destroy_group ----------------------------- Destroys a group. Function: admin_manage_groups ----------------------------- Group management. Function: admin_delete_upload ----------------------------- Upload deletion (confirm page). Function: admin_destroy_upload ------------------------------ Destroys a post. Function: admin_manage_uploads ------------------------------ Upload management. Function: admin_export ---------------------- Export content from this installation. Function: admin_import ---------------------- Import content to this installation. Function: admin_modules ----------------------- Module enabling/disabling. Function: admin_feathers ------------------------ Feather enabling/disabling. Function: admin_themes ---------------------- Theme switching/previewing. Function: admin_enable ---------------------- Enables a module or feather. Function: admin_disable ----------------------- Disables a module or feather. Function: admin_change_theme ---------------------------- Changes the theme. Function: admin_preview_theme ----------------------------- Previews the theme. Function: admin_general_settings -------------------------------- General Settings page. Function: admin_content_settings -------------------------------- Content Settings page. Function: admin_user_settings ----------------------------- User Settings page. Function: admin_route_settings ------------------------------ Route Settings page. Function: admin_download_rewrites --------------------------------- Downloads the files required for URL rewrite support. Function: admin_login --------------------- Mask for MainController->login(). Function: admin_logout ---------------------- Mask for MainController->logout(). Function: admin_help -------------------- Serves help pages for core and extensions. Function: navigation_context ---------------------------- Returns the navigation context for Twig. Function: display ----------------- Displays the page. Parameters: $template - The template file to display. $context - The context to be supplied to Twig. $title - The title for the page (optional). $pagination - instance (optional). Notes: $template is supplied sans ".twig" and relative to /admin/ for core and extensions. $title defaults to a camelization of the template filename, e.g. foo_bar -> Foo Bar. $pagination will be inferred from the context if not supplied. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/controller/Ajax.php ============================================== Class: AjaxController --------------------- The logic controlling AJAX requests. Function: parse --------------- Route constructor calls this to determine the action in the case of a POST request. Function: exempt ---------------- Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions. Function: ajax_destroy_post --------------------------- Destroys a post. Function: ajax_destroy_page --------------------------- Destroys a page. Function: ajax_preview_post --------------------------- Previews a post. Function: ajax_preview_page --------------------------- Previews a page. Function: ajax_file_upload -------------------------- Moves a file to the uploads directory. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/controller/Main.php ============================================== Class: MainController --------------------- The logic controlling the blog. Function: __construct --------------------- Loads the Twig parser and sets up the l10n domain. Function: parse --------------- Route constructor calls this to interpret clean URLs and determine the action. Function: exempt ---------------- Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions. Function: main_index -------------------- Grabs the posts for the main index. Function: main_updated ---------------------- Grabs the posts that have been updated. Function: main_author --------------------- Grabs the posts created by a user. Function: main_archive ---------------------- Grabs the posts for the archive page. Function: main_search --------------------- Grabs the posts and pages for a search query. Function: main_drafts --------------------- Grabs the posts with draft status created by this user. Function: main_view ------------------- Handles post viewing via dirty URL or clean URL. E.g. /year/month/day/url/. Function: main_page ------------------- Handles page viewing via dirty URL or clean URL. E.g. /parent/child/child-of-child/. Function: main_id ----------------- Views a post or page by its static ID. Function: main_random --------------------- Grabs a random post and redirects to it. Function: main_matter --------------------- Displays a standalone Twig template from the "pages" directory. Function: main_register ----------------------- Register a visitor as a new user. Function: main_activate ----------------------- Activates (approves) a given login. Function: main_login -------------------- Logs in a user if they provide the username and password. Function: main_logout --------------------- Logs out the current user. Function: main_controls ----------------------- Updates the current user when the form is submitted. Function: main_lost_password ---------------------------- Emails a password reset link to the registered address of a user. Function: main_reset_password ----------------------------- Resets the password for a given login. Function: main_webmention ------------------------- Webmention receiver endpoint. Function: main_feed ------------------- Grabs posts and serves a feed. Function: display ----------------- Displays the page, or serves a feed if requested. Parameters: $template - The template file to display. $context - The context to be supplied to Twig. $title - The title for the page (optional). $pagination - instance (optional). Notes: $template is supplied sans ".twig" and relative to THEME_DIR. $template can be an array of fallback template filenames to try. $pagination will be inferred from the context if not supplied. Function: current ----------------- Returns a singleton reference to the current class. ============================================== includes/download.php ============================================== File: download -------------- Serve an uploaded file to the visitor as a file attachment. ============================================== includes/error.php ============================================== File: error ----------- Functions for handling and reporting errors. Function: error_composer ------------------------ Composes a message for the error() function to display. Function: exception_composer ---------------------------- Composes a message for the error() function to display. Function: error --------------- Displays an error message via direct call or handler. Parameters: $title - The title for the error dialog. $body - The message for the error dialog. $backtrace - The trace of the error. $code - Numeric HTTP status code to set. ============================================== includes/helpers.php ============================================== File: helpers ------------- Various functions used throughout the codebase. Function: session ----------------- Begins Chyrp's custom session storage whatnots. Parameters: $secure - Send the cookie only over HTTPS? Function: logged_in ------------------- Mask for Visitor::logged_in(). Function: authenticate ---------------------- Mask for Session::hash_token(). Function: redirect ------------------ Redirects to the supplied URL and exits immediately. Parameters: $url - The absolute or relative URL to redirect to. $code - Numeric HTTP status code to set (optional). Function: show_403 ------------------ Shows an error message with a 403 HTTP header. Parameters: $title - The title for the error dialog (optional). $body - The message for the error dialog (optional). Function: show_404 ------------------ Shows an error message with a 404 HTTP header. Parameters: $title - The title for the error dialog (optional). $body - The message for the error dialog (optional). Function: url ------------- Mask for Route::url(). Function: self_url ------------------ Returns an absolute URL for the current request. Function: htaccess_conf ----------------------- Creates the Apache rewrites for Chyrp Lite. Parameters: $url_path - The URL path to MAIN_DIR. Returns: The rewrite rules, or false on failure. Function: caddyfile_conf ------------------------ Creates the Caddy rewrites for Chyrp Lite. Parameters: $url_path - The URL path to MAIN_DIR. Returns: The rewrite rules, or false on failure. Function: nginx_conf -------------------- Creates the nginx rewrites for Chyrp Lite. Parameters: $url_path - The URL path to MAIN_DIR. Returns: The rewrite rules, or false on failure. Function: locales ----------------- Returns an array of locale choices for the "chyrp" domain. Function: set_locale -------------------- Sets the locale with fallbacks for platform-specific quirks. Parameters: $locale - The locale name, e.g. @en_US@, @uk_UA@, @fr_FR@ Function: get_locale -------------------- Gets the current locale setting. Notes: Does not use setlocale() because the return value is non-normative. Function: load_translator ------------------------- Sets the path for a gettext translation domain. Parameters: $domain - The name of this translation domain. $locale - The path to the locale directory. Function: lang_code ------------------- Converts a language code to a localised display name. Parameters: $code - The language code to convert. Returns: A localised display name, e.g. "English (United States)". Function: lang_base ------------------- Extracts the primary language subtag for the supplied code. Parameters: $code - The language code to extract from. Returns: The primary subtag for this code, e.g. "en" from "en_US". Function: text_direction ------------------------ Returns the correct text direction for the supplied language code. Parameters: $code - The language code. Returns: Either the string "ltr" or "rtl". Function: __ ------------ Translates a string using gettext. Parameters: $text - The string to translate. $domain - The translation domain to read from. Returns: The translated string or the original. Function: _p ------------ Translates a plural (or not) form of a string. Parameters: $single - Singular string. $plural - Pluralized string. $number - The number to judge by. $domain - The translation domain to read from. Returns: The translated string or the original. Function: _f ------------ Translates a string with sprintf() formatting. Parameters: $string - String to translate and format. $args - One arg or an array of arguments to format with. $domain - The translation domain to read from. Returns: The translated string or the original. Function: _w ------------ Formats and internationalizes a string that isn't a regular time() value. Parameters: $formatting - The date()-compatible formatting. $when - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted. Returns: An internationalized time/date string with the supplied formatting. Function: when -------------- Formats a string that isn't a regular time() value. Parameters: $formatting - The formatting for date(). $when - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted. Returns: A time/date string with the supplied formatting. Function: datetime ------------------ Formats datetime for SQL queries. Parameters: $when - A timestamp (optional). Returns: A standard datetime string. Function: now ------------- Alias to strtotime, for prettiness like now("+1 day"). Function: convert_datetime -------------------------- Converts datetime formatting from PHP to ICU format. Parameters: $formatting - The datetime formatting. See Also: https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/ https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php Function: timezones ------------------- Returns an array of timezone identifiers. Function: set_timezone ---------------------- Sets the timezone for all date/time functions. Parameters: $timezone - The timezone to set. Function: get_timezone ---------------------- Gets the timezone for all date/time functions. Function: fallback ------------------ Sets the supplied variable if it is not already set. Parameters: &$variable - The variable to set and return. Returns: The value that was assigned to the variable. Notes: Additional arguments supplied to this function will be considered as candidate values. The variable will be set to the value of the first non-empty argument, or the last, or null if no arguments are supplied. Function: oneof --------------- Inspects the supplied arguments and returns the first substantial value. Returns: The first substantial value in the set, or the last, or null. Notes: Some type combinations will halt inspection of the full set: - All types are comparable with null. - All scalar types are comparable. - Arrays, objects, and resources are incomparable with other types. Function: token --------------- Salt and hash a unique token using the supplied data. Parameters: $items - An array of items to hash. Returns: A unique token salted with the site's secure hashkey. Function: crc24 --------------- Performs a 24-bit cyclic redundancy check. Parameters: $str - The data to check. $polynomial - The polynomial to use. $ini - The initial remainder value. $xor - The value for the final XOR. Returns: The integer value of the check result. Function: slug -------------- Generates a random slug value for posts and pages. Parameters: $length - The number of characters to generate. Returns: A string of the requested length. Function: random ---------------- Generates a string of alphanumeric random characters. Parameters: $length - The number of characters to generate. Returns: A string of the requested length. Notes: Uses a cryptographically secure pseudo-random method. Function: shorthand_bytes ------------------------- Decode shorthand bytes notation from php.ini. Parameters: $value - The value returned by ini_get(). Returns: A byte value or the input if decoding failed. Function: set_max_time ---------------------- Sets the PHP time limit to MAX_TIME_LIMIT. Function: set_max_memory ------------------------ Sets the PHP memory limit to MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT. Function: timer_start --------------------- Starts the internal timer and returns the microtime. Function: timer_stop -------------------- Returns the elapsed time since the timer started. Parameters: $precision - Round to n decimal places. Returns: A formatted number with the requested $precision. Function: match_any ------------------- Try to match a string against an array of regular expressions. Parameters: $try - An array of regular expressions, or a single regular expression. $haystack - The string to test. Returns: Whether or not the match succeeded. Function: autoload ------------------ Autoload PSR-0 classes on demand by scanning lib directories. Parameters: $class - The name of the class to load. Function: keywords ------------------ Parse keyword searches for values in specific database columns. Parameters: $query - The query to parse. $plain - WHERE syntax to search for non-keyword queries. $table - Check this table to ensure the keywords are valid. Returns: An array containing an array of "WHERE" conditions, an array of "WHERE" parameters, and "ORDER BY" clause for the results. Non-keyword text will be parameterized as array[1][":query"]. Function: pluralize ------------------- Pluralizes a word. Parameters: $string - The lowercase string to pluralize. $number - A number to determine pluralization. Returns: The supplied word with a trailing "s" added, or the correct non-normative pluralization. Function: depluralize --------------------- Singularizes a word. Parameters: $string - The lowercase string to depluralize. $number - A number to determine depluralization. Returns: The supplied word with trailing "s" removed, or the correct non-normative singularization. Function: normalize ------------------- Attempts to normalize newlines and whitespace into single spaces. Returns: The normalized string. Function: camelize ------------------ Converts a string to camel-case. Parameters: $string - The string to camelize. $keep_spaces - Convert underscores to spaces? Returns: A CamelCased string. See Also: Function: decamelize -------------------- Undoes camel-case conversion. Parameters: $string - The string to decamelize. Returns: A de_camel_cased string. See Also: Function: truncate ------------------ Truncates a string to the requested number of characters or less. Parameters: $text - The string to be truncated. $length - Truncate the string to this number of characters. $ellipsis - A string to place at the truncation point. $exact - Split words to return the exact length requested? Returns: A truncated string, with ellipsis appended, of or less. Function: markdown ------------------ Implements the Markdown content parsing filter. Parameters: $text - The body of the post/page to parse. $context - Model instance for context (optional). Returns: The text with Markdown formatting applied. See Also: https://github.com/commonmark/CommonMark https://github.github.com/gfm/ https://chyrplite.net/wiki/Chyrp-Flavoured-Markdown.html Function: emote --------------- Converts emoticons to Unicode emoji HTML entities. Parameters: $text - The body of the post/page to parse. Returns: The text with emoticons replaced by emoji. See Also: http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1F600.pdf Function: fix ------------- Neutralizes HTML and quotes in strings for display. Parameters: $string - String to fix. $quotes - Encode quotes? $double - Encode encoded? Returns: A sanitized version of the string. Function: unfix --------------- Undoes neutralization of HTML and quotes in strings. Parameters: $string - String to unfix. $all - Decode all entities? Returns: An unsanitary version of the string. Function: sanitize ------------------ Sanitizes a string of troublesome characters, typically for use in URLs. Parameters: $string - The string to sanitize - must be ASCII or UTF-8! $lowercase - Force the string to lowercase? $strict - Remove all characters except "-" and alphanumerics? $truncate - Number of bytes to truncate to (0 to disable). Returns: A sanitized version of the string. Function: sanitize_db_string ---------------------------- Purifies and trims a string for a database column. Parameters: $string - The string. $length - The length limit in bytes (optional). Returns: A purified and trimmed version of the string. See Also: Function: sanitize_html ----------------------- Sanitizes HTML to disable styles, scripts, and most attributes. Parameters: $string - String containing HTML to sanitize. Returns: A version of the string containing only valid HTML tags and whitelisted attributes essential to tag functionality. Function: get_remote -------------------- Retrieves the contents of a URL. Parameters: $url - The URL of the resource to be retrieved. $redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow. $timeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait. $headers - Include response headers with the content? $post - Set the request type to POST instead of GET? $data - An array or urlencoded string of POST data. Returns: The response content, or false on failure. Function: webmention_send ------------------------- Sends Webmentions to the URLs discovered in a string. Parameters: $string - The string to crawl for Webmention URLs. $post - The post this string belongs to. $limit - Execution time limit in seconds (optional). Function: webmention_receive ---------------------------- Receives and validates Webmentions. Parameters: $source - The sender's URL. $target - The URL of our post. Function: webmention_discover ----------------------------- Determines if a URL is capable of receiving Webmentions. Parameters: $url - The URL to check. $redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow. Returns: The Webmention endpoint URL, or false on failure. Function: grab_urls ------------------- Crawls a string and grabs hyperlinks from it. Parameters: $string - The string to crawl. Returns: An array of all URLs found in the string. Function: merge_urls -------------------- Combines a base URL and relative path into a target URL. Parameters: $base - The base URL. $rel - The relative path. Returns: A merged target URL, or false on failure. Notes: Does not attempt to resolve dot segments in the path. Function: load_info ------------------- Loads an extension's info.php file and returns an array of attributes. Function: init_extensions ------------------------- Initialize all Modules and Feathers. Function: module_enabled ------------------------ Determines if a module is currently enabled and not cancelled. Parameters: $name - The non-camelized name of the module. Returns: Whether or not the supplied module is enabled. Function: feather_enabled ------------------------- Determines if a feather is currently enabled and not cancelled. Parameters: $name - The non-camelized name of the feather. Returns: Whether or not the supplied feather is enabled. Function: cancel_module ----------------------- Temporarily declares a module cancelled (disabled). Parameters: $target - The non-camelized name of the module. $reason - Why was execution cancelled? Notes: A module can cancel itself in its __init() method. Function: cancel_feather ------------------------ Temporarily declares a feather cancelled (disabled). Parameters: $target - The non-camelized name of the feather. $reason - Why was execution cancelled? Notes: A feather can cancel itself in its __init() method. Function: upload ---------------- Validates and moves an uploaded file to the uploads directory. Parameters: $file - The POST method upload array, e.g. $_FILES['userfile']. $filter - An array of valid extensions (case-insensitive). Returns: The filename of the upload relative to the uploads directory. Function: upload_from_url ------------------------- Copies a file from a remote URL to the uploads directory. Parameters: $url - The URL of the resource to be copied. $redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow. $timeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait. Returns: The filename of the copied file, or false on failure. Function: uploaded ------------------ Generates an absolute URL or filesystem path to an uploaded file. Parameters: $filename - Filename relative to the uploads directory. $url - Whether to return a URL or a filesystem path. Returns: The supplied filename prepended with URL or filesystem path. Function: uploaded_search ------------------------- Returns an array of files discovered in the uploads directory. Parameters: $search - A search term. $filter - An array of valid extensions (case insensitive). $sort - One of "name", "type", "size", or "modified". Function: upload_tester ----------------------- Tests uploaded file information to determine if the upload was successful. Parameters: $file - The POST method upload array, e.g. $_FILES['userfile']. Returns: True for a successful upload or false if no file was uploaded. Notes: $_POST and $_FILES are empty if post_max_size directive is exceeded. Function: upload_filename ------------------------- Generates a sanitized unique name for an uploaded file. Parameters: $filename - The filename to make unique. $filter - An array of valid extensions (case insensitive). Returns: A sanitized unique filename, or false on failure. Function: upload_filter_whitelist --------------------------------- Returns an array containing a default list of allowed file extensions. Function: delete_upload ----------------------- Deletes an uploaded file. Parameters: $filename - Filename relative to the uploads directory. Returns: Whether or not the file was deleted successfully. Function: password_strength --------------------------- Award a numeric score for the strength of a password. Parameters: $password - The password string to score. Returns: A numeric score for the strength of the password. Function: is_url ---------------- Does the string look like a web URL? Parameters: $string - The string to analyse. Returns: Whether or not the string matches the criteria. Notes: Recognises FQDN, IPv4 and IPv6. See Also: Function: add_scheme -------------------- Prefixes a URL with a scheme if none was detected. Parameters: $url - The URL to analyse. $scheme - Force this scheme (optional). Returns: URL prefixed with a default or supplied scheme. See Also: Function: is_email ------------------ Does the string look like an email address? Parameters: $string - The string to analyse. Notes: Recognises FQDN, IPv4 and IPv6. Returns: Whether or not the string matches the criteria. Function: is_unsafe_ip ---------------------- Is the string a private or reserved IP address? Parameters: $string - The string to analyse. Returns: Whether or not the string matches the criteria. Function: is_datetime_zero -------------------------- Is the string a SQL datetime "zero" variant? Parameters: $string - The string to analyse. Returns: Whether or not the string matches the criteria. Function: generate_captcha -------------------------- Generates a captcha form element. Returns: A string containing HTML elements to add to a form. Function: check_captcha ----------------------- Checks the response to a captcha. Returns: Whether or not the captcha was defeated. Function: esce -------------- Outputs an escaped echo for JavaScripts. Parameters: $variable - The variable to echo. Notes: Strings are escaped with backslashes, booleans expanded to "true" or "false". Function: icon_img ------------------ Returns an img tag for the requested icon resource. Parameters: $filename - The icon filename. $alt_text - The alternative text for the image. $class - The CSS class for the image. Function: icon_svg ------------------ Returns an SVG tag for the requested icon resource. Parameters: $filename - The icon filename. $label - The ARIA label for the SVG. $class - The CSS class for the SVG. Function: json_set ------------------ JSON encodes a value and checks for errors. Parameters: $value - The value to be encoded. $options - A bitmask of encoding options. $depth - Recursion depth for encoding. Returns: A JSON encoded string or false on failure. Function: json_get ------------------ JSON decodes a value and checks for errors. Parameters: $value - The UTF-8 string to be decoded. $assoc - Convert objects into associative arrays? $depth - Recursion depth for decoding. $options - A bitmask of decoding options. Returns: A JSON decoded value of the appropriate PHP type. Function: json_response ----------------------- Send a structured JSON response. Parameters: $text - A string containing a response message. $data - Arbitrary data to be sent with the response. Function: file_attachment ------------------------- Send a file attachment to the visitor. Parameters: $contents - The bitstream to be delivered to the visitor. $filename - The name to be applied to the content upon download. Function: zip_archive --------------------- Creates a basic flat Zip archive from an array of items. Parameters: $array - An associative array of names and contents. Returns: A Zip archive. See Also: https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT Function: email --------------- Sends an email using PHP's mail() function or an alternative. Function: email_activate_account -------------------------------- Sends an activation email to a newly registered user. Parameters: $user - The user to receive the email. Function: email_reset_password ------------------------------ Sends a password reset email to a user. Parameters: $user - The user to receive the email. Function: javascripts --------------------- Returns inline JavaScript for core functionality and extensions. ============================================== includes/interface/CaptchaProvider.php ============================================== Interface: CaptchaProvider -------------------------- Describes the functions required by CaptchaProvider implementations. Function: generateCaptcha ------------------------- Returns the HTML form elements for the captcha challenge. Function: checkCaptcha ---------------------- Checks the response and returns true (success) or false (failure). ============================================== includes/interface/Controller.php ============================================== Interface: Controller --------------------- Describes the functions required by Controller implementations. Function: parse --------------- Route constructor calls this to determine the action. Function: exempt ---------------- Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions. ============================================== includes/interface/Feather.php ============================================== Interface: Feather ------------------ Describes the functions required by Feather implementations. Function: submit ---------------- Handles post submitting. Returns: The object created. Function: update ---------------- Handles updating a post. Function: title --------------- Returns the appropriate source to be treated as a "title" of a post. If there is no immediate solution, you may use . Function: excerpt ----------------- Returns the appropriate source, unmodified, to be used as an excerpt of a post. Function: feed_content ---------------------- Returns the appropriate content for a feed. ============================================== includes/interface/FeedGenerator.php ============================================== Interface: FeedGenerator ------------------------ Describes the functions required by FeedGenerator implementations. Function: type -------------- Returns the content type of the feed. Function: open -------------- Opens the feed. Function: entry --------------- Adds an individual entry to the feed. Function: category ------------------ Adds a category to an entry or feed. Function: rights ---------------- Adds human-readable licensing information to an entry or feed. Function: enclosure ------------------- Adds a link for a resource that is potentially large in size. Function: related ----------------- Adds a link for a resource related to an entry or feed. Function: feed -------------- Returns the generated feed. Function: display ----------------- Displays the generated feed. ============================================== includes/lib/AtomFeed.php ============================================== Class: AtomFeed --------------- Generates an Atom feed piece by piece. See Also: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287 Function: type -------------- Returns the content type of the feed. Function: open -------------- Adds the opening feed element and top-level elements. Parameters: $title - Title for this feed. $subtitle - Subtitle (optional). $id - Feed ID (optional). $updated - Time of update (optional). Function: entry --------------- Adds an individual feed entry. Parameters: $title - Title for this entry. $id - The unique ID. $content - Content for this entry. $link - The URL to the resource. $published - Time of creation. $updated - Time of update (optional). $name - Name of the author (optional). $uri - URI of the author (optional). $email - Email address of the author (optional). Notes: The entry remains open to allow triggered insertions. Function: category ------------------ Adds a category element for an entry or feed. Parameters: $term - String that identifies the category. $scheme - URI for the categorization scheme (optional). $label - Human-readable label for the category (optional). Function: rights ---------------- Adds a rights element for an entry or feed. Parameters: $text - Human-readable licensing information. Function: enclosure ------------------- Adds a link element for a resource that is potentially large in size. Parameters: $link - The URL to the resource. $length - Size in bytes of the resource (optional). $type - The media type of the resource (optional). $title - Title for the resource (optional). Function: related ----------------- Adds a link element for a resource related to an entry or feed. Parameters: $link - The URL to the resource. Function: feed -------------- Returns the generated feed. Function: display ----------------- Displays the generated feed. ============================================== includes/lib/JSONFeed.php ============================================== Class: JSONFeed --------------- Generates a JSON feed piece by piece. See Also: https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1 Function: type -------------- Returns the content type of the feed. Function: open -------------- Adds the top-level feed objects. Parameters: $title - Title for this feed. $subtitle - Subtitle (optional). $id - Feed ID (optional). $updated - Time of update (optional). Function: entry --------------- Adds an individual feed item. Parameters: $title - Title for this item. $id - The unique ID. $content - Content for this item. $link - The URL to the resource. $published - Time of creation. $updated - Time of update (optional). $name - Name of the author (optional). $uri - URI of the author (optional). $email - Email address of the author (optional). Function: category ------------------ Adds a tag object for an item. Parameters: $term - String that identifies the category. $scheme - URI for the categorization scheme (optional). $label - Human-readable label for the category (optional). Function: rights ---------------- Not implemented in JSON Feed version 1. Function: enclosure ------------------- Adds an attachment object for an item. Parameters: $link - The URL to the resource. $length - Size in bytes of the resource (optional). $type - The media type of the resource (optional). $title - Title for the resource (optional). Function: related ----------------- Adds an external_url attribute for an item. Parameters: $link - The external URL. Function: feed -------------- Returns the generated feed. Function: display ----------------- Displays the generated feed. ============================================== includes/lib/Leaf.php ============================================== Class: Leaf ----------- Extends the Twig template engine. Function: getFunctions ---------------------- Returns a list of operators to add to the existing list. Function: getFilters -------------------- Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list. Function: twig_callback_missing_function ---------------------------------------- Scans callable methods of enabled modules in search of a missing Twig function. Parameters: $name - The name of the missing Twig function. Function: twig_callback_missing_filter -------------------------------------- Scans callable methods of enabled modules in search of a missing Twig filter. Parameters: $name - The name of the missing Twig filter. Function: twig_function_paginate -------------------------------- Paginates an array of items using the Paginator class. Parameters: $array - The array to paginate. $per_page - The number of items per page. $name - The $_GET value for the current page. Function: twig_function_posted ------------------------------ Returns a $_POST value if set, otherwise returns the fallback value. Parameters: $key - The key to test in the $_POST array. $fallback - The value to return if the $_POST value is not set. Function: twig_function_mailto ------------------------------ Returns an obfuscated mailto: URL. Parameters: $email - The email address to obfuscate. Function: twig_function_copyright_notice ---------------------------------------- Returns a copyright notice. Parameters: $holder - The copyright holder's name. $date1 - A date to use for the year. $date2 - End date (for a span of years). Function: twig_function_uploaded_search --------------------------------------- Returns an array of matches, if the visitor has the "export_content" privilege. Parameters: $search - A search term. $filter - An array of valid extensions (case insensitive). Function: twig_function_slug_pattern ------------------------------------ Returns a HTML @pattern@ attribute according to SLUG_STRICT constant. Function: twig_function_javascripts_nonce ----------------------------------------- Returns a nonce value to enable inline JavaScript with a Content Security Policy. Function: twig_function_stylesheets_nonce ----------------------------------------- Returns a nonce value to enable inline stylesheets with a Content Security Policy. Function: twig_filter_translate ------------------------------- Returns a translated string. Parameters: $text - The string to translate. $domain - The translation domain to read from. Function: twig_filter_translate_plural -------------------------------------- Returns a plural (or not) form of a translated string. Parameters: $single - Singular string. $plural - Pluralized string. $number - The number to judge by. $domain - The translation domain to read from. Function: twig_filter_translate_time ------------------------------------ Returns a formatted and internationalized time string. Parameters: $timestamp - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted. $format - The date()-compatible formatting. Function: twig_filter_time -------------------------- Returns a