<?php /** * Interface: FeedGenerator * Describes the functions required by FeedGenerator implementations. */ interface FeedGenerator { /** * Function: type * Returns the content type of the feed. */ public static function type(): string; /** * Function: open * Opens the feed. */ public function open($title, $subtitle, $id, $updated): bool; /** * Function: entry * Adds an individual entry to the feed. */ public function entry( $title, $id, $content, $link, $published, $updated, $name, $uri, $email ): bool; /** * Function: category * Adds a category to an entry or feed. */ public function category($term, $scheme, $label): bool; /** * Function: rights * Adds human-readable licensing information to an entry or feed. */ public function rights($text): bool; /** * Function: enclosure * Adds a link for a resource that is potentially large in size. */ public function enclosure($link, $length, $type, $title): bool; /** * Function: related * Adds a link for a resource related to an entry or feed. */ public function related($link): bool; /** * Function: feed * Returns the generated feed. */ public function feed(): string; /** * Function: display * Displays the generated feed. */ public function display(): bool; }