<?php class Highlighter extends Modules { public static function __install( ): void { $config = Config::current(); $config->set( "module_highlighter", array("stylesheet" => "default.min.css") ); } public static function __uninstall( ): void { Config::current()->remove("module_highlighter"); } public function scripts( $scripts ): array { $scripts[] = Config::current()->chyrp_url. "/modules/highlighter/highlight.min.js"; return $scripts; } public function javascript( ): void { include MODULES_DIR.DIR."highlighter".DIR."javascript.php"; } public function stylesheets( $stylesheets ): array { $config = Config::current(); $stylesheet = $config->module_highlighter["stylesheet"]; $path = $config->chyrp_url. "/modules/highlighter/styles/".$stylesheet; $stylesheets[] = $path; return $stylesheets; } public function admin_highlighter_settings( $admin ): void { $config = Config::current(); if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to change settings.") ); if (empty($_POST)) { $admin->display( "pages".DIR."highlighter_settings", array( "highlighter_stylesheets" => $this->highlighter_stylesheets() ) ); return; } if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); fallback($_POST['stylesheet'], "monokai-sublime.css"); $config->set( "module_highlighter", array("stylesheet" => $_POST['stylesheet']) ); Flash::notice( __("Settings updated."), "highlighter_settings" ); } public function settings_nav( $navs ): array { if (Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) $navs["highlighter_settings"] = array( "title" => __("Syntax Highlighting", "highlighter") ); return $navs; } private function highlighter_stylesheets( $base = null, $prefix = "" ): array { fallback($base, MODULES_DIR.DIR."highlighter".DIR."styles"); $styles = array(); $dir = new DirectoryIterator($base); foreach ($dir as $item) { if (!$item->isDot()) { switch ($item->getType()) { case "file": $filename = $item->getFilename(); if (preg_match("/.+\.(css)$/i", $filename)) $styles[] = $prefix.$filename; break; case "dir": $filename = $item->getFilename(); $pathname = $item->getPathname(); $addprefix = $prefix.$filename."/"; $addstyles = $this->highlighter_stylesheets( $pathname, $addprefix ); $styles = array_merge($styles, $addstyles); break; } } } return $styles; } }