{% extends "layouts" ~ DIR ~ "help.twig" %} {% block title %}{{ "Filtering Results" | translate("rights") }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ "Choosing a License" | translate("rights") }}

{{ "When you create a piece of content for your blog, you get to decide whether or not you want your name associated with it, and whether or not it can be reproduced and reused by other people. As the “rights holder”, the license you choose to apply to your work determines which of those rights you retain and which of them you waive." | translate("rights") }}

{{ "Creative Commons is a family of licenses that you can use to donate your work to “the commons” — the body of work freely available for legal use, sharing, repurposing, and remixing. With a Creative Commons license, you can give other people permission to reproduce or reuse your work with certain restrictions. Here is a chart comparing the licenses:" | translate("rights") }}

{{ "License" | translate("rights") }} {{ "Attribution" | translate("rights") }} {{ "ShareAlike" | translate("rights") }} {{ "NonCommercial" | translate("rights") }} {{ "NoDerivatives" | translate("rights") }}
{{ "Creative Commons BY" | translate("rights") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }}
{{ "Creative Commons BY-ND" | translate("rights") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }}
{{ "Creative Commons BY-SA" | translate("rights") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }}
{{ "Creative Commons BY-NC" | translate("rights") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }}
{{ "Creative Commons BY-NC-ND" | translate("rights") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }}
{{ "Creative Commons BY-NC-SA" | translate("rights") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }} {{ icon_svg("success.svg", "Yes" | translate, "emblem") }}
{{ "Creative Commons CC0" | translate("rights") }}
{% endblock %}