<?php /** * Class: MainController * The logic controlling the blog. */ class MainController extends Controllers implements Controller { # Array: $urls # An array of clean URL => dirty URL translations. public $urls = array( '|/id/post/([0-9]+)/|' => '/?action=id&post=$1', '|/id/page/([0-9]+)/|' => '/?action=id&page=$1', '|/author/([0-9]+)/|' => '/?action=author&id=$1', '|/random/([^/]+)/|' => '/?action=random&feather=$1', '|/matter/([^/]+)/|' => '/?action=matter&url=$1', '|/search/([^/]+)/|' => '/?action=search&query=$1', '|/archive/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/|' => '/?action=archive&year=$1&month=$2&day=$3', '|/archive/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/|' => '/?action=archive&year=$1&month=$2', '|/archive/([0-9]{4})/|' => '/?action=archive&year=$1', '|/([^/]+)/feed/|' => '/?action=$1&feed' ); # Variable: $twig # Environment for the Twig template engine. private $twig; /** * Function: __construct * Loads the Twig parser and sets up the l10n domain. */ private function __construct() { $loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader(THEME_DIR); $config = Config::current(); $theme = Theme::current(); $this->twig = new \Twig\Environment( $loader, array( "debug" => DEBUG, "strict_variables" => DEBUG, "charset" => "UTF-8", "cache" => CACHES_DIR.DIR."twig", "autoescape" => false) ); $this->twig->addExtension( new Leaf() ); $this->twig->registerUndefinedFunctionCallback( "twig_callback_missing_function" ); $this->twig->registerUndefinedFilterCallback( "twig_callback_missing_filter" ); # Load the theme translator. load_translator($theme->safename, THEME_DIR.DIR."locale"); # Set the limit for pagination. $this->post_limit = $config->posts_per_page; } /** * Function: parse * Route constructor calls this to interpret clean URLs and determine the action. */ public function parse($route): ?string { $config = Config::current(); # Serve the index if the first arg is empty and / is not a route. if (empty($route->arg[0]) and !isset($config->routes["/"])) return $route->action = "index"; # Serve the index if the first arg is a query and action is unset. if (empty($route->action) and strpos($route->arg[0], "?") === 0) return $route->action = "index"; # Discover feed requests. if ( $route->action == "feed" or preg_match("/\/feed\/?$/", $route->request) ) $this->feed = true; # Discover pagination. if ( preg_match_all( "/\/((([^_\/]+)_)?page)\/([0-9]+)/", $route->request, $pages ) ) { foreach ($pages[1] as $index => $variable) $_GET[$variable] = (int) $pages[4][$index]; # Looks like pagination of the index. if ($route->arg[0] == $pages[1][0]) return $route->action = "index"; } # Archive. if ($route->arg[0] == "archive") { # Make sure they're numeric; could be a "/page/" in there. if (isset($route->arg[1]) and is_numeric($route->arg[1])) { $_GET['year'] = $route->arg[1]; if (isset($route->arg[2]) and is_numeric($route->arg[2])) { $_GET['month'] = $route->arg[2]; if (isset($route->arg[3]) and is_numeric($route->arg[3])) $_GET['day'] = $route->arg[3]; } } return $route->action = "archive"; } # Search. if ($route->arg[0] == "search") { if (isset($route->arg[1])) $_GET['query'] = $route->arg[1]; return $route->action = "search"; } # Author. if ($route->arg[0] == "author") { if (isset($route->arg[1])) $_GET['id'] = $route->arg[1]; return $route->action = "author"; } # Random. if ($route->arg[0] == "random") { if (isset($route->arg[1])) $_GET['feather'] = $route->arg[1]; return $route->action = "random"; } # Matter. if ($route->arg[0] == "matter") { if (isset($route->arg[1])) $_GET['url'] = $route->arg[1]; return $route->action = "matter"; } # Static ID of a post or page. if ($route->arg[0] == "id") { if (isset($route->arg[1]) and isset($route->arg[2])) { switch ($route->arg[1]) { case "post": $_GET["post"] = $route->arg[2]; break; case "page": $_GET["page"] = $route->arg[2]; break; } } return $route->action = "id"; } # Custom route? $route->custom(); # Are we viewing a post? Post::from_url( $route->request, $route, array("drafts" => true) ); # Are we viewing a page? Page::from_url( $route->request, $route ); return null; } /** * Function: exempt * Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions. */ public function exempt($action): bool { $exemptions = array( "login", "logout", "register", "activate", "lost_password", "reset_password" ); return in_array($action, $exemptions); } /** * Function: main_index * Grabs the posts for the main index. */ public function main_index(): void { $this->display( "pages".DIR."index", array( "posts" => new Paginator( Post::find(array("placeholders" => true)), $this->post_limit ) ) ); } /** * Function: main_updated * Grabs the posts that have been updated. */ public function main_updated(): void { $this->display( array("pages".DIR."updated", "pages".DIR."index"), array( "posts" => new Paginator( Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => array("updated_at >" => SQL_DATETIME_ZERO), "order" => "updated_at DESC, created_at DESC, id DESC" ) ), $this->post_limit ) ), __("Updated posts") ); } /** * Function: main_author * Grabs the posts created by a user. */ public function main_author(): void { if (empty($_GET['id']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) Flash::warning( __("You did not specify a user ID."), "/" ); $user = new User($_GET['id']); if ($user->no_results) Flash::warning( __("User not found."), "/" ); $author = (object) array( "id" => $user->id, "name" => oneof($user->full_name, $user->login), "website" => $user->website, "email" => $user->email, "joined" => $user->joined_at ); $this->display( array("pages".DIR."author", "pages".DIR."index"), array( "author" => $author, "posts" => new Paginator( Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => array("user_id" => $user->id) ) ), $this->post_limit ) ), _f("Posts created by “%s”", fix($author->name)) ); } /** * Function: main_archive * Grabs the posts for the archive page. */ public function main_archive(): void { $sql = SQL::current(); $statuses = Post::statuses(); $feathers = Post::feathers(); $months = array(); $posts = new Paginator(array()); fallback($_GET['year']); fallback($_GET['month']); fallback($_GET['day']); # Default to either the year of the latest post or the current year. if (!isset($_GET['year'])) { $latest = $sql->select( tables:"posts", fields:"created_at", conds:array($feathers, $statuses), order:array("created_at DESC") )->fetch(); $latest = ($latest === false) ? time() : $latest["created_at"] ; } $start = mktime( 0, 0, 0, ( is_numeric($_GET['month']) ? (int) $_GET['month'] : 1 ), ( is_numeric($_GET['day']) ? (int) $_GET['day'] : 1 ), ( is_numeric($_GET['year']) ? (int) $_GET['year'] : (int) when("Y", $latest) ) ); if (is_numeric($_GET['day'])) { $depth = "day"; $limit = strtotime( "tomorrow", $start ); $title = _f("Archive of %s", _w("d F Y", $start)); $posts = new Paginator( Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => array( "created_at LIKE" => when("Y-m-d%", $start) ), "order" => "created_at DESC, id DESC" ) ), $this->post_limit ); } elseif (is_numeric($_GET['month'])) { $depth = "month"; $limit = strtotime( "midnight first day of next month", $start ); $title = _f("Archive of %s", _w("F Y", $start)); $posts = new Paginator( Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => array( "created_at LIKE" => when("Y-m-%", $start) ), "order" => "created_at DESC, id DESC" ) ), $this->post_limit ); } else { $depth = "year"; $limit = strtotime( "midnight first day of next year", $start ); $title = _f("Archive of %s", _w("Y", $start)); $results = Post::find( array( "where" => array( "created_at LIKE" => when("Y-%-%", $start) ), "order" => "created_at DESC, id DESC" ) ); foreach ($results as $result) { $created_at = strtotime($result->created_at); $this_month = strtotime( "midnight first day of this month", $created_at ); if (!isset($months[$this_month])) $months[$this_month] = array(); $months[$this_month][] = $result; } } # Are there posts older than those displayed? $next = $sql->select( tables:"posts", fields:"created_at", conds:array( "created_at <" => datetime($start), $statuses, $feathers ), order:array("created_at DESC") )->fetchColumn(); # Are there posts newer than those displayed? $prev = $sql->select( tables:"posts", fields:"created_at", conds:array( "created_at >=" => datetime($limit), $statuses, $feathers ), order:array("created_at ASC") )->fetchColumn(); $prev = ($prev === false) ? null : strtotime($prev) ; $next = ($next === false) ? null : strtotime($next) ; $this->display( "pages".DIR."archive", array( "posts" => $posts, "months" => $months, "archive" => array( "when" => $start, "depth" => $depth, "next" => $next, "prev" => $prev ) ), $title ); } /** * Function: main_search * Grabs the posts and pages for a search query. */ public function main_search(): void { $config = Config::current(); $visitor = Visitor::current(); # Redirect searches to a clean URL or dirty GET depending on configuration. if (isset($_POST['query'])) redirect( "search/". str_ireplace("%2F", "", urlencode($_POST['query'])). "/" ); if (!isset($_GET['query']) or $_GET['query'] == "") Flash::warning( __("Please enter a search term."), "/" ); list($where, $params) = keywords( $_GET['query'], "post_attributes.value LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query", "posts" ); $results = Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params ) ); $ids = array(); foreach ($results[0] as $result) $ids[] = $result["id"]; if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = new Paginator( Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => array("id" => $ids) ) ), $this->post_limit ); } else { $posts = new Paginator(array()); } if ($config->search_pages) { list($where, $params) = keywords( $_GET['query'], "title LIKE :query OR body LIKE :query", "pages" ); if (!$visitor->group->can("view_page")) $where["public"] = true; $pages = Page::find( array( "where" => $where, "params" => $params ) ); } else { $pages = array(); } $this->display( array("pages".DIR."search", "pages".DIR."index"), array( "posts" => $posts, "pages" => $pages, "search" => $_GET['query'] ), _f("Search results for “%s”", fix($_GET['query'])) ); } /** * Function: main_drafts * Grabs the posts with draft status created by this user. */ public function main_drafts(): void { $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!$visitor->group->can("view_own_draft", "view_draft")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to view drafts.") ); $posts = new Paginator( Post::find( array( "placeholders" => true, "where" => array( "status" => Post::STATUS_DRAFT, "user_id" => $visitor->id) ) ), $this->post_limit ); $this->display( array("pages".DIR."drafts", "pages".DIR."index"), array("posts" => $posts), __("Drafts") ); } /** * Function: main_view * Handles post viewing via dirty URL or clean URL. * E.g. /year/month/day/url/. */ public function main_view($post = null): bool { if (!isset($post)) $post = new Post( array("url" => fallback($_GET['url'])), array("drafts" => true) ); if ($post->no_results) return false; if ($post->status == Post::STATUS_DRAFT) Flash::message( __("This post is not published.") ); if ($post->status == Post::STATUS_SCHEDULED) Flash::message( __("This post is scheduled to be published.") ); $this->display( array("pages".DIR."view", "pages".DIR."index"), array("post" => $post), $post->title() ); return true; } /** * Function: main_page * Handles page viewing via dirty URL or clean URL. * E.g. /parent/child/child-of-child/. */ public function main_page($page = null): bool { $trigger = Trigger::current(); $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!isset($page)) $page = new Page( array("url" => fallback($_GET['url'])) ); if ($page->no_results) return false; if ( !$page->public and !$visitor->group->can("view_page") and $page->user_id != $visitor->id ) { $trigger->call("can_not_view_page"); show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You are not allowed to view this page.") ); } $this->display( array("pages".DIR."page_".$page->url, "pages".DIR."page"), array("page" => $page), $page->title ); return true; } /** * Function: main_id * Views a post or page by its static ID. */ public function main_id(): bool { if (!empty($_GET['post']) and is_numeric($_GET['post'])) { $post = new Post($_GET['post']); if ($post->no_results) return false; redirect($post->url()); } if (!empty($_GET['page']) and is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { $page = new Page($_GET['page']); if ($page->no_results) return false; redirect($page->url()); } return false; } /** * Function: main_random * Grabs a random post and redirects to it. */ public function main_random(): bool { $conds = array(Post::statuses()); if (isset($_GET['feather'])) $conds["feather"] = preg_replace( "|[^a-z_\-]|i", "", $_GET['feather'] ); else $conds[] = Post::feathers(); $results = SQL::current()->select( tables:"posts", fields:"id", conds:$conds )->fetchAll(); if (!empty($results)) { $ids = array(); foreach ($results as $result) $ids[] = $result["id"]; shuffle($ids); $post = new Post(reset($ids)); if ($post->no_results) return false; redirect($post->url()); } Flash::warning( __("There aren't enough posts for random selection."), "/" ); } /** * Function: main_matter * Displays a standalone Twig template from the "pages" directory. */ public function main_matter(): bool { $theme = Theme::current(); if (!isset($_GET['url'])) return false; $matter = str_replace(array(DIR, "/"), "", $_GET['url']); if ($matter == "") return false; $template = "pages".DIR."matter_".$matter; if (!$theme->file_exists($template)) return false; $this->display( $template, array(), camelize($matter, true) ); return true; } /** * Function: main_register * Register a visitor as a new user. */ public function main_register(): void { $config = Config::current(); if (!$config->can_register) Flash::notice( __("This site does not allow registration."), "/" ); if (logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You cannot register an account because you are already logged in."), "/" ); if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['login']) or derezz($_POST['login'])) Flash::warning( __("Please enter a username for your account.") ); $check = new User( array("login" => $_POST['login']) ); if (!$check->no_results) Flash::warning( __("That username is already in use.") ); if (empty($_POST['password1']) or empty($_POST['password2'])) Flash::warning( __("Passwords cannot be blank.") ); elseif ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2']) Flash::warning( __("Passwords do not match.") ); elseif (password_strength($_POST['password1']) < 100) Flash::message( __("Please consider setting a stronger password for your account.") ); if (empty($_POST['email'])) Flash::warning( __("Email address cannot be blank.") ); elseif (!is_email($_POST['email'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid email address.") ); if (!check_captcha()) Flash::warning( __("Incorrect captcha response.") ); if (!empty($_POST['website']) and !is_url($_POST['website'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid website URL.") ); if (!empty($_POST['website'])) $_POST['website'] = add_scheme($_POST['website']); fallback($_POST['full_name'], ""); fallback($_POST['website'], ""); if (!Flash::exists("warning")) { $user = User::add( login:$_POST['login'], password:User::hash_password($_POST['password1']), email:$_POST['email'], full_name:$_POST['full_name'], website:$_POST['website'], group_id:$config->default_group, approved:($config->email_activation) ? false : true ); if (!$user->approved) { email_activate_account($user); Flash::notice( __("We have emailed you an activation link."), "/" ); } Visitor::log_in($user); Flash::notice( __("Your account is now active."), "/" ); } } $this->display( "forms".DIR."user".DIR."register", array(), __("Register") ); } /** * Function: main_activate * Activates (approves) a given login. */ public function main_activate()/*: never */{ if (logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You cannot activate an account because you are already logged in."), "/" ); fallback($_GET['login']); fallback($_GET['token']); $user = new User( array("login" => $_GET['login']) ); if ($user->no_results) Flash::notice( __("Please contact the blog administrator for help with your account."), "/" ); $hash = token($user->login); if (!hash_equals($hash, $_GET['token'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token."), "/" ); if ($user->approved) Flash::notice( __("Your account has already been activated."), "/" ); $user = $user->update(approved:true); Flash::notice( __("Your account is now active."), "login" ); } /** * Function: main_login * Logs in a user if they provide the username and password. */ public function main_login(): void { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); if (logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You are already logged in."), "/" ); if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token.") ); fallback($_POST['login']); fallback($_POST['password']); # You can block the login process by creating a Flash::warning(). $trigger->call("user_authenticate"); if (!User::authenticate($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])) Flash::warning( __("Incorrect username and/or password.") ); if (!Flash::exists("warning")) { $user = new User( array("login" => $_POST['login']) ); if (!$user->approved and $config->email_activation) Flash::notice( __("You must activate your account before you log in."), "/" ); Visitor::log_in($user); Flash::notice( __("Logged in."), fallback($_SESSION['redirect_to'], "/") ); } } $this->display( "forms".DIR."user".DIR."login", array(), __("Log in") ); } /** * Function: main_logout * Logs out the current user. */ public function main_logout()/*: never */{ if (!logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You aren't logged in."), "/" ); Visitor::log_out(); Flash::notice( __("Logged out."), "/" ); } /** * Function: main_controls * Updates the current user when the form is submitted. */ public function main_controls(): void { $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You must be logged in to access user controls."), "login" ); if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (!empty($_POST['new_password1'])) { if ( empty($_POST['new_password2']) or $_POST['new_password1'] != $_POST['new_password2'] ) { Flash::warning( __("Passwords do not match.") ); } elseif ( password_strength($_POST['new_password1']) < 100 ) { Flash::message( __("Please consider setting a stronger password for your account.") ); } } if (empty($_POST['email'])) Flash::warning( __("Email address cannot be blank.") ); elseif (!is_email($_POST['email'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid email address.") ); if (!empty($_POST['website']) and !is_url($_POST['website'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid website URL.") ); if (!empty($_POST['website'])) $_POST['website'] = add_scheme($_POST['website']); fallback($_POST['full_name'], ""); fallback($_POST['website'], ""); if (!Flash::exists("warning")) { $password = (!empty($_POST['new_password1'])) ? User::hash_password($_POST['new_password1']) : $visitor->password ; $visitor = $visitor->update( login:$visitor->login, password:$password, email:$_POST['email'], full_name:$_POST['full_name'], website:$_POST['website'], group_id:$visitor->group->id ); Flash::notice( __("Your profile has been updated."), "/" ); } } $this->display( "forms".DIR."user".DIR."controls", array(), __("Controls") ); } /** * Function: main_lost_password * Emails a password reset link to the registered address of a user. */ public function main_lost_password(): void { $config = Config::current(); if (logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You cannot reset your password because you are already logged in."), "/" ); if (!$config->email_correspondence) Flash::notice( __("Please contact the blog administrator for help with your account."), "/" ); if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['login'])) Flash::warning( __("Please enter your username.") ); if (!Flash::exists("warning")) { $user = new User( array("login" => $_POST['login']) ); if (!$user->no_results) email_reset_password($user); Flash::notice( __("We have emailed you a password reset link."), "/" ); } } $this->display( "forms".DIR."user".DIR."lost_password", array(), __("Lost password") ); } /** * Function: main_reset_password * Resets the password for a given login. */ public function main_reset_password(): void { $config = Config::current(); if (logged_in()) Flash::notice( __("You cannot reset your password because you are already logged in."), "/" ); fallback($_REQUEST['issue']); fallback($_REQUEST['login']); fallback($_REQUEST['token']); $age = time() - intval($_REQUEST['issue']); if ($age > PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_LIFETIME) Flash::notice( __("The link has expired. Please try again."), "lost_password" ); $user = new User( array("login" => $_REQUEST['login']) ); if ($user->no_results) Flash::notice( __("Please contact the blog administrator for help with your account."), "/" ); $hash = token(array($_REQUEST['issue'], $user->login)); if (!hash_equals($hash, $_REQUEST['token'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token."), "/" ); if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) Flash::warning( __("Invalid authentication token.") ); if (empty($_POST['new_password1']) or empty($_POST['new_password2'])) Flash::warning( __("Passwords cannot be blank.") ); elseif ($_POST['new_password1'] != $_POST['new_password2']) Flash::warning( __("Passwords do not match.") ); elseif (password_strength($_POST['new_password1']) < 100) Flash::message( __("Please consider setting a stronger password for your account.") ); if (!Flash::exists("warning")) { $user->update( password:User::hash_password($_POST['new_password1']) ); Flash::notice( __("Your profile has been updated."), "login" ); } } $this->display( "forms".DIR."user".DIR."reset_password", array( "issue" => $_REQUEST['issue'], "login" => $_REQUEST['login'], "token" => $_REQUEST['token'] ), __("Reset password") ); } /** * Function: main_webmention * Webmention receiver endpoint. */ public function main_webmention(): void { webmention_receive( fallback($_POST['source']), fallback($_POST['target']) ); } /** * Function: main_feed * Grabs posts and serves a feed. */ public function main_feed($posts = null): void { $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $theme = Theme::current(); # Fetch posts if we are being called as a responder. if (!isset($posts)) { $results = SQL::current()->select( tables:"posts", fields:"id", conds:array("status" => Post::STATUS_PUBLIC), order:array("id DESC"), limit:$config->feed_items )->fetchAll(); $ids = array(); foreach ($results as $result) $ids[] = $result["id"]; if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = Post::find( array( "where" => array("id" => $ids), "order" => "created_at DESC, id DESC" ) ); } else { $posts = array(); } } if ($posts instanceof Paginator) { $posts = $posts->reslice($config->feed_items); $posts = $posts->paginated; } $latest_timestamp = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { $created_at = strtotime($post->created_at); if ($latest_timestamp < $created_at) $latest_timestamp = $created_at; } if (strlen($theme->title)) { $title = $theme->title; $subtitle = ""; } else { $title = $config->name; $subtitle = $config->description; } $feed = new BlogFeed(); $feed->open( title:$title, subtitle:$subtitle, updated:$latest_timestamp ); foreach ($posts as $post) { $updated = ($post->updated) ? $post->updated_at : $post->created_at ; if (!$post->user->no_results) { $author = oneof( $post->user->full_name, $post->user->login ); $website = $post->user->website; } else { $author = null; $website = null; } $feed->entry( title:oneof($post->title(), $post->slug), id:url("id/post/".$post->id), content:$post->feed_content(), link:$post->url(), published:$post->created_at, updated:$updated, name:$author, uri:$website ); $trigger->call("feed_item", $post, $feed); } $feed->display(); } /** * Function: display * Displays the page, or serves a feed if requested. * * Parameters: * $template - The template file to display. * $context - The context to be supplied to Twig. * $title - The title for the page (optional). * $pagination - <Paginator> instance (optional). * * Notes: * $template is supplied sans ".twig" and relative to THEME_DIR. * $template can be an array of fallback template filenames to try. * $pagination will be inferred from the context if not supplied. */ public function display( $template, $context = array(), $title = "", $pagination = null ): void { $config = Config::current(); $route = Route::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $theme = Theme::current(); if ($this->displayed == true) return; # Try fallback template filenames. if (is_array($template)) { foreach (array_values($template) as $index => $try) { if ( $theme->file_exists($try) or ($index + 1) == count($template) ) { $this->display($try, $context, $title); return; } } } $this->displayed = true; # Discover pagination in the context. if (!isset($pagination)) { foreach ($context as $item) { if ($item instanceof Paginator) { $pagination = $item; break; } } } # Populate the theme title attribute. $theme->title = $title; # Serve a feed request if detected for this action. if ($this->feed) { if ($trigger->exists($route->action."_feed")) { $trigger->call($route->action."_feed", $context); return; } if (isset($context["posts"])) { $this->main_feed($context["posts"]); return; } } $this->context = array_merge($context, $this->context); $this->context["ip"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $this->context["DIR"] = DIR; $this->context["version"] = CHYRP_VERSION; $this->context["codename"] = CHYRP_CODENAME; $this->context["debug"] = DEBUG; $this->context["now"] = time(); $this->context["site"] = $config; $this->context["flash"] = Flash::current(); $this->context["theme"] = $theme; $this->context["trigger"] = $trigger; $this->context["route"] = $route; $this->context["visitor"] = Visitor::current(); $this->context["visitor"]->logged_in = logged_in(); $this->context["title"] = $title; $this->context["pagination"] = $pagination; $this->context["modules"] = Modules::$instances; $this->context["feathers"] = Feathers::$instances; $this->context["POST"] = $_POST; $this->context["GET"] = $_GET; $this->context["sql_queries"] =& SQL::current()->queries; $this->context["sql_debug"] =& SQL::current()->debug; $trigger->filter($this->context, "twig_context_main"); $this->twig->display($template.".twig", $this->context); } /** * Function: current * Returns a singleton reference to the current class. */ public static function & current(): self { static $instance = null; $instance = (empty($instance)) ? new self() : $instance ; return $instance; } }