uploads_limit; $this->setField( array( "attr" => "title", "type" => "text", "label" => __("Title", "photo"), "optional" => true ) ); $this->setField( array( "attr" => "filename", "type" => "file", "label" => __("Photo", "photo"), "multiple" => false, "accept" => ".".implode(",.", $this->image_extensions()) ) ); $this->setField( array( "attr" => "caption", "type" => "text_block", "label" => __("Caption", "photo"), "optional" => true, "preview" => true ) ); $this->setFilter( "title", array("markup_post_title", "markup_title") ); $this->setFilter( "caption", array("markup_post_text", "markup_text") ); $this->respondTo("filter_post","filter_post"); $this->respondTo("post_options", "add_option"); } public function submit(): Post { if (isset($_FILES['filename']) and upload_tester($_FILES['filename'])) $filename = upload( $_FILES['filename'], $this->image_extensions() ); if (!isset($filename)) error( __("Error"), __("You did not select a photo to upload.", "photo"), code:422 ); if (isset($_POST['option']['source']) and is_url($_POST['option']['source'])) $_POST['option']['source'] = add_scheme($_POST['option']['source']); fallback($_POST['title'], ""); fallback($_POST['caption'], ""); fallback($_POST['slug'], $_POST['title']); fallback($_POST['status'], "public"); fallback($_POST['created_at'], datetime()); fallback($_POST['option'], array()); return Post::add( values:array( "title" => $_POST['title'], "filename" => $filename, "caption" => $_POST['caption'] ), clean:sanitize($_POST['slug']), feather:"photo", pinned:!empty($_POST['pinned']), status:$_POST['status'], created_at:datetime($_POST['created_at']), pingbacks:true, options:$_POST['option'] ); } public function update($post): Post|false { fallback($_POST['title'], ""); fallback($_POST['caption'], ""); fallback($_POST['slug'], $post->clean); fallback($_POST['status'], $post->status); fallback($_POST['created_at'], $post->created_at); fallback($_POST['option'], array()); $filename = $post->filename; if (isset($_POST['option']['source']) and is_url($_POST['option']['source'])) $_POST['option']['source'] = add_scheme($_POST['option']['source']); if (isset($_FILES['filename']) and upload_tester($_FILES['filename'])) $filename = upload( $_FILES['filename'], $this->image_extensions() ); return $post->update( values:array( "title" => $_POST['title'], "filename" => $filename, "caption" => $_POST['caption'] ), pinned:!empty($_POST['pinned']), status:$_POST['status'], clean:sanitize($_POST['slug']), created_at:datetime($_POST['created_at']), options:$_POST['option'] ); } public function title($post): string { return oneof( $post->title, $post->title_from_excerpt() ); } public function excerpt($post): string { return $post->caption; } public function feed_content($post): string { $content = ''.fix($post->alt_text, true).''; if (!empty($post->caption)) $content.= '
'. $post->caption. '
'; return '
'; } public function filter_post($post): void { if ($post->feather != "photo") return; $post->image = $post->filename; } public function add_option($options, $post = null, $feather = null): array { if ($feather != "photo") return $options; $options[] = array( "attr" => "option[alt_text]", "label" => __("Alternative Text", "photo"), "help" => "photo_alt_text", "type" => "text", "value" => (isset($post) ? $post->alt_text : "") ); $options[] = array( "attr" => "option[source]", "label" => __("Source", "photo"), "help" => "photo_source", "type" => "url", "value" => (isset($post) ? $post->source : "") ); return $options; } private function image_extensions(): array { return array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "webp", "avif"); } }