{% extends "layouts" ~ DIR ~ "default.twig" %} {% block content %} {# Months? (For yearly archives) #} {% if months is not empty %} <div class="archive standalone"> {% for when, month in months %} <h2 id="label_{{ when }}_archive" class="archive"> <a href="{{ url('archive/%s/' | format(when | dateformat('Y/m'))) }}"> {{ when | time("F Y" | translate) | title }} </a> </h2> <ul aria-labelledby="label_{{ when }}_archive" class="archive"> {% for post in month %} <li> <article class="post archive {{ post.feather }}" id="post_{{ post.id }}" role="presentation"> <section class="post_archive_container" aria-hidden="true"> {% if post.image is defined %} {{ post.image | thumbnail("", false, ["max_width=196", "quality=60", "square=1"], "196px") }} {% else %} {% if post.title is not empty %} <h3 class="archive">{{ post.title | striptags | normalize | truncate(20) }}</h3> {% endif %} <p>{{ post.excerpt() | striptags | normalize | truncate(1000) | oneof(post.slug) }}</p> {% endif %} </section> <a href="{{ post.url() }}" class="archive_post_link"> {{ "Permanent link to “%s”" | translate | format(post.title() | oneof(post.slug) | striptags | normalize | fix(true)) }} </a> </article> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endfor %} </div> {% if archive.next is not empty %} <div role="navigation" class="next traversal"> <a href="{{ url('archive/%s/' | format(archive.next | dateformat('Y'))) }}"> {{ archive.next | time("Y") }} </a> </div> {% endif %} {% endif %} {# Posts? (For daily/monthly archives) #} {% if posts.paginated is not empty %} <div class="filter"> {{ "Archive of %s" | translate | format(archive.when | time(archive.depth == "day" ? "d F Y" : "F Y")) }} </div> {% for post in posts.paginated %} {% include(["feathers" ~ DIR ~ post.feather ~ ".twig", "feathers" ~ DIR ~ "missing.twig"]) %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# No results #} {% if months is empty and posts.paginated is empty %} <div role="status" class="filter">{{ "There aren't any posts in the timeframe you specified." | translate }}</div> {% endif %} {% endblock %}