{% extends "layouts" ~ DIR ~ "default.twig" %} {% block content %} {% if not post.prev.no_results %} {% endif %} {% include(["feathers" ~ DIR ~ post.feather ~ ".twig", "feathers" ~ DIR ~ "missing.twig"]) %} {% if not post.next.no_results %} {% endif %} {% if module_enabled("pingable") and post.pingback_count > 0 %}

{{ "Webmentions" | translate }}

    {% for pingback in post.pingbacks %}
  1. {{ pingback.title | oneof("[Untitled]" | translate) }}
  2. {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if module_enabled("comments") and (post.comment_count > 0 or post.commentable) %}

{{ "Comments" | translate }}

    {% set comments = paginate(post.comments, site.module_comments.comments_per_page, "comments") %} {% for comment in comments.paginated %} {% include "content" ~ DIR ~ "comment.twig" %} {% endfor %}
  1. {# Needed for AJAX commenting. #} {% if post.commentable %}
  2. {% include "forms" ~ DIR ~ "comment" ~ DIR ~ "new.twig" %}
  3. {% endif %}
{{ comments.next_link( ("Newer comments" | translate), null, null, "comments") }} {{ comments.prev_link( ("Older comments" | translate), null, null, "comments") }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}