* @author Karma Dordrak */ abstract class IntegrationTestCase extends TestCase { /** * @return string */ abstract protected function getFixturesDir(); /** * @return RuntimeLoaderInterface[] */ protected function getRuntimeLoaders() { return []; } /** * @return ExtensionInterface[] */ protected function getExtensions() { return []; } /** * @return TwigFilter[] */ protected function getTwigFilters() { return []; } /** * @return TwigFunction[] */ protected function getTwigFunctions() { return []; } /** * @return TwigTest[] */ protected function getTwigTests() { return []; } /** * @dataProvider getTests */ public function testIntegration($file, $message, $condition, $templates, $exception, $outputs, $deprecation = '') { $this->doIntegrationTest($file, $message, $condition, $templates, $exception, $outputs, $deprecation); } /** * @dataProvider getLegacyTests * * @group legacy */ public function testLegacyIntegration($file, $message, $condition, $templates, $exception, $outputs, $deprecation = '') { $this->doIntegrationTest($file, $message, $condition, $templates, $exception, $outputs, $deprecation); } public function getTests($name, $legacyTests = false) { $fixturesDir = realpath($this->getFixturesDir()); $tests = []; foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($fixturesDir), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY) as $file) { if (!preg_match('/\.test$/', $file)) { continue; } if ($legacyTests xor str_contains($file->getRealpath(), '.legacy.test')) { continue; } $test = file_get_contents($file->getRealpath()); if (preg_match('/--TEST--\s*(.*?)\s*(?:--CONDITION--\s*(.*))?\s*(?:--DEPRECATION--\s*(.*?))?\s*((?:--TEMPLATE(?:\(.*?\))?--(?:.*?))+)\s*(?:--DATA--\s*(.*))?\s*--EXCEPTION--\s*(.*)/sx', $test, $match)) { $message = $match[1]; $condition = $match[2]; $deprecation = $match[3]; $templates = self::parseTemplates($match[4]); $exception = $match[6]; $outputs = [[null, $match[5], null, '']]; } elseif (preg_match('/--TEST--\s*(.*?)\s*(?:--CONDITION--\s*(.*))?\s*(?:--DEPRECATION--\s*(.*?))?\s*((?:--TEMPLATE(?:\(.*?\))?--(?:.*?))+)--DATA--.*?--EXPECT--.*/s', $test, $match)) { $message = $match[1]; $condition = $match[2]; $deprecation = $match[3]; $templates = self::parseTemplates($match[4]); $exception = false; preg_match_all('/--DATA--(.*?)(?:--CONFIG--(.*?))?--EXPECT--(.*?)(?=\-\-DATA\-\-|$)/s', $test, $outputs, \PREG_SET_ORDER); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Test "%s" is not valid.', str_replace($fixturesDir.'/', '', $file))); } $tests[] = [str_replace($fixturesDir.'/', '', $file), $message, $condition, $templates, $exception, $outputs, $deprecation]; } if ($legacyTests && empty($tests)) { // add a dummy test to avoid a PHPUnit message return [['not', '-', '', [], '', []]]; } return $tests; } public function getLegacyTests() { return $this->getTests('testLegacyIntegration', true); } protected function doIntegrationTest($file, $message, $condition, $templates, $exception, $outputs, $deprecation = '') { if (!$outputs) { $this->markTestSkipped('no tests to run'); } if ($condition) { $ret = ''; eval('$ret = '.$condition.';'); if (!$ret) { $this->markTestSkipped($condition); } } $loader = new ArrayLoader($templates); foreach ($outputs as $i => $match) { $config = array_merge([ 'cache' => false, 'strict_variables' => true, ], $match[2] ? eval($match[2].';') : []); $twig = new Environment($loader, $config); $twig->addGlobal('global', 'global'); foreach ($this->getRuntimeLoaders() as $runtimeLoader) { $twig->addRuntimeLoader($runtimeLoader); } foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) { $twig->addExtension($extension); } foreach ($this->getTwigFilters() as $filter) { $twig->addFilter($filter); } foreach ($this->getTwigTests() as $test) { $twig->addTest($test); } foreach ($this->getTwigFunctions() as $function) { $twig->addFunction($function); } $deprecations = []; try { $prevHandler = set_error_handler(function ($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context = []) use (&$deprecations, &$prevHandler) { if (\E_USER_DEPRECATED === $type) { $deprecations[] = $msg; return true; } return $prevHandler ? $prevHandler($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context) : false; }); $template = $twig->load('index.twig'); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (false !== $exception) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $this->assertSame(trim($exception), trim(\sprintf('%s: %s', \get_class($e), $message))); $last = substr($message, \strlen($message) - 1); $this->assertTrue('.' === $last || '?' === $last, 'Exception message must end with a dot or a question mark.'); return; } throw new Error(\sprintf('%s: %s', \get_class($e), $e->getMessage()), -1, null, $e); } finally { restore_error_handler(); } $this->assertSame($deprecation, implode("\n", $deprecations)); try { $output = trim($template->render(eval($match[1].';')), "\n "); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (false !== $exception) { $this->assertSame(trim($exception), trim(\sprintf('%s: %s', \get_class($e), $e->getMessage()))); return; } $e = new Error(\sprintf('%s: %s', \get_class($e), $e->getMessage()), -1, null, $e); $output = trim(\sprintf('%s: %s', \get_class($e), $e->getMessage())); } if (false !== $exception) { [$class] = explode(':', $exception); $constraintClass = class_exists('PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Exception') ? 'PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Exception' : 'PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Exception'; $this->assertThat(null, new $constraintClass($class)); } $expected = trim($match[3], "\n "); if ($expected !== $output) { printf("Compiled templates that failed on case %d:\n", $i + 1); foreach (array_keys($templates) as $name) { echo "Template: $name\n"; echo $twig->compile($twig->parse($twig->tokenize($twig->getLoader()->getSourceContext($name)))); } } $this->assertEquals($expected, $output, $message.' (in '.$file.')'); } } protected static function parseTemplates($test) { $templates = []; preg_match_all('/--TEMPLATE(?:\((.*?)\))?--(.*?)(?=\-\-TEMPLATE|$)/s', $test, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $templates[$match[1] ?: 'index.twig'] = $match[2]; } return $templates; } }