<?php if (!defined('CHYRP_VERSION')) exit; ?> var ChyrpComment = { editing: 0, notice: 0, interval: null, failed: false, reload: <?php esce($config->module_comments["enable_reload_comments"]); ?>, delay: Math.abs(<?php esce($config->module_comments["auto_reload_comments"] * 1000); ?>), per_page: <?php esce($config->module_comments["comments_per_page"]); ?>, init: function( ) { if (ChyrpComment.reload && ChyrpComment.delay > 0) ChyrpComment.interval = setInterval(ChyrpComment.fetch, ChyrpComment.delay); $("#add_comment:not(.no_ajax)").on( "submit", function(e) { if (!ChyrpComment.failed && !!window.FormData) { e.preventDefault(); $("ol.comments .comment_form").loader(); // Submit the form. $.ajax( { error: ChyrpComment.panic, type: "POST", url: Site.ajax_url, data: new FormData(this), processData: false, contentType: false, dataType: "json" } ).done( function(response) { $("ol.comments .comment_form").loader(true); alert(response.text); // Reload the page to view the newly created comment. if (response.data !== false) window.location.reload(true); } ); } } ); $("ol.comments").on( "click", ".comment_edit_link:not(.no_ajax)", function(e) { if (!ChyrpComment.failed) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).attr("id").replace(/comment_edit_/, ""); ChyrpComment.edit(id); } } ); $("ol.comments").on( "click", ".comment_delete_link:not(.no_ajax)", function(e) { var m = '<?php esce(__("Are you sure you want to permanently delete this comment?", "comments")); ?>'; if (!ChyrpComment.failed) { e.preventDefault(); ChyrpComment.notice++; if (confirm(m)) { var id = $(this).attr("id").replace(/comment_delete_/, ""); ChyrpComment.destroy(id); } ChyrpComment.notice--; } } ); }, fetch: function( ) { if ( ChyrpComment.failed || $("ol.comments").attr("data-post_id") == undefined || $("ol.comments").attr("data-timestamp") == undefined ) return; var comments = $("ol.comments"); var id = comments.attr("data-post_id"); var ts = comments.attr("data-timestamp"); if ( ChyrpComment.editing == 0 && ChyrpComment.notice == 0 && !ChyrpComment.failed && $("ol.comments .comment").length < ChyrpComment.per_page ) { $.ajax( { error: ChyrpComment.panic, type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: Site.ajax_url, data: { action: "reload_comments", post_id: id, last_comment: ts } } ).done( function(response) { if (response.data.comment_ids.length > 0) { $("ol.comments").attr("data-timestamp", response.data.last_comment); $.each( response.data.comment_ids, function(i, id) { $.post( Site.ajax_url, { action: "show_comment", comment_id: id }, function(data) { $(data).insertBefore("#comment_shim").hide().fadeIn("slow"); }, "html" ).fail(ChyrpComment.panic); } ); } } ); } }, edit: function( id ) { ChyrpComment.editing++; var thisItem = $("#comment_" + id).loader(); $.post( Site.ajax_url, { action: "edit_comment", comment_id: id, hash: Visitor.token }, function(data) { thisItem.fadeOut( "fast", function() { $(this).loader(true); $(this).empty().append(data).fadeIn( "fast", function() { var thisForm = $("#comment_edit_" + id); thisForm.on( "submit", function(e) { if (!ChyrpComment.failed && !!window.FormData) { e.preventDefault(); thisItem.loader(); // Submit the form. $.ajax( { error: ChyrpComment.panic, type: "POST", url: Site.ajax_url, data: new FormData(thisForm[0]), processData: false, contentType: false, dataType: "json" } ).done( function(response) { // Validation failed if data value is false. if (response.data === false) { $(thisItem).loader(true); alert(response.text); return; } ChyrpComment.editing--; // Load the updated post in place of the edit form. $.post( Site.ajax_url, { action: "show_comment", comment_id: id }, function(data) { thisItem.fadeOut( "fast", function() { $(this).replaceWith(data).fadeIn("fast"); } ); }, "html" ).fail(ChyrpComment.panic); } ); } } ); $("#comment_cancel_edit_" + id).click( function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!ChyrpComment.failed) { thisItem.loader(); $.post( Site.ajax_url, { action: "show_comment", comment_id: id }, function(data) { thisItem.fadeOut( "fast", function() { $(this).replaceWith(data).fadeIn("fast"); } ); } ); ChyrpComment.editing--; } } ); } ); } ); }, "html" ).fail(ChyrpComment.panic); }, destroy: function( id ) { var thisItem = $("#comment_" + id).loader(); $.post( Site.ajax_url, { action: "destroy_comment", id: id, hash: Visitor.token }, function(response) { thisItem.fadeOut( "fast", function() { $(this).remove(); } ); $("ol.comments").focus(); }, "json" ).fail(ChyrpComment.panic); }, panic: function( message ) { message = (typeof message === "string") ? message : Oops.message ; ChyrpComment.failed = true; Oops.count++; alert(message); $(".ajax_loading").loader(true); $("ol.comments form input[name='ajax']").remove(); } }; $(document).ready(ChyrpComment.init);