<?php /** * Class: Pingback * The model for the Pingbacks SQL table. * * See Also: * <Model> */ class Pingback extends Model { public $belongs_to = "post"; /** * Function: __construct * * See Also: * <Model::grab> */ public function __construct( $pingback_id, $options = array() ) { parent::grab($this, $pingback_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) return; } /** * Function: find * * See Also: * <Model::search> */ public static function find( $options = array(), $options_for_object = array() ): array { return parent::search( self::class, $options, $options_for_object ); } /** * Function: add * Adds a pingback to the database. * * Parameters: * $post_id - The ID of our blog post that was pinged. * $source - The URL of the blog post that pinged us. * $title - The title of the blog post that pinged us. * $created_at - The pingback creation date (optional). * * Returns: * The newly created <Pingback>. */ public static function add( $post_id, $source, $title, $created_at = null ): self { $sql = SQL::current(); $sql->insert( table:"pingbacks", data:array( "post_id" => $post_id, "source" => $source, "title" => sanitize_db_string($title), "created_at" => oneof($created_at, datetime()) ) ); $new = new self($sql->latest("pingbacks")); Trigger::current()->call("add_pingback", $new); return $new; } /** * Function: update * Updates a pingback title. * * Parameters: * $title - The title of the blog post that pinged us. * * Returns: * The updated <Pingback>. */ public function update( $title ): self|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; $title = sanitize_db_string($title); SQL::current()->update( table:"pingbacks", conds:array("id" => $this->id), data:array("title" => $title) ); $pingback = new self( null, array( "read_from" => array( "id" => $this->id, "post_id" => $this->post_id, "source" => $this->source, "title" => $title, "created_at" => $this->created_at ) ) ); Trigger::current()->call("update_pingback", $pingback, $this); return $pingback; } /** * Function: delete * Deletes a pingback from the database. * * See Also: * <Model::destroy> */ public static function delete( $pingback_id ): void { parent::destroy(self::class, $pingback_id); } /** * Function: install * Creates the database table. */ public static function install( ): void { SQL::current()->create( table:"pingbacks", cols:array( "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT", "post_id INTEGER NOT NULL", "source VARCHAR(2048) DEFAULT ''", "title LONGTEXT", "created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL" ) ); } /** * Function: uninstall * Drops the database table. */ public static function uninstall( ): void { SQL::current()->drop("pingbacks"); } }