<?php class Sitemap extends Modules { public function __init( ): void { $actions = array( "add_post", "add_page", "update_post", "update_page", "delete_post", "delete_page" ); foreach ($actions as $action) $this->addAlias($action, "make_sitemap", 8); } public static function __install( ): void { Config::current()->set( "module_sitemap", array( "blog_changefreq" => "daily", "pages_changefreq" => "yearly", "posts_changefreq" => "monthly", "sitemap_path" => MAIN_DIR ) ); } public static function __uninstall( ): void { Config::current()->remove("module_sitemap"); } public function settings_nav($navs): array { if (Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) $navs["sitemap_settings"] = array( "title" => __("Sitemap", "sitemap") ); return $navs; } public function admin_sitemap_settings( $admin ): void { if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to change settings.") ); if (empty($_POST)) { $admin->display( "pages".DIR."sitemap_settings", array( "sitemap_changefreq" => array( "hourly" => __("Hourly", "sitemap"), "daily" => __("Daily", "sitemap"), "weekly" => __("Weekly", "sitemap"), "monthly" => __("Monthly", "sitemap"), "yearly" => __("Yearly", "sitemap"), "never" => __("Never", "sitemap") ) ) ); return; } if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or !Session::check_token($_POST['hash'])) show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("Invalid authentication token.") ); fallback($_POST['blog_changefreq'], "daily"); fallback($_POST['pages_changefreq'], "yearly"); fallback($_POST['posts_changefreq'], "monthly"); fallback($_POST['sitemap_path'], MAIN_DIR); $config = Config::current(); $realpath = realpath($_POST['sitemap_path']); if ($realpath === false) { Flash::warning( __("Could not determine the absolute path to the Sitemap.", "sitemap") ); $filepath = $config->module_sitemap["sitemap_path"]; } else { $separator = preg_quote(DIR, "~"); $filepath = preg_replace( "~".$separator."(sitemap\.xml)?$~i", "", $realpath ); } $config->set( "module_sitemap", array( "blog_changefreq" => $_POST['blog_changefreq'], "pages_changefreq" => $_POST['pages_changefreq'], "posts_changefreq" => $_POST['posts_changefreq'], "sitemap_path" => $filepath ) ); Flash::notice( __("Settings updated."), "sitemap_settings" ); } /** * Function: make_sitemap * Generates a sitemap of the blog and writes it to the document root. */ public function make_sitemap( ): void { $results = SQL::current()->select( "posts", "id", array("status" => "public"), array("id DESC") )->fetchAll(); $ids = array(); foreach ($results as $result) $ids[] = $result["id"]; if (!empty($ids)) $posts = Post::find( array("where" => array("id" => $ids)) ); else $posts = array(); $pages = Page::find( array( "where" => array("public" => true), "order" => "list_order ASC" ) ); $config = Config::current(); $settings = $config->module_sitemap; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n"; $xml.= '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'."\n"; $xml.= '<url>'."\n". '<loc>'. fix($config->url). '/</loc>'."\n". '<lastmod>'. when("c", time()). '</lastmod>'."\n". '<changefreq>'. $settings["blog_changefreq"]. '</changefreq>'."\n". '</url>'."\n"; foreach ($posts as $post) { $lastmod = ($post->updated) ? $post->updated_at : $post->created_at ; $xml.= '<url>'."\n". '<loc>'. $post->url(). '</loc>'."\n". '<lastmod>'. when("c", $lastmod). '</lastmod>'."\n". '<changefreq>'. $settings["posts_changefreq"]. '</changefreq>'."\n". '<priority>'. (($post->pinned) ? "1.0" : "0.5"). '</priority>'."\n". '</url>'."\n"; } foreach ($pages as $page) { $lastmod = ($page->updated) ? $page->updated_at : $page->created_at ; $xml.= '<url>'."\n". '<loc>'. $page->url(). '</loc>'."\n". '<lastmod>'. when("c", $lastmod). '</lastmod>'."\n". '<changefreq>'. $settings["pages_changefreq"]. '</changefreq>'."\n". '<priority>'. (($page->show_in_list) ? "1.0" : "0.5"). '</priority>'."\n". '</url>'."\n"; } $xml.= '</urlset>'."\n"; $filepath = $settings["sitemap_path"].DIR."sitemap.xml"; $success = file_put_contents($filepath, $xml); if (DEBUG and $success !== false) error_log("SITEMAP updated ".$filepath); } }