2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00

487 lines
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* Class: SQL
* Contains the database settings and functions for interacting with the SQL database.
# File: Query
# See Also:
# <Query>
require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Query.php";
# File: QueryBuilder
# See Also:
# <QueryBuilder>
require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."QueryBuilder.php";
class SQL {
# Array: $debug
# Holds debug information for SQL queries.
public $debug = array();
# Integer: $queries
# Number of queries it takes to load the page.
public $queries = 0;
# Variable: $db
# Holds the currently running database instance.
public $db;
# Variable: $error
# Holds an error message from the last attempted query.
public $error = null;
# String: $host
# Holds the host setting.
public $host = "";
# String: $port
# Holds the port setting.
public $port = "";
# String: $username
# Holds the username setting.
public $username = "";
# String: $password
# Holds the password setting.
public $password = "";
# String: $database
# Holds the database setting.
public $database = "";
# String: $prefix
# Holds the prefix setting.
public $prefix = "";
# String: $adapter
# Holds the adapter setting.
public $adapter = "";
# Boolean: $connected
# Has a connection to the database been established?
private $connected = false;
* Function: __construct
* The class constructor is private so there is only one connection.
* Parameters:
* $settings - An array of settings (optional).
private function __construct($settings = array()) {
if (class_exists("Config"))
fallback($settings, Config::current()->sql);
foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) {
switch ($setting) {
case "host":
case "port":
case "username":
case "password":
case "database":
case "prefix":
case "adapter":
$this->$setting = fallback($value, "");
* Function: connect
* Connects to the SQL database.
* Parameters:
* $checking - Return a boolean for failure, instead of triggering an error?
public function connect($checking = false): bool {
if ($this->connected)
return true;
try {
if (!in_array($this->adapter, PDO::getAvailableDrivers()))
throw new PDOException(
__("PDO driver is unavailable for this database.")
if ($this->adapter == "sqlite")
$this->db = new PDO(
$this->db = new PDO(
((!empty($this->port)) ? "port=".$this->port.";" : "").
(($this->adapter == "mysql") ? ";charset=utf8mb4" : ""),
} catch (PDOException $error) {
$this->error = $error->getMessage();
if ($checking)
return false;
_f("Database error: %s", fix($this->error, false, true)),
if ($this->adapter == "mysql") {
# This is not added to the query debug/count.
new Query(
return $this->connected = true;
* Function: query
* Executes a query and increases <SQL->$queries>.
* Parameters:
* $query - Query to execute.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function query(
$params = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
if (!$this->connected)
return false;
# Reset the error message.
$this->error = null;
# Unset parameters that do not exist in the query.
foreach ($params as $name => $val) {
if (!strpos($query, $name))
# Add the table prefix to the query.
$query = str_replace("__", $this->prefix, $query);
$query = new Query($this, $query, $params, $throw_exceptions);
return $query;
* Function: count
* Performs a counting query and returns the number of matching rows.
* Parameters:
* $tables - An array (or string) of tables to count results on.
* $conds - Rows to count. Supply @false@ to count all rows.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function count(
$conds = null,
$params = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): mixed {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_count(
$this, $tables, $conds, $params
$query = $this->query(
$build, $params, $throw_exceptions
return isset($query->query) ?
$query->fetchColumn() :
false ;
* Function: select
* Performs a SELECT with given criteria and returns the query result object.
* Parameters:
* $tables - An array (or string) of tables to grab results from.
* $fields - Fields to select.
* $conds - Rows to select. Supply @false@ to select all rows.
* $order - ORDER BY statement. Can be an array.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $limit - Limit for results.
* $offset - Offset for the select statement.
* $group - GROUP BY statement. Can be an array.
* $left_join - An array of additional LEFT JOINs.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function select(
$fields = "*",
$conds = null,
$order = null,
$params = array(),
$limit = null,
$offset = null,
$group = null,
$left_join = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_select(
return $this->query(
$build, $params, $throw_exceptions
* Function: insert
* Performs an INSERT with given data.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to insert to.
* $data - An associative array of data to insert.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function insert(
$params = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_insert(
$this, $table, $data, $params
return $this->query(
$build, $params, $throw_exceptions
* Function: replace
* Performs either an INSERT or an UPDATE depending
* on whether a row exists with the specified keys.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to update or insert into.
* $keys - Columns to match on.
* $data - Data for the insert and value matches for the keys.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function replace(
$params = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$match = array();
foreach ((array) $keys as $key)
$match[$key] = $data[$key];
if ($this->count($table, $match, $params))
return $this->update(
$table, $match, $data, $params, $throw_exceptions
return $this->insert(
$table, $data, $params, $throw_exceptions
* Function: update
* Performs an UDATE with given criteria and data.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to update.
* $conds - Rows to update. Supply @false@ to update all rows.
* $data - An associative array of data to update.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function update(
$params = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_update(
$this, $table, $conds, $data, $params
return $this->query(
$build, $params, $throw_exceptions
* Function: delete
* Performs a DELETE with given criteria.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to delete from.
* $conds - Rows to delete. Supply @false@ to delete all rows.
* $params - An associative array of query parameters.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function delete(
$params = array(),
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_delete(
$this, $table, $conds, $params
return $this->query(
$build, $params, $throw_exceptions
* Function: drop
* Performs a DROP TABLE with given criteria.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to drop.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function drop(
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_drop(
$this, $table
return $this->query(
$build, array(), $throw_exceptions
* Function: create
* Performs a CREATE TABLE with given criteria.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to create.
* $cols - An array of column declarations.
* $throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
public function create(
$throw_exceptions = false
): Query|false {
$build = QueryBuilder::build_create(
$this, $table, $cols
return $this->query(
$build, array(), $throw_exceptions
* Function: latest
* Returns the last inserted sequential value.
* Parameters:
* $table - Table to get the latest value from.
* $seq - Name of the sequence.
public function latest(
$seq = "id_seq"
): string|false {
if (!isset($this->db))
return $this->db->lastInsertId(
* Function: escape
* Escapes a string for Query construction.
* Parameters:
* $string - String to escape.
public function escape($string): string {
if (!isset($this->db))
switch (gettype($string)) {
case "NULL":
$type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
case "boolean":
$type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
case "integer":
$type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
$type = PDO::PARAM_STR;
return $this->db->quote($string, $type);
* Function: current
* Returns a singleton reference to the current connection.
public static function & current($settings = false): self {
if ($settings) {
$loaded = new self($settings);
return $loaded;
} else {
static $instance = null;
$instance = (empty($instance)) ? new self() : $instance ;
return $instance;