2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00

608 lines
14 KiB

* @copyright Copyright 2014 Carsten Brandt, 2024 Daniel Pimley
* @license https://github.com/xenocrat/chyrp-markdown/blob/master/LICENSE
* @link https://github.com/xenocrat/chyrp-markdown#readme
namespace xenocrat\markdown;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionMethod;
use RuntimeException;
* A generic parser for Markdown-like languages.
* @author Carsten Brandt
* @author Daniel Pimley
abstract class Parser
const VERSION_MAJOR = 4;
const VERSION_MINOR = 0;
const VERSION_PATCH = 0;
* @var integer - The maximum nesting level for language elements.
public $maximumNestingLevel = 32;
* @var boolean - Throw if the maximum nesting level is exceeded.
public $maximumNestingLevelThrow = false;
* @var boolean - Whether to convert all tabs into 4 spaces.
public $convertTabsToSpaces = false;
* @var boolean - Whether to format markup according to HTML5 spec.
* Defaults to `false` which means that markup is formatted as HTML4.
public $html5 = false;
* @var array - These are "escapeable" characters.
* When using one of these prefixed with a backslash, the character is
* not interpreted as markdown and will be outputted without backslash.
protected $escapeCharacters = [
'\\', // backslash
* @var array - Predefined call order for block identifier methods.
protected $blockPriorities = [];
* @var array - The parser's current context.
protected $context = [];
* @var integer - The parser's current nesting level.
private $_depth = 0;
* @var string - Identifier for this rendering context.
private $_contextId = '';
* Parses the given text considering the full language.
* @param string $text - The text to parse.
* @return string - Parsed markup.
public function parse($text): string
if (ltrim($text) === '') {
return '';
$text = $this->preprocess($text);
$absy = $this->parseBlocks(explode("\n", $text));
$markup = $this->renderAbsy($absy);
$markup = $this->postprocess($markup);
return $markup;
* Parses a paragraph ignoring block elements.
* @param string $text - The text to parse.
* @return string - Parsed markup.
public function parseParagraph($text): string
if (ltrim($text) === '') {
return '';
$text = $this->preprocess($text);
$absy = $this->parseInline($text);
$markup = $this->renderAbsy($absy);
$markup = $this->postprocess($markup);
return $markup;
* Pre-processes text before parsing.
* @param string $text - The text to parse.
* @return string - The pre-processed text.
protected function preprocess($text): string
if ($this->convertTabsToSpaces) {
$text = str_replace("\t", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace(["\r\n", "\n\r", "\r"], "\n", $text);
return $text;
* Post-processes markup after parsing.
* @param string $markup - Parsed markup.
* @return string - Post-processed markup.
protected function postprocess($markup): string
$safeChr = "\u{FFFD}";
$markup = rtrim($markup, "\n");
$markup = str_replace("\0", $safeChr, $markup);
$markup = preg_replace('/&#[Xx]?0+;/', $safeChr, $markup);
return $markup;
* Get the identifier for this rendering context.
* @return string - The identifier.
public function getContextId(): string
return $this->_contextId;
* Set the identifier for this rendering context.
* @param string $string - Identifier to set.
* @return string - The identifier.
public function setContextId($string): string
$id = str_replace(
['&', '<', '>', '"', ' '],
return $this->_contextId = $id;
* This method will be called before `parse()` and `parseParagraph()`.
* You can override it to do some initialization work.
protected function prepare(): void
* This method will be called after `parse()` and `parseParagraph()`.
* You can override it to do cleanup.
protected function cleanup(): void
# Block parsing
private $_blockTypes;
* Detect registered block types.
* @return array - A list of block element types available.
protected function blockTypes(): array
if ($this->_blockTypes === null) {
// Detect block types via "identify" methods.
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($this);
$this->_blockTypes = array_filter(
function($method) {
$methodName = $method->getName();
return str_starts_with($methodName, 'identify') ?
substr($methodName, 8) :
// Merge the predefined call order with the array of detected methods.
$this->_blockTypes = array_unique(
return $this->_blockTypes;
* Given a set of lines and an index of a current line it uses
* the registered block types to detect the type of this line.
* @param array $lines
* @param integer $current
* @return string - Name of the block type in lower case.
protected function detectLineType($lines, $current): string
$line = $lines[$current];
$blockTypes = $this->blockTypes();
foreach($blockTypes as $blockType) {
if ($this->{'identify' . $blockType}($line, $lines, $current)) {
return $blockType;
// Consider the line a normal paragraph if no other block type matches.
return 'paragraph';
* Parse block elements by calling `detectLineType()` to identify them
* and call consume function afterwards.
* @param array $lines
* @return array
protected function parseBlocks($lines): array
if ($this->_depth >= $this->maximumNestingLevel) {
// Maximum depth is reached; do not parse input.
if ($this->maximumNestingLevelThrow) {
throw new RuntimeException(
'Parser exceeded maximum nesting level'
return [['text', implode("\n", $lines)]];
$blocks = [];
// Convert lines to blocks.
for ($i = 0, $count = count($lines); $i < $count; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
if ($line !== '' && rtrim($line) !== '') {
// Skip empty lines.
// Identify beginning of a block and parse the content.
list($block, $i) = $this->parseBlock($lines, $i);
if ($block !== false) {
$blocks[] = $block;
return $blocks;
* Parses the block at current line by identifying the block type
* and parsing the content.
* @param $lines
* @param $current
* @return array - Array of two elements:
* (array) The parsed block;
* (int) The the next line index to be parsed.
protected function parseBlock($lines, $current): array
// Identify block type for this line.
$blockType = $this->detectLineType($lines, $current);
// Call consume method for the detected block type
// to consume further lines.
return $this->{'consume' . $blockType}($lines, $current);
* Renders a Markdown abstract syntax tree as HTML.
* @param array $blocks
* @return string
protected function renderAbsy($blocks): string
$output = '';
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
array_unshift($this->context, $block[0]);
$output .= $this->{'render' . $block[0]}($block);
return $output;
* Consume lines for a paragraph.
* @param array $lines
* @param integer $current
* @return array
protected function consumeParagraph($lines, $current): array
$content = [];
// Consume until blank line...
for ($i = $current, $count = count($lines); $i < $count; $i++) {
if (ltrim($lines[$i]) !== '') {
$content[] = trim($lines[$i]);
} else {
$block = [
'content' => $this->parseInline(implode("\n", $content)),
return [$block, --$i];
* Render a paragraph block.
* @param array $block
* @return string
protected function renderParagraph($block): string
return '<p>' . $this->renderAbsy($block['content']) . "</p>\n";
# Inline parsing
private $_inlineMarkers = [];
* Returns a map of inline markers to the corresponding parser methods.
* This array defines handler methods for inline markdown markers.
* When a marker is found in the text, the handler method is called with the text
* starting at the position of the marker.
* Note that markers starting with whitespace may slow down the parser,
* so it may be better to use [[renderText]] to deal with them instead.
* You may override this method to define a set of markers and parsing methods.
* The default implementation looks for protected methods starting with `parse`
* with a matching `Markers` method. E.g. parseEscape() and parseEscapeMarkers().
* @return array - A map of markers to parser methods.
protected function inlineMarkers(): array
$markers = [];
// Detect "parse" functions.
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($this);
foreach($reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED) as $method) {
$methodName = $method->getName();
if (
str_starts_with($methodName, 'parse')
&& !str_ends_with($methodName, 'Markers')
) {
if (method_exists($this, $methodName.'Markers')) {
$array = call_user_func(array($this, $methodName.'Markers'));
foreach($array as $marker) {
$markers[$marker] = $methodName;
return $markers;
* Prepare markers that are used in the text to parse.
* @param string $text
protected function prepareMarkers($text): void
$this->_inlineMarkers = [];
foreach ($this->inlineMarkers() as $marker => $method) {
if (strpos($text, $marker) !== false) {
$m = $marker[0];
// Put the longest marker first.
if (isset($this->_inlineMarkers[$m])) {
if (strlen($marker) >= strlen(key($this->_inlineMarkers[$m]))) {
$this->_inlineMarkers[$m] = array_merge(
[$marker => $method], $this->_inlineMarkers[$m]
$this->_inlineMarkers[$m][$marker] = $method;
* Parses inline elements of the language.
* @param string $text - The inline text to parse.
* @return array
protected function parseInline($text): array
if ($this->_depth >= $this->maximumNestingLevel) {
// Maximum depth is reached; do not parse input.
if ($this->maximumNestingLevelThrow) {
throw new RuntimeException(
'Parser exceeded maximum nesting level'
return [['text', $text]];
$markers = implode('', array_keys($this->_inlineMarkers));
$paragraph = [];
while (
&& ($found = strpbrk($text, $markers)) !== false
) {
$pos = strpos($text, $found);
// Add the text up to next marker to the paragraph.
if ($pos !== 0) {
$paragraph[] = ['text', substr($text, 0, $pos)];
$text = $found;
$parsed = false;
foreach ($this->_inlineMarkers[$text[0]] as $marker => $method) {
if (str_starts_with($text, $marker)) {
// Parse the marker.
array_unshift($this->context, $method);
list($output, $offset) = $this->$method($text);
$paragraph[] = $output;
$text = substr($text, $offset);
$parsed = true;
if (!$parsed) {
$paragraph[] = ['text', substr($text, 0, 1)];
$text = substr($text, 1);
$paragraph[] = ['text', $text];
return $paragraph;
* Declares inline markers for the corresponding parser method.
* @return array
protected function parseEscapeMarkers(): array
return array('\\');
* Parses escaped special characters.
* @marker \
protected function parseEscape($text): array
if (
&& in_array($text[1], $this->escapeCharacters)
) {
$chr = $this->escapeHtmlEntities($text[1], ENT_COMPAT);
return [['text', $chr], 2];
return [['text', $text[0]], 1];
* This function renders plain text sections in the markdown text.
* It can be used to work on normal text sections.
* E.g. to highlight keywords or do special escaping.
protected function renderText($block): string
return $block[1];
* Add backslash to escapeable characters in text.
* @param string $text
* @return string
protected function escapeBackslash($text): string
$strtr = [];
foreach($this->escapeCharacters as $chr) {
$strtr[$chr] = "\\$chr";
return strtr($text, $strtr);
* Remove backslash from escaped characters in text.
* @param string $text
* @return string
protected function unEscapeBackslash($text): string
$strtr = [];
foreach($this->escapeCharacters as $chr) {
$strtr["\\$chr"] = $chr;
return strtr($text, $strtr);
* Encode HTML special characters as HTML entities.
* @param string $text
* @param integer $flags
* @return string
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars
protected function escapeHtmlEntities($text, $flags = 0): string
$ent = $this->html5 ? ENT_HTML5 : ENT_HTML401;
$text = htmlspecialchars($text, $flags | $ent, 'UTF-8');
return $text;
* Decode HTML entities to corresponding characters.
* @param string $text
* @param integer $flags
* @return string
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.html-entity-decode
protected function unEscapeHtmlEntities($text, $flags = 0): string
$ent = $this->html5 ? ENT_HTML5 : ENT_HTML401;
$text = html_entity_decode($text, $flags | $ent, 'UTF-8');
return $text;