
187 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

if (glob($blog_entries.'.php')) {
$i = 0;
foreach ((glob($blog_entries.'.php')) as $article_php) {
include $article_php;
$compiled = ob_get_contents();
file_put_contents($article_php.'_generator-tmp.html', $compiled);
if(++$i > ($max_entries-1) ) break;
} else {
$article_php = null;
$i = 0;
foreach ((glob($blog_entries.'html')) as $article) {
$article_content = file_get_contents($article);
// force libxml to parse all HTML elements, including HTML 5. by default, the extension can only read valid HTML 4.
$article_dom = new DOMDocument;
$x = new DOMXPath($article_dom);
// title
$title_class = 'p-name';
$title = $x->query("//*[@class='" . $title_class . "']");
if ($title->length > 0) {
$title_data = $title[0]->nodeValue;
} elseif ($title->length == 0) {
$title = $article_dom->getElementsByTagName('title');
$title_data = $title[0]->nodeValue;
} else {
$title_data = $feed_title;
// id & alternate link
$id_data = $blog_directory_url . '/' . ltrim($article, $blog_root);
// date updated
$updated_class = 'dt-updated';
$updated = $x->query("//*[@class='" . $updated_class . "']");
if ($updated->length > 0) {
$timestamp = $updated[0]->getAttribute('datetime');
if (strlen($timestamp) == 10) {
$updated_data = $timestamp . 'T00:00:00' . date('P');
elseif (strlen($timestamp) == 25 || strlen($timestamp) == 20) {
$updated_data = $timestamp;
if ($updated->length == 0) {
$updated = $article_dom->getElementsByTagName('time');
$timestamp = $updated[0]->getAttribute('datetime');
if (strlen($timestamp) == 10) {
$updated_data = $timestamp . 'T00:00:00' . date('P');
} elseif (strlen($timestamp) == 25 || strlen($timestamp) == 20) {
$updated_data = $timestamp;
} else {
$article_modified = filemtime($article);
$updated_data = date(DATE_ATOM, $article_modified);
// date published
$published_class = 'dt-published';
$published = $x->query("//*[@class='" . $published_class . "']");
if ($published->length > 0) {
$timestamp = $published[0]->getAttribute('datetime');
if (strlen($timestamp) == 10) {
$published_data = $timestamp . 'T00:00:00' . date('P');
elseif (strlen($timestamp) == 25 || strlen($timestamp) == 20) {
$published_data = $timestamp;
if ($published->length == 0) {
$published = $article_dom->getElementsByTagName('time');
$timestamp = $published[0]->getAttribute('datetime');
if (strlen($timestamp) == 10) {
$published_data = $timestamp . 'T00:00:00' . date('P');
} elseif (strlen($timestamp) == 25 || strlen($timestamp) == 20) {
$published_data = $timestamp;
} else {
$article_created = filectime($article);
$published_data = date(DATE_ATOM, $article_created);
// content
$content_class = 'e-content';
$content = $x->query("//*[@class='" . $content_class . "']");
if ($content->length > 0) {
$content_data = $content->item(0)->nodeValue;
} elseif (!empty($content)) {
$content = $article_dom->getElementsByTagName('article');
$content_data = $content->item(0)->nodeValue;
} else {
$content_data = 'Content could not be parsed as a preview - view the original article on the website.';
if(++$i > ($max_entries-1) ) break;
$data[$i] = [
$updated = array_column($data, 'updated');
array_multisort($updated, SORT_DESC, $data);
$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"></feed>');
// optionally specify feed generator for debugging purposes.
$generator = $sxe->addChild('generator', 'PHP feed generator by jasm1nii.xyz | Last modified by system at ' . strtoupper(date("h:i:sa")) . ' (GMT' . date('P') . ')');
$sxe->addChild('title', $feed_title);
$sxe->addChild('subtitle', $feed_subtitle);
$sxe->addChild('updated', $data[0]['updated']);
$sxe->addChild('id', $blog_url);
$link_self = $sxe->addChild('link');
$link_self->addAttribute('type', 'application/atom+xml');
$link_self->addAttribute('href', $feed_url);
$link_alternate = $sxe->addChild('link');
$link_alternate->addAttribute('type', 'text/html');
$link_alternate->addAttribute('href', $blog_url);
$author = $sxe->addChild('author');
$author->addChild('name', $author_name);
$author->addChild('email', $author_email);
$author->addChild('uri', $author_homepage);
$sxe->addChild('rights', $rights);
$sxe->addChild('icon', $feed_icon);
$sxe->addChild('logo', $feed_logo);
for ($i=0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$entry = $sxe->addChild('entry');
$title = $data[$i]['title'];
$entry->addChild('title', $title);
$id = $data[$i]['id'];
$entry->addChild('id', $id);
$alt_entry = $entry->addChild('link');
$updated = $data[$i]['updated'];
$published = $data[$i]['published'];
$content = $data[$i]['content'];
$content_child = $entry->addChild('content', nl2br(preg_replace("/\n\s+/", "",(htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_XML1)))));
$sxe->saveXML($blog_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
echo nl2br(strtoupper(date("h:i:sa")) . ' - Feed successfully generated in ' . realpath($blog_root) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . "\n");
if(file_exists($article_php)) {
$del_tmp = unlink($article_php.'_generator-tmp.html');
if ($del_tmp) {
echo 'Temporary generator files successfully deleted.';
} else {
echo 'Temporary generator files could not be automatically deleted - check your directories to delete them manually.';
echo 'Validate your feed at https://validator.w3.org/feed/';