, ', and " must be escaped as &, <, >, ', and " (reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_and_HTML_character_entity_references) $feed_title = 'jasmine's b(rain)log | jasm1nii.xyz'; $feed_subtitle = 'blog articles by jasmine'; ## location of the blog index page (or if unavailable, your main page). $blog_url = 'https://jasm1nii.xyz/blog/articles'; ## permalink to the XML feed on your site. $feed_url = 'https://jasm1nii.xyz/blog/articles/articles.xml'; ## information about the feed author. $author_name = 'jasmine'; $author_email = 'contact@jasm1nii.xyz'; $author_homepage = 'https://jasm1nii.xyz/'; $feed_icon = 'https://jasm1nii.xyz/assets/media/itchio-textless-white.svg'; $feed_logo = 'https://jasm1nii.xyz/assets/media/main/07042023-me_compressed.webp'; $rights = '© 2023 - jasmine amalia'; /* -------------------- */ // PATH TO FETCH PAGES FROM ## __DIR__ is the directory where *this script* is located. $site_root = dirname(__DIR__, 2).'/public_html'; ## once i'm there, i specify the parent directory where i keep all of my blog pages. ## because the values of $blog_root and $blog_entries will be used for generating entry links, forward slashes are a *must*. $blog_root = $site_root.'/blog/articles'; ## then, specify a pattern that matches the path of each individual page. for example, this will match /YYYY/MM/DD/entry (any file extension). $blog_entries = $blog_root.'/*/*/*/[entry]*'; /* -------------------- */ // ENTRY METADATA ## depending on your site setup, this might not be the same as $blog_url. ## the generator will appended $blog_root to the URL specified below. $blog_directory_url = 'https://jasm1nii.xyz/blog/articles'; // END OF CONFIG ---------------------------------------- // require __DIR__.'/feed_generator_functions.php'; ?>