2023-10-18 18:13:54 +07:00
2023-10-18 18:13:54 +07:00


an RSS/atom feed generator for my personal site 🐱 tested to work with PHP version 8.2.

how it works

  1. match files in a specificied directory.
  2. load the DOM of each file.
  3. parse the following elements as children of <entry>, in order of priority:
original HTML feed output
1. class="p-name" <title>
2. <title> in <head>
3. the XML feed title
1. datetime attribute of class=dt-updated <updated>
2. datetime attribute of the first <time> element
3. file modification date, retrieved from the server
1. datetime attribute of class=dt-published <published>
2. datetime attribute of the first <time> element
3. file creation date, retrieved from the server
1. class="p-summary" <summary>
2. <meta property="description">
1. class="e-content" <content>
2. <article>
1. /path/to/blog/entry <id> and <link rel="alternate">
  1. output all of the above into a new file named articles.xml (default name, but can be changed).

ways to use

  • configure a cron job on your web server to run automatically every now and then.


  • run the script locally on your machine.

example output

feel free to check out the resulting file that i've generated.


PHP 100%