88 lines
4.5 KiB

const descriptions = {
"baxter-stare.png": "Baxter lovingly staring at the camera on a sunny day in the apartment. One of my favorite photos of him. He would have been 6 or 7 around this time.",
"baxter-box.png": "Baxter loves his boxes, and can often be found relaxing or sleeping in one. We had quite a few at one point!",
"baxter-flop.png": "Baxter shows ultimate comfiness by flopping upside down. A sign that he is very happy and very cozy.",
"baxter-grumpy.png": "Baxter rarely gives this look and this photo was awhile ago. I'm not sure what he might've been upset about",
"baxter-kitten.png": "Baxter as a kitten was a lot of fun and work. I do really get a kick out of how big his paws were though!",
"baxter-looking.png": "Baxter is quite good at noticing the camera. Sometimes that means I miss good pictures, but sometimes you get great ones!",
"baxter-sitting.png": "This is just overall a good photo. Seems like Baxter might be making a run for office with this one!",
"baxter-wall.png": "In the apartment he often liked to stretch against this wall. I think he liked the sunlight on his stomach. Typical cat!",
"baxter-hiding.png": "Baxter often likes to pretend people can't see him, and will try to get a look at what they are doing from very obvious places.",
"baxter-thinking.png": "When I look at this photo I often wonder what is on Baxter's mind. It was a cool afternoon after a storm, he seems relaxed but with something on his mind.",
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