growingupilookfondlyonhowwealwayshadanimalsinthehouse.asababymymomhadtwocatsthatwereclosefriends.iwasborntowardstheirsenioryearsbutidohavesomememoriesofthem.theylikedtostandupandplacetheirfrontpawsoneachother's front paws, kind of like a cat tower. it was very cute. they were both very friendly to me even though i was a baby. i think this is where my love of cats started as these two were kind of welcoming me into their home in a way. this would also be my first experience with loss as both would pass away from old age rather closely together. i was too young to understand the significance of loss at the time, though i do remember the process of them getting older and passing away. my mom always speaks fondly of these two cats and has told me she'shadmanycatsthroughoutherlife.thoughshehasawonderfuldognow,ithinkmeandmymomloveanimalsingeneral.shereallyhelpedmefosterthatloveasachild
<imgclass="enlarge"src="/img/life/pets/whiskers.jpg"alt="a photo of a white dwarf rabbit on a table in front of computer equipment"height="300"width="300">
<imgclass="enlarge"src="/img/life/pets/whiskers-bw-one.jpg"alt="a black and white photo of a white dwarf rabbit looking off of a front porch towards the world around him"height="300"width="500">
atonepointwehadtwoparakeets.thisiswheremyloveofknowledgewouldreallycombinewithmyloveofanimals.iwasbuyingeverybookicouldaboutparakeets.learningallaboutthem.iplayedwiththem,learnedhowtohandlethem,howtocareforthem.theywerewonderfullittlebirds.eachwiththeirownwonderfulpersonality.theyoftenlikedtochaseeachotheronthefloorplayingwhatseemedtobeagameoftag.iremembermygrandmaquiteenjoyedwatchingthemchaseeachotheraround.wepromisedherwe'd keep their wings clipped as she had memories of a child of a rather troublemaker type bird a family member had the flew around the house. but she loved these two, and so did my mom and i. parakeets don'tliveforeverthough,anditwouldbetimeeventuallytosaygoodbyetothemaswell.thiswasauniqueexperienceforme.thetwoofthemrewardedeveryefforttogrowclosertothemwithloveandnewsidesoftheirpersonalitywouldappearasaresult
<imgclass="enlarge"src="/img/life/pets/parakeet.jpg"alt="a yellow parakeet hangs on the side of her cage, the position of her beak suggests she is aware of the camera pointed towards her"height="300"width="500">
<imgclass="enlarge"src="/img/life/pets/pupper.jpg"alt="a west highland white terrier looks at the camera. his face is covered in the green of freshly cut grass, as he loved rolling and rubbing his face in the grass after it was cut. the terrier has a face that can only described as pure happiness, so joyful and proud of himself he is"height="300"width="300">
<imgclass="enlarge"src="/img/life/pets/pupper-two.jpg"alt="a white west highlang white terrier relaxes on a cool wooden floor in the summer. the sunlight gives her just the right amount of warmth as she looks contently at the camera"height="300"width="350">
thefinalpetiwanttotalkaboutismycurrentpet.hisnameisbaxterandheisadomesticshorthaircat.heiscurrently9yearsold.thiscatandihaveformedabondsowonderful.iworkedhardtogettoknowhimonhisterms,andhehasrewardedmewiththeloveandaffectiononlyalovingpetcouldshow.heoftenfollowsmeallaroundthehouse,curioustoseewhati'm doing. he loves when i sit with him while he eats, often purring while crunching his food. he loves cardboard boxes, and has one in my room to sleep in while i work on the computer. he occasionally cuddles with me in bed when it is time for sleep. this is the best type of sleep for me, to have this purring, warm, loving creature laying on my chest slowly getting sleepier. sometimes he is still there in the morning, and greets me with a soft meow as i open my eyes for the day. baxter and i have been through so much together. jobs, relationships, sickness, health, ups, downs. he'sbeenthereforitall.heismyclosestfrienditfeelslikesometimes.itissowonderfultobetrulyunderstoodbythiscat,andtotrulyunderstandhimaswell.ilookforwardtomanymoreyearswithbaxter,andithinkhethinksthesame
<imgclass="enlarge"src="/img/life/pets/baxter-looking.jpg"alt="a grey and white cat face with black markings looking directly into the camera. the pupils are slit as it is bright"height="350"width="300">