you're at emma'splace.coffeeorteaofyourchoicearewaitingforyou.mycatbaxterlovespetsifyou'd like to say hello. there'salittlebitofeveythingthatismehere.there's no rush, you can be here for as little or as long as you'dlike.youcanjusttakeiteasyhere.ifallofthissomehowbringsyousomehappinessormakesyoufeellikemaybethere's another human on the other side of your screen then i'vedonemyjob.havealookaround,don'tforgettogrababeverage
12-25-2024-i'm going to try to get back into the swing of learning javascript. i had taken a little break due to life. but this wonderful home of mine on the web came out of that break so i'mhappyaboutthattoo!