From bc7dda2b79c866d93db835104b17242a8de9610b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zepp
at one point we had two parakeets. this is where my love of knowledge would really combine with my love of animals. i was buying every book i could about parakeets. learning all about them. i played with them, learned how to handle them, how to care for them. they were wonderful little birds. each with their own wonderful personality. they often liked to chase each other on the floor playing what seemed to be a game of tag. i remember my grandma quite enjoyed watching them chase each other around. we promised her we'd keep their wings clipped as she had memories of a child of a rather troublemaker type bird a family member had the flew around the house. but she loved these two, and so did my mom and i. parakeets don't live forever though, and it would be time eventually to say goodbye to them as well. this was a unique experience for me. the two of them rewarded every effort to grow closer to them with love and new sides of their personality would appear as a result
+the final pet i want to talk about is my current pet. his name is baxter and he is a domestic shorthair cat. he is currently 9 years old. this cat and i have formed a bond so wonderful. i worked hard to get to know him on his terms, and he has rewarded me with the love and affection only a loving pet could show. he often follows me all around the house, curious to see what i'm doing. he loves when i sit with him while he eats, often purring while crunching his food. he loves cardboard boxes, and has one in my room to sleep in while i work on the computer. he occasionally cuddles with me in bed when it is time for sleep. this is the best type of sleep for me, to have this purring, warm, loving creature laying on my chest slowly getting sleepier. sometimes he is still there in the morning, and greets me with a soft meow as i open my eyes for the day. baxter and i have been through so much together. jobs, relationships, sickness, health, ups, downs. he's been there for it all. he is my closest friend it feels like sometimes. it is so wonderful to be truly understood by this cat, and to truly understand him as well. i look forward to many more years with baxter, and i think he thinks the same
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