emmas.place changelog
this page will be used to keep track of changes to the site as it grows and changes with me. it is really a page meant for myself to see how i grow and change and how my site reflected that, but you're welcome to take a look too
2024 changlog
- 11-26-2024 - a want for my personal home on the web was sparked, and so i began creating it
- 12-12-2024 - i've finished the cotent phase of the site. i will now focus on design and fix small things like typos as i go
- 12-15-2024 - the site was placed online yesterday and i am quite happy with it.
- 12-16-2024 - i fixed some small typos and added a favicon and disability pride top border to the footer
- i expanded music and added youtube links for a few songs and also wrote a section about playing music on the guitar.
- added a changelog and moved the site news to it to better keep track of the site and how it grows and changes as i do
- added a picture of my mom's second terrier montana and updated the caption beneath the two photos