# onecatper.day A small website where you can see one cat image, once per day. With the ability to (hopefully) subscribe via RSS as well! TODO: - Verify RSS subscription works when page updates at 6 AM EDT ## Things I used for this that you might wanna check out [The Cat API](https://thecatapi.com/) - Kind of the heart of this whole website. You can play around with this wihtout signing up for an API key. For this project I think the free tier with an API key is more than enough. Google CDN replacement for Google Fonts. Used for material icons currently on buttons [fonts.coollabs.io](https://fonts.coollabs.io/) - this is on the [32bit cafe resource page](https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/resources-list-for-the-personal-web/49) Color scheme for index.html: [AG-500Redux Palette](https://lospec.com/palette-list/ag-500redux) ## check it out You can see the site currently here - [onecatper.day](https://onecatper.day)