FanficNotes/Story Length

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Source: Infographic to estimate how long a story will be. | Patreon

How Long Will This Story Be?

(L) - Length of story. While not exact, you can make a good guess about the relative length of story. (C) - Character. Every character can add 500-1000 words to your scene or story. (P) - Place. Each new location adds an average of 750 words to your scene or story. (M) - M.I.C.E. quotient. This represents the major plot threads. Each one can make your story half again as long.

L = (((C+P)750)*M)/1.5

[!info] C+P

  • Add your characters and places.
  • Multiply by 750.
  • Example: 2 Characters + 3 Places = 5 5*750 = 3750 words

[!info] M

  • Multiply that total by your number of major plot threads.
  • Example: 3750 words x 3 MICE threads = 11250 words

[!info] 1.5

  • Divide by 1.5, which represents making the story half again as long, rather than two or three times as long.
  • Example: 11250/1.5 = 75000 words