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<p>You can call me Leilukin. I am a Malaysian Chinese, queer, non-binary lesbian born in the early 90s. My pronouns are they/them and she/her in English, <span lang="zh">他</span> and <span lang="zh">她</span> in Chinese. I am a web deevloper with 8 years of experience in the graphic design field.</p>
<p>I speak Mandarin, English, Cantonese and Malay, though I am most fluent in Mandarin and English.</p>
<p>I am also autistic, so I use this website to catalogue my interests.</p>
<p>I am also disabled — I am neurodivergent, specifically autistic (so making this website has been a great way to catalogue my interests), and visually impaired, specifically I have <a href="/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">retinitis pigmentosa (RP)</a>.</p>
<p>Leilukin is not my real name, but it is an internet pseudonym that I have used since I was a teenager, so the name has become my online identity, and I tend to go by Leilukin in informal and hobbyist online spaces.</p>
<p><a href="/now">Check out my Now page</a> to learn what I am doing currently.</p>
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<h1>Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa</h1>
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727 words.
Posted on <time datetime="2024-12-15T13:14:07+0800">15 December 2024</time> by Leilukin
<a href="/categories/personal-life">personal life</a>,
<a href="/categories/disability">disability</a>,
<a href="/categories/retinitis-pigmentosa">retinitis pigmentosa</a>
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<p>On 30 November 2024, I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) after seeing an eye doctor.</p>
<p>My feelings after learning that I have this genetic eye disease that causes gradual vision loss and currently has no cure was more relieved than upset, because I was relieved that to have finally understood the reason behind a lot of the difficulties in my daily life as I grew older, in addition to my autism.</p>
<p>Furthermore, my parents and I already suspected that I have inherited an eye condition that causes visual impairment after learning that some of my relatives on my father's side are starting to have eyesight problems. Therefore, I have accepted the possibility that I might have some incurable eye condition even before my official RP diagnosis. I had relied on glasses throughout most of my life due to having myopia and astigmatism, so I was already not new to vision conditions.</p>
<p>In retrospect, my RP symptoms started to manifest to the point of impacting my daily life in my early 20s. I started to bump into things more often when I walk. My eyes got more sensitive to bright light, including sunlight, to the extent that I found it difficult to see things under sunlight and thus needing sunglasses. My subconscious began to get afraid of falling, causing me to get much more cautious when I walk, especially when walking on steps and crossing over drains, especially in places I was not familiar with. I also had a hard time seeing things not directly in front of me without turning my head.</p>
<p>For a while, my parents and I thought this was because of my autism, as it makes me find it difficult to multitask, including paying attention to all my surroundings at once outside, and me spending too much time sitting in front of a computer, especially since my jobs have all involved a large amount of computer usage, and thus getting less physical exercise. However, now that I was diagnosed with RP, things finally clicked into place: turns out, my peripheral vision had started to get weaker, and my eyes became more sensitive to bright light, including sunlight. In addition, my eye doctor discovered that I am having a mild cataract as a complication of RP.</p>
<p>Since there is currently no cure for RP, the best I can do is to take care of my remaining vision as much as I can, mainly by continuing to wear sunglasses every time I go out in daytime to protect my eyes from sunlight. I am also adjusting my habits of using digital devices, by making the font sizes of my devices larger to make things more comfortable for me to read and trying to take regular breaks from digital screens.</p>
<p>Being diagnosed with a genetic eye disease that can cause vision loss also made me glad that I have started to learn to use screen readers. Even before my diagnosis, I have been using screen readers such as NVDA on Windows and TalkBack on Android to test website accessibility, including my own websites. It is a good idea to prepare myself for the possibility of losing enough vision to the degree of needing low vision aid and assistive technologies. In fact, since I was diagnosed with RP through a dilated eye exam, I was unable to see things clearly for about 12 hours after receiving the eye drop that dilated my eyes, so for the immediate couple of hours after seeing my eye doctor, I needed to activate TalkBack to be able to read things on my Android phone. Furthermore, I am also planning on learning braille.</p>
<p>I do not write this article to ask for pity. I have accepted that I am visually impaired and autistic, and my disabilities are a huge part of who I am, as much as being a non-binary lesbian on the asexual and aromantic spectrum. Instead, I am sharing my story to let other people who have similar conditions that they are not alone, and we are worthy.</p>
<p>I coded a <a href="/projects/snippets/disability-pride-flag-background">responsive Disability Pride flag in CSS</a> during the Disability Pride Month in July (which is also my birth month) 2024, so it would be fitting to conclude this article with this Pride flag I coded.</p>
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<span class="p-note">They/she. A proudly queer and autistic <span class="p-gender-identity">non-binary</span> lesbian from Malaysia.</span>
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<h2>1 Contents Filed Under "personal life"</h2>
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<time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time>
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<span class="p-note">They/she. A proudly queer and autistic <span class="p-gender-identity">non-binary</span> lesbian from Malaysia.</span>
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<h1>Content Category: "retinitis pigmentosa"</h1>
<p>All contents under the "retinitis pigmentosa" category on Leilukin's Hub.</p>
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<h2>1 Contents Filed Under "retinitis pigmentosa"</h2>
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Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa | Articles
<time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time>
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<span class="p-country-name">Malaysia</span>
<span class="p-note">They/she. A proudly queer and autistic <span class="p-gender-identity">non-binary</span> lesbian from Malaysia.</span>
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<time datetime="Sat Dec 14 2024 12:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 December 2024</time>
<time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time>
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<time datetime="Sat Dec 14 2024 12:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 December 2024</time>
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<time datetime="Sat Dec 14 2024 12:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 December 2024</time>
<time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time>
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<time datetime="Sat Dec 14 2024 12:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 December 2024</time>
<time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time>
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<time datetime="Sat Dec 14 2024 12:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 December 2024</time>
<time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time>
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15 December 2024
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<li>Add new article: <a href="/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">"Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa"</a></li>
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10 December 2024
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<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sun Dec 15 2024 05:14:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">15 December 2024</time></h3>
<li>Add new article: <a href="/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">"Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa"</a></li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Tue Dec 10 2024 10:25:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">10 December 2024</time></h3>
<li>Obfuscate my email address with CSS and HTTP redirects. (Credit to Spencer Mortensen's article, <a href="https://spencermortensen.com/articles/email-obfuscation/">"Email obfuscation: What works in 2024?"</a>)</li>
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<li>Add dark mode support for <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts"><cite>Cassette Beasts</cite> shrine</a> based on user preference in system setting</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sat Jul 06 2024 10:45:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">6 July 2024</time></h3>
<li>Implement accessible tooltips that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 success criterion for <a href="https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/content-on-hover-or-focus.html">1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA)</a>, by utilising <a href="https://github.com/scottaohara/a11y_tooltips">Scott O'Hara's ARIA Tooltips</a> script. (Thank you <a href="https://www.groundedwren.com/">Vera</a> for your feedback on my previous implementation of the tooltips)</li>
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<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sat Jul 06 2024 10:45:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">6 July 2024</time></h3>
<li>Implement accessible tooltips that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 success criterion for <a href="https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/content-on-hover-or-focus.html">1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA)</a>, by utilising <a href="https://github.com/scottaohara/a11y_tooltips">Scott O'Hara's ARIA Tooltips</a> script. (Thank you <a href="https://www.groundedwren.com/">Vera</a> for your feedback on my previous implementation of the tooltips)</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Wed Jul 03 2024 00:50:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">3 July 2024</time></h3>
<li>Add <a href="/links/#articles">Articles</a> and <a href="/links/#resources">Resources</a> tabs to the <a href="/links">links page</a>.</li>
@ -609,11 +614,6 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li>Add a "Skip to content" button for screen reader and keyboard users (thank you <a href="https://kalechips.net/projects/snippets/skip">Kale</a> for the inspiration).</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sun May 26 2024 05:45:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">26 May 2024</time></h3>
<li>Add "Personal Sites I Love" section to the <a href="/links">Links</a> page.</li>
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ Newer
<a href=" /changelogs/page/7/">
<a href=" /changelogs/page/8/">
<svg class="inline-icon" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M470.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L402.7 256 265.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160zm-352 160l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L210.7 256 73.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0z"></path></svg>
@ -471,6 +471,11 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sun May 26 2024 05:45:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">26 May 2024</time></h3>
<li>Add "Personal Sites I Love" section to the <a href="/links">Links</a> page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Fri May 24 2024 17:09:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">24 May 2024</time></h3>
<li>Use <a href="https://groundedwren.neocities.org/pages/demo_controls/guestbookDemo">Grounded Wren's guestbook code</a> for this site's <a href="/guestbook">guestbook</a>.</li>
@ -574,11 +579,6 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li>Added extra header elements to the main site and the shrines to be dynamically displayed on certain days to celebrate special events. (Credit to <a href="https://kotor.neocities.org/">KotOR Community Portal</a> for the inspiration)</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Mon Oct 30 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">30 October 2023</time></h3>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2023-10-30-Support-for-My-Steam-Review-of-A-Summers-End">Support for My Steam Review of A Summer’s End — Hong Kong 1986</a>.</li>
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ Newer
<a href=" /changelogs/page/7/">
<a href=" /changelogs/page/8/">
<svg class="inline-icon" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M470.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L402.7 256 265.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160zm-352 160l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L210.7 256 73.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0z"></path></svg>
@ -471,6 +471,11 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Mon Oct 30 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">30 October 2023</time></h3>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2023-10-30-Support-for-My-Steam-Review-of-A-Summers-End">Support for My Steam Review of A Summer’s End — Hong Kong 1986</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Wed Oct 18 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">18 October 2023</time></h3>
<li><a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">Cassette Beasts shrine</a>: Added Developer Notes section to the <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/trivia">Trivia</a> page.</li>
@ -586,11 +591,6 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li><a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">Cassette Beasts shrine</a>: Added a <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/gamelog">Game Log</a> page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Mon Aug 14 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 August 2023</time></h3>
<li>New article: <a href="/articles/my-dislike-of-shipping-culture">My Disinterest in Shipping and Dislike of Shipping Culture</a>.</li>
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Newer
<a href=" /changelogs/page/7/">
<a href=" /changelogs/page/8/">
<svg class="inline-icon" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M470.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L402.7 256 265.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160zm-352 160l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L210.7 256 73.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0z"></path></svg>
@ -471,6 +471,11 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Mon Aug 14 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">14 August 2023</time></h3>
<li>New article: <a href="/articles/my-dislike-of-shipping-culture">My Disinterest in Shipping and Dislike of Shipping Culture</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sun Aug 13 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">13 August 2023</time></h3>
<li>Streamlined JavaScript code for the website's components.</li>
@ -597,11 +602,6 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li>Proper indentation of the HTML codes.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Wed Mar 22 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">22 March 2023</time></h3>
<li>Added the dates of publication of articles.</li>
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ Newer
<a href=" /changelogs/page/7/">
<a href=" /changelogs/page/8/">
<svg class="inline-icon" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M470.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L402.7 256 265.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160zm-352 160l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L210.7 256 73.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0z"></path></svg>
@ -471,6 +471,11 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Wed Mar 22 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">22 March 2023</time></h3>
<li>Added the dates of publication of articles.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Mon Mar 20 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">20 March 2023</time></h3>
<li>Tweaked the format of the dates of publication and update of articles.</li>
@ -589,11 +594,6 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li>Added my latest mod, Prologue Item Recovery, to <a href="/projects/videogamemods/kotor2">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a> page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Thu Nov 24 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">24 November 2022</time></h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, Bastila and Carth Romance Removal, to <a href="/projects/videogamemods/kotor1">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</a> page.</li>
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ Newer
<a href=" /changelogs/page/7/">
<a href=" /changelogs/page/8/">
<svg class="inline-icon" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M470.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L402.7 256 265.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160zm-352 160l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L210.7 256 73.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0z"></path></svg>
@ -471,6 +471,11 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Thu Nov 24 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">24 November 2022</time></h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, Bastila and Carth Romance Removal, to <a href="/projects/videogamemods/kotor1">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</a> page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Tue Nov 22 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">22 November 2022</time></h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue, to <a href="/projects/videogamemods/kotor2">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a> page.</li>
@ -578,11 +583,6 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li>Modified the HTML and CSS codes of the entire website to make the website more accessible.</li>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sun Sep 11 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">11 September 2022</time></h3>
<li>Website launch.</li>
@ -616,14 +616,16 @@ Newer
<a href=" /changelogs/page/8/">
<svg class="inline-icon" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"></path></svg>
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Normal file
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<h1>Website Changelogs</h1>
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<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style"><time datetime="Sun Sep 11 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">11 September 2022</time></h3>
<li>Website launch.</li>
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<p>Made with ♥ by Leilukin since 11 September 2022</p>
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<span class="p-country-name">Malaysia</span>
<span class="p-note">They/she. A proudly queer and autistic <span class="p-gender-identity">non-binary</span> lesbian from Malaysia.</span>
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<subtitle>Leilukin's personal website.</subtitle>
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<title>Changelog: 15 December 2024</title>
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<content type="html"><ul>
<li>Add new article: <a href="https://leilukin.com/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">&quot;Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa&quot;</a></li>
<title>Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa | Articles</title>
<link href="https://leilukin.com/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa/"/>
<content type="html"><p>On 30 November 2024, I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) after seeing an eye doctor.</p>
<p>My feelings after learning that I have this genetic eye disease that causes gradual vision loss and currently has no cure was more relieved than upset, because I was relieved that to have finally understood the reason behind a lot of the difficulties in my daily life as I grew older, in addition to my autism.</p>
<p>Furthermore, my parents and I already suspected that I have inherited an eye condition that causes visual impairment after learning that some of my relatives on my father's side are starting to have eyesight problems. Therefore, I have accepted the possibility that I might have some incurable eye condition even before my official RP diagnosis. I had relied on glasses throughout most of my life due to having myopia and astigmatism, so I was already not new to vision conditions.</p>
<p>In retrospect, my RP symptoms started to manifest to the point of impacting my daily life in my early 20s. I started to bump into things more often when I walk. My eyes got more sensitive to bright light, including sunlight, to the extent that I found it difficult to see things under sunlight and thus needing sunglasses. My subconscious began to get afraid of falling, causing me to get much more cautious when I walk, especially when walking on steps and crossing over drains, especially in places I was not familiar with. I also had a hard time seeing things not directly in front of me without turning my head.</p>
<p>For a while, my parents and I thought this was because of my autism, as it makes me find it difficult to multitask, including paying attention to all my surroundings at once outside, and me spending too much time sitting in front of a computer, especially since my jobs have all involved a large amount of computer usage, and thus getting less physical exercise. However, now that I was diagnosed with RP, things finally clicked into place: turns out, my peripheral vision had started to get weaker, and my eyes became more sensitive to bright light, including sunlight. In addition, my eye doctor discovered that I am having a mild cataract as a complication of RP.</p>
<p>Since there is currently no cure for RP, the best I can do is to take care of my remaining vision as much as I can, mainly by continuing to wear sunglasses every time I go out in daytime to protect my eyes from sunlight. I am also adjusting my habits of using digital devices, by making the font sizes of my devices larger to make things more comfortable for me to read and trying to take regular breaks from digital screens.</p>
<p>Being diagnosed with a genetic eye disease that can cause vision loss also made me glad that I have started to learn to use screen readers. Even before my diagnosis, I have been using screen readers such as NVDA on Windows and TalkBack on Android to test website accessibility, including my own websites. It is a good idea to prepare myself for the possibility of losing enough vision to the degree of needing low vision aid and assistive technologies. In fact, since I was diagnosed with RP through a dilated eye exam, I was unable to see things clearly for about 12 hours after receiving the eye drop that dilated my eyes, so for the immediate couple of hours after seeing my eye doctor, I needed to activate TalkBack to be able to read things on my Android phone. Furthermore, I am also planning on learning braille.</p>
<p>I do not write this article to ask for pity. I have accepted that I am visually impaired and autistic, and my disabilities are a huge part of who I am, as much as being a non-binary lesbian on the asexual and aromantic spectrum. Instead, I am sharing my story to let other people who have similar conditions that they are not alone, and we are worthy.</p>
<p>I coded a <a href="https://leilukin.com/projects/snippets/disability-pride-flag-background">responsive Disability Pride flag in CSS</a> during the Disability Pride Month in July (which is also my birth month) 2024, so it would be fitting to conclude this article with this Pride flag I coded.</p>
<div class="flag-disability flag-disability-article" role="img" aria-label="Demo of the Disability Pride flag coded in CSS"></div></content>
<title>Changelog: 10 December 2024</title>
<link href="https://leilukin.com/"/>
@ -217,33 +245,6 @@
<a class="heading-anchor" href="https://leilukin.com/blog/posts/2024-08-18-from-hobbyist-to-professional-web-developer/#wrapping-up" aria-labelledby="wrapping-up"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>Looking back, even I am amazed by the fact that building this very website kickstarted my path to become a professional web developer, especially since I did not come from a tech educational or industrial background, but I am glad that it happened.</p>
<p>I am happy to be able to switch my career path to web development despite not having a computer science degree, and that my prior working experience as a graphic designer helped with getting this new opportunity.</p>
<title>Changelog: 11 August 2024</title>
<link href="https://leilukin.com/"/>
<content type="html"><ul>
<li>Improve the site's <a href="https://leilukin.com/feed.xml">RSS feed</a>:
<li>Make RSS feeds <a href="https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2021/automatically-discoverable-rss-feeds/">automatically discoverable</a> by feed readers</li>
<li>Use time and time zone to make feed items' timestamps accurate</li>
<title>Changelog: 6 August 2024</title>
<link href="https://leilukin.com/"/>
<content type="html"><ul>
<li>New article: <a href="https://leilukin.com/articles/accessible-footnotes">&quot;How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes&quot;</a>, which is also my entry for <a href="https://32bit.cafe/">32-Bit Cafe</a>'s <a href="https://32bit.cafe/~xandra/events/codejam5/">Community Code Jam #5: Back to School</a>.</li>
@ -436,9 +436,9 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<h2>What is New?</h2>
<div class="text-box">
<h3>Changelog: 10 December 2024</h3>
<h3>Changelog: 15 December 2024</h3>
<li>Obfuscate my email address with CSS and HTTP redirects. (Credit to Spencer Mortensen's article, <a href="https://spencermortensen.com/articles/email-obfuscation/">"Email obfuscation: What works in 2024?"</a>)</li>
<li>Add new article: <a href="/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">"Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa"</a></li>
<p><a href="/changelogs">View all site changelogs</a></p>
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
<link rel="canonical" href="https://leilukin.com/now/">
<meta name="generator" content="Eleventy v3.0.0">
<meta name="author" content="Leilukin">
<meta name="description" content="What Leilukin is doing now.">
<meta name="description" content="What Leilukin is doing currently.">
<meta name="fediverse:creator" content="@Leilukin@dragonscave.space">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Leilukin's Hub">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:description" content="What Leilukin is doing now.">
<meta property="og:description" content="What Leilukin is doing currently.">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://leilukin.com/now/">
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_MY">
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<p>What Leilukin is doing now.</p>
<p>What Leilukin is doing currently.</p>
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<div class="content">
<p><em>This page was last updated on <time datetime="2024-12-03T19:04:57+0800">3 December 2024</time>.</em></p>
<p><em>This page was last updated on <time datetime="2024-12-15T13:14:18+0800">15 December 2024</time>.</em></p>
<p>This is my <a href="https://nownownow.com/about">/now page</a>. You can find more pages like this at <a href="https://nownownow.com/">nownownow.com</a>.</p>
<p>You can also check out my <a href="https://status.cafe/users/leilukin">status.cafe profile</a> for my latest short status updates.</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
@ -387,10 +387,14 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li><cite>Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket</cite></li>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="diagnosed-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">Diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#diagnosed-with-retinitis-pigmentosa" aria-labelledby="diagnosed-with-retinitis-pigmentosa"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>On 30 November 2024, I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Therefore, I have written <a href="/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa">an article about living with the genetic eye disease</a> that causes gradual vision loss.</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="participating-in-personal-web-spaces">Participating in Personal Web Spaces</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#participating-in-personal-web-spaces" aria-labelledby="participating-in-personal-web-spaces"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>I have been making a more active effort in participating in personal web spaces and connecting with other webmasters, through various methods including leaving messages on others' guestbooks, sending other webmasters emails, linking to each other's websites, following each other's Neocities profiles, etc.</p>
<p>Furthermore, I joined <a href="https://32bit.cafe/">32-Bit Cafe</a> on both its Discourse forum and Discord on 15 June 2024, and earned the <a href="https://tumbleblog.leilukin.com/2024/07/02/earned-32-bit-cafe-new-member-of-the-month-award-for-june-2024/">New Member of the Month for June 2024</a> on the Discourse forum. On 8 June 2024, I wrote and submitted my article, <a href="/articles/accessible-footnotes">"How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes"</a>, to 32-Bit Cafe's Community Code Jam #5: <a href="https://32bit.cafe/~xandra/events/codejam5/">Back to School</a>.</p>
<p>Furthermore, I joined <a href="https://32bit.cafe/">32-Bit Cafe</a> on both its Discourse forum and Discord on 15 June 2024, and earned the <a href="https://tumbleblog.leilukin.com/2024/07/02/earned-32-bit-cafe-new-member-of-the-month-award-for-june-2024/">New Member of the Month for June 2024</a> on the Discourse forum.</p>
@ -48,15 +48,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/global.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/general.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/content.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/plugins.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/components.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/a11y-syntax-highlighting-dark.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/pridesymbols.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/utility.css">
<style>.disability-pride-flag {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xml:space='preserve' width='651.83' height='300' viewBox='-90.33 0 651.83 300'%3E%3Cpath fill='%233BB07D' stroke='%233BB07D' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='.351' d='M561.5 300 162.902.664h-50.634L510.867 300z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%237BC2E0' stroke='%237BC2E0' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='.351' d='M510.711 300 112.113.664H61.478L460.078 300z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23E8E8E8' stroke='%23E8E8E8' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='.351' d='M460.077 300 61.478.664H8.094L406.693 300z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23EEDE77' stroke='%23EEDE77' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='.351' d='M406.692 300 8.095.664h-49.111L357.584 300z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23CF7280' stroke='%23CF7280' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='.351' d='M357.378 300-41.22.664h-49.11L308.27 300z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-color: #595959;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: auto 100%;
background-position: center;
.disability-pride-flag.demo {
<style>.flag-disability.demo {
width: 100%;
height: 20rem;
@ -406,7 +398,7 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="demo">Demo</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#demo" aria-labelledby="demo"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<div class="disability-pride-flag demo" role="img" aria-label="Demo of the Disability Pride flag coded in CSS"></div>
<div class="flag-disability demo" role="img" aria-label="Demo of the Disability Pride flag coded in CSS"></div>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="code">Code</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#code" aria-labelledby="code"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
@ -1164,231 +1164,243 @@
@ -445,7 +445,8 @@ drop-shadow(0.1rem 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8))
<li><a href="/articles/my-dislike-of-shipping-culture/">My Disinterest in Shipping and Dislike of Shipping Culture</a></li>
<li><a href="/articles/designated-lesbian-syndrome-fandom/">Designated Lesbian Syndrome in Fandom</a></li>
<li><a href="/articles/palestine-masterlist/">Palestine Masterlist</a></li>
<li><a href="/articles/accessible-footnotes/">How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes</a></li></ul></li>
<li><a href="/articles/accessible-footnotes/">How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes</a></li>
<li><a href="/articles/living-with-retinitis-pigmentosa/">Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa</a></li></ul></li>
<li><a href="/projects/">Projects</a><ul><li><a href="/projects/videogamemods/kotor1/">My Mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</a></li>
<li><a href="/projects/videogamemods/kotor2/">My Mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a></li>
<li><a href="/projects/playlists/">My Music Playlists</a></li>
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