2024-09-11 00:23:34 +08:00

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title: Webmastery
date: 2024-07-01
updated: 2024-09-11T00:23:17+0800
### Webmastery Tutorials
* [Creating Your Own Website](https://32bit.cafe/cyowebsite/) by 32-Bit Cafe
* [Interacting with Other Websites](https://32bit.cafe/interactingontheweb/) by 32-Bit Cafe
### Webmastery Guides
* [Reducing HTML Redundancy](https://owlsroost.xyz/articles/2023-12-23-reducing-html-redundancy.html) by Owl
* [How to Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly](https://owlsroost.xyz/articles/2024-06-24-how-to-make-your-site-mobile-friendly.html) by Owl
### Web Accessibility
* [The Access Manifesto](https://joeclark.org/book/sashay/serialization/AccessManifesto.html) by Joe Clark — Worth noting that this was originally written in 2002
* [You Should Care About Accessibility](https://owlsroost.xyz/articles/2023-08-20-you-should-care-about-accessibility.html) by Owl
* [A Field Guide to Web Accessibility](https://theultimatemotherfuckingwebsite.com/) by Valery
* [Resources for Beginners to Learn About Web Accessibility and Web Design](https://www.tumblr.com/foxpunk/700063063948312576/hey-you-yeah-you-with-the-cool-neocities) curated by foxpunk
* [5 ways to make your neocities site more accessible](https://sleepydev.neocities.org/posts/5%20Ways%20to%20make%20your%20Neocities%20site%20more%20accessible) by Sleepy dev
* [Three Common Accessibility Problems and How to Fix Them](https://solaria.neocities.org/beginnersaccessibility) by Solaria
* [What I've Learned About Web Accessibility as a Dyslexic, Sighted, Mouse User](https://solaria.neocities.org/accessibility) by Solaria
* [Screen reader testing: how to test your website's accessibility](https://www.siteimprove.com/glossary/screen-reader-testing/) by Siteimprove
### Webmastery Resources
* [Resources List for the Personal Web](https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/resources-list-for-the-personal-web/49) by 32-Bit Cafe — I have also contributed to this list
* [Can I use...](https://caniuse.com/) — Check browser compatibility for web features
* [SVGOMG](https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/) — SVG optimiser
* [URL-encoder for SVG](https://yoksel.github.io/url-encoder/)
### Eleventy
Resources for learning to use the static site generator [Eleventy](https://www.11ty.dev/), which is also used for building {{ sitemeta.siteName }}.
* [The 11ty Bundle](https://11tybundle.dev/) — Collection of Eleventy resources
* [My Neocities workflow: using Eleventy and the CLI to speed up development](https://whiona.weblog.lol/2023/10/my-neocities-workflow:-using-eleventy-and-the-cli-to-speed-up-development) by Whiona — Written for Neocities users
* [Migrating to Eleventy](https://renkotsuban.com/posts/2023-11-15-Migrating-to-Eleventy.html) by Renkon — A beginner-friendly guide to get started with Eleventy
* [Getting set up in Eleventy](https://cloudcannon.com/tutorials/eleventy-beginner-tutorial/) by Mike Neumegen
* [Learn Eleventy](https://learn-eleventy.pages.dev/) by uncenter