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# xml-feed-generator
an RSS/atom feed generator for my personal site :cat: tested to work with PHP version 8.2.
## how it works
1. match files in a specificied directory.
2. load the DOM of each file.
3. for each child of `<entry>` in the XML feed, output a string value from one of the following HTML elements/file properties, in order of priority:
| original HTML | XML output |
| 1. `class="p-name"` | `<title>` |
| 2. `<title>` in `<head>` | |
| 3. the XML feed title | |
| | |
| 1. `datetime` attribute of `class="dt-updated"` | `<updated>` |
| 2. `datetime` attribute of the first `<time>` element | |
| 3. file modification date, retrieved from the server | |
| | |
| 1. `datetime` attribute of `class="dt-published"` | `<published>` |
| 2. `datetime` attribute of the first `<time>` element | |
| 3. file creation date, retrieved from the server | |
| | |
| 1. `class="p-summary"` | `<summary>` |
| 2. `<meta property="description">` | |
| | |
| 1. `class="e-content"` | `<content>` |
| 2. `<article>` | |
| | |
| 1. /path/to/blog/entry | `<id>` and `<link rel="alternate">` |
4. save all of the above into a new file named **articles.xml** (default name, but can be changed).
## ways to use
- configure a cron job on your web server to run automatically every now and then.
- if you manage your site with cPanel, [here's how to do that](https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/advanced/cron-jobs/).
- run the script locally on your machine.
- you can open the file on a local server like [five server](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=yandeu.five-server) for vscode or [XAMPP](https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html).
## example output
feel free to check out [the resulting file](https://jasm1nii.xyz/blog/articles/articles.xml) that i've generated.
## alternatives
- [cjwainwright/FeedGenerator](https://github.com/cjwainwright/FeedGenerator)