
135 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File

"(ip|dp|sp|r[0-3]),? (ip|dp|sp|r[0-3])",
"(ip|dp|sp|r[0-3]),? #(0b[0-1]{1,8}|(0x)?[0-9]{1,3})",
"(ip|dp|sp|r[0-3]),? [A-z][A-z0-9]*"
"opcode": 0b0000,
"patterns": 0,
"description": "Adds the immediate data, or the contents of the register given as the second operand to the register given as first operand."
"opcode": 0b0001,
"patterns": 0,
"description": "Subtracts the immediate data, or the contents of the register given as the third operand to the register given as the first operand."
"mnemonic": "adc",
"patterns": 0,
"description": "Adds the two operands plus the carry flag, stores in the first operand register."
"description": "Subtracts the second operand plus the carry flag from the first operand."
"description":"Performs logical NAND on the two operands; stores in first operand register."
"mnemonic": "xor",
"description":"Performs logical XOR on the two operands; stores in first operand register."
"description":"Shifts bits in the first operand register left by the amount specified in the second operand."
"description":"Shifts bits in the first operand register right by the amount specified in the second operand."
"description": "Copies the register or data in the second operand into the first operand register."
"description":"Loads the byte into the first operand register at the address specified in the second operand."
"description":"Stores the contents of the first operand register into the address specified in the second operand."
"description":"Pushes the contents of the specified register onto the stack."
"description":"Pops the first item of the stack into the specified register"
"description": "Branches to the specified memory address if the specified flag bit is set."
"description":"Branches unconditionally to the specified memory address."
"description":"Branches unconditionally to the specified memory address and push the lower 8 bits of (program counter + 2) onto the stack."
"description":"Sets the instruction page register to the upper 8 bits of (program counter + 4)."
"description":"Pulls the lower 8 bits of the return address from the stack and jumps to it."