2024-02-22 21:35:34 -07:00
2024-04-24 23:22:05 -07:00
<!-- <div id="avatar-frame" class="online"> -->
<!-- <span class="gloss"></span> -->
<!-- <img class="u-photo" width="100px" src="/images/avatar.jpg"> -->
<!-- </div> -->
{{ partial "avatar.html" . }}
<p class="about-me">
I'm yequari. I like programming, tabletop games, and the Transformers.
2024-02-22 21:35:34 -07:00
2024-04-24 23:22:05 -07:00
<!-- <div id="statuscafe"><div id="statuscafe-username"></div><div id="statuscafe-content"></div></div><script src="https://status.cafe/current-status.js?name=yequari" defer></script> -->
{{ partial "statuscafe.html" .}}
2024-02-22 21:35:34 -07:00
2024-04-24 23:22:05 -07:00
<!-- <h1>Social</h1> -->
2024-02-22 21:35:34 -07:00
<ul class="social">
{{ range site.Menus.social }}
<li class="social">
2024-02-24 10:39:17 -07:00
<img class="social" src="/icons/{{.Params.icon}}">
2024-02-22 21:35:34 -07:00
{{ if .URL }}
2024-04-20 17:25:35 -07:00
<a rel="me" href="{{ .URL | safeURL }}">
2024-02-22 21:35:34 -07:00
{{ .Name }}
<!-- <span class="social {{.Params.class}}"></span> -->
{{ else }}
{{ .Name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
2024-04-24 23:22:05 -07:00
<!-- <section> -->
<!-- <h1>Quote of the Day</h1> -->
<!-- <div id="quote"> -->
<!-- <p id="subtitle">.</p> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </section> -->