28 lines
1003 B

title: gitguide
date: "2022-04-26T13:48:03-07:00"
- tech
draft: true
Git is a version control software, a type of software the keeps track of versions of files in a directory. It was created by Linus Torvalds (the Linux guy) because he needed a way to easily track changes while maintaining the Linux source code
## Basic Workflow
Git tracks changes (i.e. versions) of your files in a repository. A repository is a directory on your computer that contains your files and git's metadata about the changes. To turn a directory on your computer into a repository, navigate to your directory in a terminal and run this command.
git init .
This has created an empty repo in the directory. The next step is to add some files.
- commit, pull, push, remote
## Branching
- checkout, merge
## Best Practices
TODO: how to protect sensitive information (passwords, API keys, etc)
TODO: you've committed some sensitive information, now what?
- undo commit
- if you've pushed