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2024-11-26 15:40:15 -05:00
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2024-11-26 15:40:15 -05:00
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
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<h1>about emma</h1>
2024-11-26 15:40:15 -05:00
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
this page serves as my way to introduce myself to you. perhaps you find yourself wanting to know more about the creator of this website, maybe you just like reading about random folks on the internet, or maybe you see a little of yourself in this site and want to see if reading about me helps you understand yourself more. so, let's talk about me, emma.
2024-11-26 15:40:15 -05:00
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
i'm emma, i'm in my younger 30s. I am a child of the late 90s and 2000s, and spent a lot of time on or around computers when i was younger. i'm nonbinary and bisexual, when i am able to order my pronouns i tend to order them in the way i typically feel i identify with the strongest, the order i chose in this case beeing she/they/he. the physical space i occupy rigth now is not safe to present in the way i would like, but with time i will be able to go somewhere i can be emma in my real life too.
2024-11-28 20:56:35 -05:00
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
much of my adulthood feels like i've been catching up with things other folks figured out about themselves in their teens and early 20s. i don't mind though, i'm simply happy i'm figuring these things out about myself. i find that knowledge and understanding of myself usually comes through knowledge and understanding of other people, as most of my life i've not really socialized with anyone that i would say really understands me.
2024-11-26 15:40:15 -05:00
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
2024-12-04 06:12:17 -05:00
i don't mean this in a "no one gets me" kind of way. genuinely i feel misunderstood until i've begun to seek out communities and people that see things and feel about things, in similar ways to me. i know, shocking i'm sure. emma's learned she has to surround herself with people who get her if she wants to feel understood, you'd be surpised how far one can go in life without learning this.
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
2024-11-26 15:40:15 -05:00
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
i have a cat, named baxter. maybe you've seen his homepages, maybe you've seen me gush about him in the 32 bit cafe discord server. whatever thecase, it must be said that i love my cat so much. him and i have been through a lot together, and we look out for each other as any human and pet that has formed a bond would. he knows me well and i know him well. we both don't like loud noises, nor do either of us really like dogs barking. we both look forward to meals, though i think he has a better appetite than i do most of the time. he knows the value of relaxing, something i've only learned recently. i hope to one day master his understanding of being present, and being in the moment. throughout my life i've had some wonderful pets that have allowed me to learn just as much about myself as i did them. from birds, to a rabbit, to wonderful dogs. you might like to read more about my life with animals <a href="../life/pets.php" target="_blank">here</a>.
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
music has been a big part of my life, both playing and listening to it. the creative process of making music and the discovery of new music to listen to is a healing process in itself that has helped me through much of my life. my tastes have shifted greatly as i've grown, and i've come to love music i never once thought i would as an angsty young teenager. you can read more about music and my relationship with it <a href="../life/music.php" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
in terms of other arts, i'm most drawn to photography, and was quite into it as a teenager. i had a 35mm slr as during the time film was still easy to get developed at a store and film slr cameras were very cheap 2nd hand. i would really like to revisit this hobby, in particular due to a new found interest in birding. i'd very much like to capture photos of all the fun birds that stop by during the day for a quick snack. i'd also like to return to taking photos of my most favorite subject, flowers. flowers are quite beautiful, and the high resolution of digital photography makes for stunning images. you can read more about my history with photography and how i want to pursue it further <a href="../life/photography.php" target="_blank">here</a>.
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
an early love of mine was computers and technology in general. i have fond memories of looking at circuit boards and imagining little cities full of streets and buildings all connected working together. computers and technology fed an early developed need to always know more and to go further with understanding. there was always something new to learn in a wide variety of topics. i eventually pursued a degree in tech and worked for many years in tech support, eventually parting ways with full time work at the advice of a doctor. i still find a fondness for tech, and am currently learning javascript as i've always loved the puzzle solving programming offers. if you'd like to learn more about my relationsip with technology throughout my life, you can do so <a href="../life/technology.php" target="_blank">here</a>.
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
i think that's enough about me, i hope you've taken a look at those links sprinkled throughout or maybe saved them for later. if you wouldn't mind, i'd like to know more about you! if you're up for it, you can sign the guest book or send me an email, both located <a href="../site/contact.php" target="_blank">here</a>.
2024-11-30 14:44:41 -05:00
2024-11-28 15:45:41 -05:00