There was an error logging in. Try again.

"; } } ?>

Admin panel login

Approved comments"; if (countComments($entries) > 0) { showEntries($entries, "approved"); } else { echo "

No entries to show.

"; } echo "

Back to admin panel

"; break; case "pendingcomments": $entries = dateSort(toArray("queue.csv"), true); echo "

Pending comments

"; if (countComments($entries) > 0) { showEntries($entries, "pending"); } else { echo "

No entries to show.

"; } echo "

Back to admin panel

"; break; case "edit": if (isset($_GET['pending'])) { $entry_id = $_GET['pending']; $entries = toArray("queue.csv"); $submittext = "Save and approve"; $back = "pendingcomments"; } elseif (isset($_GET['approved'])) { $entry_id = $_GET['approved']; $entries = toArray("entries.csv"); $submittext = "Save changes"; $back = "comments"; } $key = array_search($entry_id, array_column($entries, 'id')); echo "

Edit entry

"; if ($key !== false) { $entry = $entries[$key]; ?>

Back to list

This comment ID doesn't exist.

Back to list

Edit entry"; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $reply = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "
", $_POST['reply']); if ($_POST['comment_status'] == "pendingcomments") { if (deleteComment($_POST['comment_id'], "queue.csv", $headers)) { if (addComment("entries.csv", $_POST['name'], $_POST['url'], $_POST['date'], $_POST['comment'], $reply)) { echo "

Entry approved successfully.

"; } else { echo "

An error occurred processing this request.

"; } } } elseif ($_POST['comment_status'] == "comments") { if (updateComment($_POST['comment_key'], $_POST['comment_id'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['url'], $_POST['date'], $_POST['comment'], $reply, $headers)) { echo "

Entry updated successfully.

"; } else { echo "

An error occurred processing this request.

"; } } ?>

Back to list of comments

Entry deleted successfully.

"; } else { echo "

An error occurred processing this request.

"; } ?>

Back to list of comments

Oops! You must have gotten here by mistake.

Back to admin panel

